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Database Access


No known exploits

Security on database Level


No known exploits
  1. Change to x2go-user using suid-perl. This is needed as there is a common database.
  2. Prepared statements should make things safe.


Might be exploited if someone becomes x2goprint-user
  1. The Cups-server connects the x2go-Server as x2goprint-user using ssh-key auth.
  2. x2goprint-user executes sudo to chenge the ownership of the pdf-file.
    • This script can currently be exploited.
    • If someone becomes x2goprint he might become root.

Possible solution 1

  • Start a local cups-server for every user
  • Server listens on a File-socket owned by the user
  • Add a PDF-Printer to that server (as the cups-user runs as that user, there should be no issues with file permissions)
  • Import printers from global server
  • + Secure solution, as no other user is involved
  • - Every user needs an extra instance (The extra memory usage should not be too much)

Possible solution 2

  • Write a simple C-Program 'x2goprinter' that is run as the user who wants to print unsing the s-Bit
  • The Program writes stdin to argv[1] in the printing-directory
  • It also checks whether the user is x2goprint or root
  • + Can be easily adopted
  • - x2goprint must be installed by the client
  • - s-bit → Needs security checks


No known exploits / Privacy issues
  • Currently Pulse-Audio authentication using a cookie-file is used.
  • No option of encryption, but can be tunneled via SSH.
  • When using the TCE the client has only one user. Therefore the following user may get sounds from the previous, suspended user.

Solution for privacy

  • Start pulse-audio server on the server
  • use sink-tunnel to tunnel to the clinet
  • Disconnect sink on suspend
  • Send sound to null-dev
  • This also solves issues if the client get disconnected unexpectedly.


Needs review
  • Is it possible to hijack an x2go-session? If yes, how? What can we do about it?
wiki/security/start.1313391982.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)