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Still pending TODOs from April 2011

  • Communication:
    • FIXME Wiki accounts for: John Sullivan, Alexander Crössmann (HEINZ?)
    • handle mail obfuscation at GMANE (Heinz?)
    • send Wiki Changes to x2go-commits(?) → Heinz (todo)

Work in Progress

X2go ThinCLientEnvironment(Morty, Mike, Markus)
Provide X2go TCE for Debian squeeze, use tmpfs and probably aufs
(95% of 1 month) 95%95%Priority: High

  • Change the way the Thinclient works (Morty, Mike)
    • First steps are made the change the ramdisk to tmpfs: Started documentation in Wiki (DONE, docs are quasi complete)
    • Get audio working out of the box → DONE
    • Get the x2go client working without ldap (copy profile to home) → DONE
    • Get rid of x2gothinclientd package? → no, other solution found → DONE
    • Create scripts that support the configuration of dhcp, tftpd and nfs (e.g. crate snippets with the right information about paths) → DONE for tftpd/PXElinux, not planned anymore for dhcp, nfs → DONE
    • X2go CD Manager must work → DONE
    • X2go USB mount must work → DONE
    • X2go Smart Card Rules must work → TESTED, delay between logins
    • X2go Thin Shutdown must work → DONE

X2go Communications API definition(Mike, Basma, Felix, Dick)
Provide X2go with a standard way of communication between the client and the server
(10% of 3 month) 10%10%Priority: Normal

  • Define API
  • Reach consensus on the api
  • Produce unittests (use cases)
  • Implement server-side
  • Implement client-side

X2goServer Cleanup(Morty, Mike)
Cleanup X2goServer, place non-bin files in lib/ or share/
(90% of 1 month) 90%90%Priority: Medium

  • ENTERING TESTING PHASE!!! (as of 20110728) → TODO ALL!!!!!!
  • Makefile currently should be fixed. → DONE
  • Now dh_install and Makefile copy scripts either to /usr/bin or /usr/lib/x2go, depending on their use case:
    • a script that is called from the client is in /usr/bin → DONE
    • a script used internally in the x2goserver is in /usr/lib/x2go → DONE
  • A package x2goserver-compat has been added to take up old compatibility scripts. The x2goserver-compat package is only suggested by the x2goserver package, that is: has to be installed explicitly. → DONE
  • Move files from /usr/bin to appropriate directories → DONE
    • $PREFIX/bin (PACKAGE: x2goserver): → DONE
      • x2golistdesktops
      • x2golistsessions
      • x2gomountdirs
      • x2goprint
      • x2goruncommand
      • x2gosessionlimit
      • x2gostartagent
      • x2goumount
      • x2goresume
      • x2goresume-session
      • x2gosuspend-session
      • x2goterminate-session
      • x2goumount-session
        • keeping Symlink from x2goumount_session → x2goumount-session as the rename would break recent x2goclients
      • x2goshowblocks
      • x2gocmdexitmessage
    • $PREFIX/bin (PACKAGE: x2goserver-compat): → DONE
      • x2gosuspend → wrapper for x2gosuspend-session
      • x2goterminate
      • x2goumount_session → x2goumount-session
      • x2gosuspend-agent
    • $PREFIX/sbin: (PACKAGE: x2goserver): → DONE
      • x2gocleansessions
      • x2godbadmin
      • x2golistsessions_root
    • $PREFIX/lib: → DONE
      • x2gochangestatus
      • x2gocreatesession
      • x2gogetagent
      • x2gogetdisplays
      • x2gogetports
      • x2gogetservers
      • x2goinsertport
      • x2goinsertsession
      • x2gosqlitewrapper
      • x2golistsessions_sql
    • write man pages for scripts in $PREFIX/bin and $PREFIX/sbin → CREATED, need more content
    • create separate folders in source project: bin/, sbin/, lib/, etc/ → DONE
    • rename x2gosuspend-session to x2gosuspend (Mike: CAVE, this can cause compat problems with older clients)
      • Morty: Rename it and make a symlink → DONE, wrapper script

Improve Documentation(Heinz, Morty, Mike, John, Alexander, ...)
Use this Wiki to provide a good documentation for X2go
(1% of 3 months) 1%1%Priority: High

  • write man pages for scripts in $PREFIX/bin and $PREFIX/sbin (Mike → TODO)
  • improve Python API documentation (Mike → DONE)

Somewhen (post-Baikal)

  • Review x2goprinting
  • Review pulseaudio (If and how to add a pulse-server running on the server and not only the client)
  • Merge x2go*bindings package into one Git project x2godesktopbindings that will heavily use xdg commands etc. ====== DONE ====== ===== June 2011 ===== * Communication: * sync at least to GMANE (other lists as well?) → Mike (DONE) * Grant access to Heinz+Alex → Mike needs SSH keys… (Heinz → DONE, Alex → DONE) * x2gothinclient: feedback needed from Heinz+Alex if Morty's x2gothinclient approach can be worked into Git on (DONE)→ tmpfs branch has become master branch on 2011-06-29 * x2gothinclient: feedback needed from Heinz+Alex if Mike shall add local session profile support to x2gothinclient (DONE) → default thin client setup uses local session profiles now * Start discussion on X2go Bugtracker (on x2go-dev, in progress) ===== May 2011 ===== * Patches, change-of-concepts: * x2goprint (merged to x2goserver/master - merged by Mike, OK, DONE) * x2godropbox (merged to x2goserver/master - merged by Mike)… renamed to x2gomimebox (OK, DONE) * Packaging: * Move installation-logic from debian/rules to Makefile (Mike → mostly DONE) * Contact pkg-x2go-devel to announce official X2go upstream Git (Mike, DONE) ===== April 2011 ===== * Communication: * allow to send posts to → Heinz (DONE) * Announce Git officially on x2go-dev → Heinz (DONE by Mike) * Packaging: * build up X2go-internal reprepro Repository (Debian: Mike), stable and nightly-built packages (DONE) * Stable (TODO) and nightly-Builds (DONE) for Ubuntu (Morty/Reinhard) on Launchpad * Grant Reinhard and Mike administrative access for Ubuntu X2go PPA (DONE) ===== March 2011 ===== * GIT: Cleanup work of Uni-Erlangen (Morty) * x2goclient - done * x2goserver - done * nxcomp - done * nxcompext - done * nxcompshad - done * nxproxy - done * x2goagent - done * x2gognomebindings - done * x2gothinclientsystem - done - rename to x2gothinclient? * pinentry-x2go - done * GIT: Move clean branches to (Mike) * x2goclient - done * x2goserver - done * nxcomp - done * nxcompext - done * nxcompshad - done * nxproxy - done * x2goagent - done * x2gognomebindings - done * x2gothinclient - done - renamed from x2gothinclientsystem to x2gothinclient, no tags yet because of change-of-concept (Mike) * pinentry-x2go - done * Patches, change-of-concepts: * Check x2goserver package integrity (tarball releases 3.0.99-3 + 3.0.99-4) → Morty: new 3.0.99 branch (done) → Merge with master → Arw - done * Communication:**
    • feedback from Heinz pending about new version numbering scheme (refer to tags on → Heinz (done) → OK
wiki/development/project-planning.1313515607.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)