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x2goclient-cli was developed for testing purposes, but is still quite usable.

There are some issues with it, the biggest problem is that after a session has ended there are still ssh tunnels running between the client and the server. This will mitigate that problem, add these lines after the last line in x2goclient-cli:

my @SSHS = ();
my $ssh;
my $pid;
my @ssh_split = ();
# print "$0: Checking ssh sessions ...\n";
open(GR_SSH,"ps ux | grep \"ssh -p $port .*-N -L $gr_port:localhost:$gr_port $user\@$server\" | grep -v grep |");
if ($sound) {
   open(SND_SSH,"ps ux | grep \"ssh -p $port .*-N -R $snd_port:localhost:$snd_port $user\@$server\" | grep -v grep |");
if (scalar(@SSHS) > 0) {
   foreach $ssh (@SSHS) {
       $ssh =~ s/\s+/\|/g;
       @ssh_split = split(/\|/,$ssh);
       $pid = $ssh_split[1];
       # print "$0: Ending ssh session with pid $pid ...\n";
       system("kill -1 $pid");
} else {
   # print "$0: No ssh sessions found.\n";
wiki/development/x2goclient-cli-study.1294393568.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)