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Events / Workshops


Upcoming Events


  • 2025-[11|12]-xx to 2025-[11|12]-xx X2Go: The Spread 2025
  • 2025-[09|10]-xx LinuxDay.AT, Dornbirn, Austria
    • ToDo:
      • check/reprint handouts
      • needs smaller (shorter) posters than CLT - maybe ask for dimensions in advance and get a custom landscape-oriented print/plot (similar to TUEBIX 2023)? “max-width: 150cm”
      • needs LTE2ETH hotspot as fallback
      • tarp might be helpful for unloading/loading vehicle
  • 2025-[06|07]-xx TUEBIX 2025, Tübingen, Germany (no CfP yet)
    • ToDos:
      • check tent availability
      • check “decision helper” availability (paperweights)
      • request LAN cable via window/balcony → use powerline if unavailable
      • check/reprint handouts
  • 2025-[06|07]-xx to 2025-[06|07]-xz X2Go: The Gathering 2025
  • 2025-[05|06|07]-xx to 2025-[05|06|07]-xz Hack4Glarus 2025(.1?)
  • 2025-04-xx Linux-Info-Tag 2025, Augsburg, Germany (no CfP yet)
    • ToDo:
      • Needs NAT Router (Pi3+WiFi stick?) with local browser (+ X2Go?) for B@yernWLAN coupling
      • check/reprint handouts
      • check posters (New ones from CLT2024? Old ones from CLT2023 still good? Reprints needed?)
  • 2025-03-22 to 2025-03-23 Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany (no CfP yet)
    • ToDo:
      • check/reprint handouts
      • order new poster prints


Upcoming Events


  • no Hack4Glarus 2024.2 this year :'(
  • 2024-09-06(?) - 2024-12-xx more Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Parties?
  • 2024-05-xx to 2024-05-xx LinuxWochen Wien, Vienna, Austria - Looks like no such event has been scheduled so far.
  • 2024-05-17 to 2024-05-19 Hack4Glarus, Diesbach GL/Linthal GL, Switzerland 2024.1 - We couldn't make it :'(
  • Pi and More 13 1/2? Looks like no such event has been scheduled so far.

2024-11-17 to 2024-11-22, orca e.V. JHV and X2Go: The Spread 2024, online

  • Virtual event
  • Takes place in addition to X2Go: The Gathering 2024 - for everyone that couldn't attend in person
  • starts off with orca e.V. annual meeting (in German) on Sunday, followed by 5 evenings of English-language talks/presentations, demos, discussion, bug-squashing, coding, …
  • As in the previous years, there's a sub-page with all the details: Read more here...

2024-11-07, IT-Kongress HNU, Neu-Ulm, Germany

  • Website: IT-Kongress
  • Talk confirmed
  • Booth confirmed (still looking for booth volunteers - but likely Mihai & Stefan)
  • ToDo:
    • Needs NAT Router (Pi3+WiFi stick?) with local browser (+ X2Go?) for B@yernWLAN coupling
    • Check/Reprint Handouts
    • required hardware
      • for the booth: Pi400, Funai TFT, LexTwister, at least one of our demo TFTs, cirrus7, GBit ethernet switch, Logitech mouse, Acer Mouse + Keyboard + USB adapter, Logitech K400
      • for the talk: hp convertible, hp laptop, Samsung laptop, Pi4, GBit-Ethernet USB dongle
      • “Mental Note” for Stefan: Use Virt-Manager on cirrus for USB-Wifi-Passthrough

2024-11-02, Tux-Tage, virtual event

  • Website: Tux-Tage 2024
  • Talk confirmed, starts 12:05 CET/MEZ
  • Slides will be posted here after the event

Past Events

2024-10-12 to 2024-10-13, Interfug, Chemnitz, Germany

2024-09-28, LinuxDay.AT, Dornbirn, Austria 2024

  • Website: LinuxDay.AT
  • Booth confirmed
  • Booth volunteers: Mihai , Stefan, Juri, Franz
  • Talk confirmed
    • Talk was in German
    • Title: “Sicherer Fernzugriff dank Linux - selbst auf ein uraltes Windows” (“How to provide secure remote access to an ancient Windows installation using Linux”)
    • This was basically the same talk as the one at KieLux (see KieLux entry below for a recording)
    • Slides can be found here
    • ERRATA: The file /boot/firmware/config.txt needs the following block of text at its end to enable the watchdog:
# enable Hardware Watchdog

2024-09-23 - Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CEST to 22:00 CEST

  • Virtual Event
  • Mike and Mihai will discuss Gitlab workflow optimizations, Stefan will host
  • everyone else, especially with an X2Go Gitlab account, is welcome to join in and voice their opinions
  • Note: Event may be held in German
  • This event was originally scheduled for 2024-09-11, but had to be rescheduled due to Mike becoming unavailable on short notice

2024-09-19 to 2024-09-21, KieLux, Kiel, Germany 2024

  • Website: KieLux
  • This was a hybrid event
    • Sadly, once again no X2Go booth due to lack of volunteers/funding :'(
    • Talk confirmed
      • Talk was in German
      • Title: “Sicherer Fernzugriff dank Linux - selbst auf ein uraltes Windows” (“How to provide secure remote access to an ancient Windows installation using Linux”)
      • This was the more hands-on version of the talk, showing the neccessary installation steps for a Raspberry Pi and an external USB-Ethernet dongle
      • Talk was live-streamed from Stefan's home, but the live stream had some audio issues
      • Stefan re-recorded it with better audio, the recording can be found here
      • Slides can be found here
      • ERRATA: The file /boot/firmware/config.txt needs the following block of text at its end to enable the watchdog:
# enable Hardware Watchdog

2024-08-08 - Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CEST to 22:00 CEST

  • Virtual event
  • Uli and Stefan want to take a closer look at certain keysyms and their effect on the remote end, plus speed issues with Thunderbird that magically disappear in ISDN mode had some annoying connection/audio issues, plus Stefan was unable to reproduce the TB issue - we'll have to try again another time.
  • Event ended early, at about 21:00 CEST

2024-07-10 - Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CEST to 22:00 CEST

2024-06-28 to 2024-06-30 - X2Go: The Gathering 2024, Linuxhotel, Essen, Germany

Motto: Back to life, back to reality!

As in the previous years, there's a sub-page with all the details: Read more here ...

2024-06-22 TUEBIX 2024, Tübingen, Germany

2024-04-20 - Linux Info Tag Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany

  • Booth confirmed
    • booth staff: Mihai, Stefan, Juri
  • Sadly, our talk topic was turned down :'(

2024-03-16 - 2024-03-17 Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2024, Chemnitz, Germany

2024-01-29 Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CET to 22:00 CET

2024-01-22 Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CET to 22:00 CET

2024-01-15 Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CET to 22:00 CET

2024-01-08 Virtual X2Go Bugsquashing Party, online - 20:00 CET to 22:00 CET

Previous Years

events/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 18:49 by stefanbaur