Some of the X2Go components can be internationalized/localized (translated into many of the globe's languages as possible). Here is a short howto that explains what you need to do, to contribute your language to X2Go.
TL;DR; All translators please send their translation efforts (.po
files, .ts
files or git formatted patches) to the X2Go i18n mailing list. Please make sure that your files have a Unix EOL (line-ending) style. Thank you!
COMPONENT | da | de | es | et | fi | fr | nb_no | nl | ru | sv | tr | zh_tw |
x2goclient | x | x | incomplete | incomplete | x | very incomplete | x | incomplete | incomplete | x | x | outdated |
pinentry-x2go | x | x | x | - | x | - | - | x | - | - | x | - |
pyhoca-gui | x | x | x | - | x | - | incomplete | x | incomplete | x | x | - |
x2godesktopsharing | x | x | x | - | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | - |
x2gognomebindings | x | x | x | - | x | - | - | x | - | - | x | - |
x2gomatebindings | x | x | x | - | x | - | - | x | - | - | x | - |
x2goplasmabindings | x | x | x | - | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | - |
x2goadmincenter | x | x | x | - | x | - | - | x | - | - | x | - |
x2goserver | x | x | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | x | - |
x2gothinclient | x | x | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | x | - |
X2Go Client uses Qt4 which has a great tool to help you translate X2Go Client into your language - Qt Linguist.
TRANSLATIONS += x2goclient_sv.ts
Some locales have both language and territory specified, e.g. the file for the Bokmal languague in Norway is named x2goclient_nb_no.ts.
lupdate <filename>.pro
(e.g. lupdate
sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev libssh-dev libcups2-dev libgd2-xpm-dev
lrelease *.ts
make clean; make
git add <your-new-and/or-changed-files.ts>
git commit -m "change comment (in english)" <filename, e g x2goclient_sv.ts>
git format-patch -1
For more information related to Git, look here:
X2Go's pinentry tool uses the same translation mechanism as X2Go Client (Qt4, Qt-Linguist, .ts files). Thus, see above. The .ts
files are in the subfolder pinentry-x2go/
of the project's source tree.
For PyHoca-GUI as a translater you have to use a gettext compatible (.po/.mo files) editor like 'poedit
'. The translation process is described in the README.i18n
file within PyHoca-GUI's source tree.
python build_i18n
and to merge the updated template file into the source translation files, use
python build_i18n -m
Please also note that there is an NSIS installer (for the win32 version of PyHoca-GUI), that also has a few translatable strings. Check the nsis_include/
subfolder in the PyHoca-GUI source tree.
The X2Go Desktop Sharing applet uses the same translation mechanism as X2Go Client (Qt4, Qt-Linguist, .ts files). Thus, see above.
For translating the similar projects x2gognomebindings
(GNOMEv2 only) and x2gomatebindings
you need a gettext based editor like poedit
. The .po
files are in the po/ subfolder in the source tree.
Additionally, the GNOMEv2 / MATE Bindings package ships a desktop file that needs to be translated:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Suspend X2Go session Name[de]=X2Go Sitzung unterbrechen ... Name[<your_lang>]=<your_translation> ... Icon=exit Exec=x2gosuspend-session-mate Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=GTK;Network OnlyShowIn=MATE;
The plasma-widget-x2go
plasmoid uses the same translation mechanism as X2Go Client (Qt4, Qt-Linguist, .ts files). Thus, see above.
The X2Go Admin Center application uses the same translation mechanism as x2goclient (Qt4, Qt-Linguist, .ts files). Thus, see above.
Important: X2Go Admin Center has several .ts files to tackle (e.g. the Dutch translator has to work on all these four files):
x2goadmincenter/x2goadmincenter_nl.ts x2goadmincenter/modules/x2gogroupadmingui/x2gogroupadmingui_nl.ts x2goadmincenter/modules/x2gouseradmingui/x2gouseradmingui_nl.ts x2goadmincenter/modules/x2gosessionadmingui/x2gosessionadmingui_nl.ts
Note: X2Go Admin Center is still under development and not at all finished.
For X2Go Server as a translater you have to use a gettext compatible (.po/.mo files) editor like 'poedit
'. The translation process is described in the README.i18n
file within X2Go Server's source tree.
For X2Go Thin Client as a translater you have to use a gettext compatible (.po/.mo files) editor like 'poedit
'. The translation process is described in the README.i18n
file within X2Go Thin Client's source tree.