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x2goclient-cli was developed for testing purposes, but is still quite usable. There are some advantages over the graphical alternatives, e g easier to start multiple x2go sessions and autostart multiple sessions during logon.

There are some issues with it, the biggest problem is that after a session has ended there are still ssh tunnels running between the client and the server. If you then try to connect to a different server it will likely fail with an error message about “the remote proxy closed the connection while negotiating …”, because the local TCP port is still in use on the client.

Add these lines after the last line in x2goclient-cli to mitigate the problem:

my @SSHS = ();
my $ssh;
my $pid;
my @ssh_split = ();
# print "$0: Checking ssh sessions ...\n";
open(GR_SSH,"ps ux | grep \"ssh -p $port .*-N -L $gr_port:localhost:$gr_port $user\@$server\" | grep -v grep |");
if ($sound) {
   open(SND_SSH,"ps ux | grep \"ssh -p $port .*-N -R $snd_port:localhost:$snd_port $user\@$server\" | grep -v grep |");
if (scalar(@SSHS) > 0) {
   foreach $ssh (@SSHS) {
       $ssh =~ s/\s+/\|/g;
       @ssh_split = split(/\|/,$ssh);
       $pid = $ssh_split[1];
       # print "$0: Ending ssh session with pid $pid ...\n";
       system("kill -1 $pid");
} else {
   # print "$0: No ssh sessions found.\n";
wiki/development/x2goclient-cli-study.1294393845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)