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X2go's Server Core

The x2goserver package/tarball provides the server-side core of X2go. x2goserver is a collection of Bash and Perl scripts that take care for X2go server session management. X2go server currently uses NXv3 based libraries and tool for the backend implementation of X2go (graphical compression & caching for low bandwidth connections).

The individual x2goserver scripts do have rudimentary man pages. Some of the scripts are used internally (by other X2go server scripts), others are designed to be available to X2go client implementations (like the x2goclient application or Python X2go).

The scripts have manual pages. For the improvedment of these manual page we request everyone's help here.


  • recognize scripts that have to be available to clients (i.e. have to be in $PATH) → $PREFIX/bin or $PREFIX/sbin
  • move other scripts to $PREFIX/lib/x2go
  • improve manual page contents (what is the script for, what does it do, what values does it return, etc.)

The latest status of the x2goserver project's manual pages can be viewed via the gitweb tool of X2go's Git:;a=tree;f=.build_man2html/html/man8

wiki/components/x2goserver.1306755610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)