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X2Go: The Gathering 2018 - "Beyond the Release" @ shackspace, Stuttgart, Germany

Celebrating the 5th X2Go: The Gathering event, and the 7th annual X2Go meetup

Date: 2018-11-09 - 2018-11-11

Location: shackspace, Ulmer Straße 255, 70327 Stuttgart-Wangen, Germany (view on Google Maps)

Reaching shackspace:

  • by car: Please do not park directly in front of the building - you WILL be towed and fined.
    • roads where you should be able to find a free parking spot are:
      • Viehwasen
      • Ulmer Straße
  • by train/bus/subway/tram: nearest tram stop is “Im Degen, Stuttgart” (view on Google Maps) check for a suitable train/subway/tram connection on German Rail's web site
    • All ticket vending machines can be set to English by pressing the British flag on the screen. If you fear you might need assistance buying a ticket, E-Mail your name and mobile phone number to in advance.
  • by airplane:
    • nearest Airport is Stuttgart (STR) - continue to shackspace using the subway and tram as suggested here - you will need to buy a separate ticket from a DB/VVS ticket vending machine for the subway/tram part of the ride.
    • international travellers might be able to get cheaper/better flights to Frankfurt (FRA) - continue to shackspace using the train, bus, and tram as suggested here - holders of DeutscheBahn BahnCards may get the bus/tram part of the ride for free (please check if your ticket says “Stuttgart + City” somewhere in the destination field), everyone else will need to buy a separate ticket from a DB/VVS ticket vending machine for the subway/tram part of the ride.
    • All ticket vending machines can be set to English by pressing the British flag on the screen. If you fear you might need assistance buying a ticket, E-Mail your name and mobile phone number to in advance.

Core team member availability

The following core team members have indicated their availability for the entire weekend:

  • Michael DePaulo (via Skype/Hangouts, due to lack of funding for the flight)
  • Mihai Moldovan (room reserved Thu-Sun)
  • Mike Gabriel (room reserved Fri-Sun)
  • Stefan Baur

The following core team members have indicated partial availability for this weekend:

  • Heinz-M. Graesing (room reserved Sat-Sun)
  • Juri Grabowski
  • Ulrich Sibiller (not available on Saturday evening)

The following core team members will be unable to attend:

  • Oleksandr Shneyder


As always, we are open to sponsorships, and one has already found its way to us., who also co-sponsored our cloud-based macOS build servers - have agreed to sponsor this event with 500 EUR (plus VAT), like they already did last year. Their donation will be used for the lodging and dining costs of some participants.

Thinking of becoming a sponsor as well? Let us know! The more, the merrier! :-) Of course, all sponsors will be named on our sponsorship wiki page, unless they wish to remain anonymous.

Room Reservation

  • most rooms have been reserved at Gästehaus ABZ Stuttgart
    • a simple single room (shared showers/stalls per floor) is roughly 31 EUR/night, so 62 EUR total (might be slightly more due to taxes)
    • more comfortable rooms (separate shower/stall per room) is roughly 50 EUR/night, so 100 EUR total (again, might be slightly more due to taxes)
    • It is a 20 minute walk (or 10 minute tram ride) between the event location and the Gästehaus ABZ Stuttgart, as you can see here
  • we also have some rooms available at Hotel Discovery
    • single rooms there start at 80 EUR/night, so 160 EUR total (as above, might be slightly more due to taxes)
    • It is a 22 minute walk (or 11 minute tram ride) between the event location and the Hotel Discovery, as you can see here

For those of you that signed up for accommodation, the following rules are part of the deal:

Terms and Conditions

  1. If you become sick, then please stay at home. Let us know ASAP so we can cancel your reservation/reassign your room.
  2. If you've had recent contact with someone that has some contagious disease, and you are not 100% sure that you're immune - please, stay at home as well, and let us know ASAP so we can cancel your reservation/reassign your room.
  3. If you know that someone has a contagious disease, and you've signed up for our event, please do not seek physical contact with that person before the event. If you have anything that needs to be discussed because you need it for the event, use e-mail, phone calls, whatever, but don't visit each other, the reason being rule #2.
  4. If you cancel your reservation, it may mean we still have to charge you (exact terms and conditions depend on the hostel/hotel), if we cannot fill your spot with someone else. Of course, we will do our best to avoid this.
  5. If you have any dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, no pork, no alcohol, …), please let us know when you sign up so we can prepare everything in advance. Same goes for any food allergies or other medical conditions that we should know of.
  6. shackspace house rules are in full effect. An inofficial English translation will be provided $SOONISH.
  7. The golden rule of previous X2Go: The Gathering events is also still in effect: Don't be a dick.
  8. Taking part in the event means that while you are in the meeting room assigned to us, you are OK with being photographed, recorded (audio and/or video), and/or livestreamed, with the intent of making this material available to the general public. It also means you agree not to take pictures, record audio and/or video, nor run a livestream outside our meeting room (shackspace has many other rooms that you may visit during your stay), unless everyone that can be seen or heard has given you permission to do so.

shackspace Opening Hours

Note that these times are not yet confirmed - we're working on it.

  • Friday 16:00 CET or 18:00 CET to 22:00 CET or 24:00 CET
  • Saturday 09:00 CET to 22:00 CET or 24:00 CET
  • Sunday 09:00 CET to 16:00 CET or 18:00 CET (note: “cleaning rage” needed)



ORCA e.V. annual meeting

  • will take place Sunday morning, after breakfast - so 10:00 CET

Talk/Discussion topics

(these need to be worked into the schedule somehow)

  • X2Go: State of the Union (Stefan#1)
  • NX-Libs (Mike#1 and/or Mihai?)
  • Client improvements, Linux, Windows, macOS (Mihai?)
  • POWER LE (Stefan, Mihai - real quick)
  • X2Go DevMeetings (on-/offline), future of X2Go Online Dev meetings; X2Go-MiniGatherings in Ulm
  • Server Migration DNT→ for *
  • EnterpriseLibre “resurrection”
  • ORCA on Sunday 10:00
  • most pressing issues in X2Go?

Unsorted Topics/Ideas/Issues for the Event

  • Pale Moon/browser performance
  • Debian-Live on Raspi
  • Broker Demo Env on Stretch/Buster
  • GLX

More Info to come!

events/x2go-gathering-2018.1539333228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/12 08:33 by stefanbaur