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X2go's Official GIT Repository

Within the X2go project development code is shared via a public GIT repository hosted by DAS-NETZWERKTEAM in Kiel, Nothern Germany (Servers: Hetzner Online AG). For any X2go GIT related questions, please contact our GIT repository administrator (currently: Mike Gabriel): git-admin (at) x2go (dot) org.

Access to X2go's GIT-Repository at BerliOS

Browse the X2go GIT repository tree in a webbrowser:

Anonymous X2go GIT Repository Access via GIT protocol (read-only)

The X2go project's BerliOS Developer GIT repository can be checked out through anonymous GIT with the following instruction set (in a Unix-like console session).

$ mkdir -p ~/x2go
$ cd ~/x2go
$ git clone git:// .

Contributing to X2go*

Only project developers can access the GIT tree via the SSH method. Please understand that we only restrictively grant write access to our GIT repository. However, you can send us patches via Mail (git-send-email). For submitting X2go patches, please use this eMail address:

Developer GIT Access via SSH

As an X2go developer, please substitute the field <developername> in the text below with your account login name. Substitute <package> with the X2go source package that you want to work on, substitute <branch> with the name of the branch of <package> you are contributing to. Enter your Git site password when prompted.

$ cd ~/x2go/<package>
$ git push ssh://<developername><package> <branch>

SSH Key Fingerprints of (fqdn:

RSA Key: ab:cd:4b:b2:d1:d1:19:11:ed:24:83:5a:06:b1:d4:d3

Objectives and Background Information

  • Our goal is to give the online community convenient access to our most recent work.
  • We have chosen a server location in Germany as one of our demands to the provider is that the GIT portal's WebGUI must not offend German laws regarding privacy protection.
  • We have chosen not to host the GIT ourselves, but have found a sponsor for hosting X2go GIT (
  • The X2go development team additionally runs an internal code repository. This is the team's private sandbox. This internal repository contains a copy of the public master branch of X2go as well as internal space for drafts, collecting new ideas, internal testing, etc.
  • In regular intervals (i.e. whenever sensible) the X2go development team pushes their work from their sandbox to the official GIT repository.
  • Community members, however, can apply for a GIT branch in X2go's BerliOS GIT repository. The person who applies for a branch (please contact our GIT administrator, if you want to apply, for the contact mail see above) will further on be called the »branch owner«. Branch owners can gather people around them. However, the branch owner will be the only person that can push to the designated branch on the official X2go GIT server.
  • The X2go team encourages you to form teams and work on your own branch and create your own blend of X2go. This will enable us all to cooperate and benefit from each others' work.

GIT Policies

On each GIT repositories (one GIT per source package) there are 2 permanent branches:

  • master branch
  • develop branch

An X2go release always means a merge from the develop branch to the master branch that then gets tagged with the upstream version number.

All X2go components that have been accepted for a future release can be found in the develop branch

There can be different temporary branches around release management:

  • release branches (release-<target-version>)
    • → branches off from develop branch
    • → merges into master branch
  • hotfix branches (hotfix-<target-version>)
    • → branches off from master branch
    • → merges back into master branch (and develop branch if needed)

And there can be different temporary branches around feature development. These branches we call feature branches:

  • feature branches (branch-<feature-name>)
    • → branches off from develop branch
    • → if feature gets accepted: merges back into develop branch

Further policies are:

  • Every GIT branch is readable by the public, there can be no private branches
  • The master branch is maintained by the X2go core development team (currently: Alex & Heinz)
  • The develop branch is maintained by the X2go core development team (currently: Alex & Heinz)
wiki/development/git.1296245643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)