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X2Go Server Printing Component

For being able to use X2Go printing, you'll need a running CUPS server. You can use your network's existing CUPS server (multi-node X2Go printing, see below) or you can install a CUPS server on the same machine as the X2go server tools are running on (single-node X2Go printing setup).

X2go Printing is intended for
  • use on low bandwith networks – like internet connections or GSM connections
  • use of printers that are directly connected to X2Go (thin-)clients

For other scenarios, please use a central CUPS server (see multi-node printing below) without the X2Go printing feature installed.

X2Go Printing falls into two components:

  • cups-x2go – a CUPS backend that spools X2go print jobs
  • x2goserver-printing – the X2Go server-side printing add-on package.

:!: Before you begin!

This page is targeted at people who use Debian/Ubuntu packages provided by the X2Go project. Please make sure that you have added the X2Go repository to your package management system. The required steps are described here: Debian, Ubuntu (depending on the distro that you have chosen for your X2Go server).

Single-Node Printing


The minimal X2go server + CUPS setup is: install x2goserver, x2goserver-printing, cups, cups-x2go on the same machine.

sudo aptitude install x2goserver x2goserver-printing cups cups-x2go

Printing works nearly out of the box, you only have to add a virtual CUPS queue based on the Virtual X2Go Printer (cups-x2go) backend.

En Detail...

The X2Go server-side printing component contains the script x2goprint which accepts cups-x2go backend print jobs and processes them towards connected X2Go clients. It is an X2Go Server add-on included in the X2Go server source project. Debian/Ubuntu users have to install the extra package with the following command:

$ sudo aptitude install x2goserver-printing

For local X2Go printing (local means here: all processes take place on the same machine) only one further step for setting up X2Go printing is necessary: after installing the X2Go CUPS engine (package: cups-x2go) you have to a »Virtual X2go Printer« backend to your CUPS server.

  1. install package cups-x2go
  2. add a new printer in CUPS, possibly named: »x2goprinter« (name is arbitrary)
  3. as printing device (i.e. backend) you should select the “Virtual X2go Printer”
  4. as printing driver choose:
    • vendor: »generic«
    • model: »Generic CUPS-X2GO Printer«

You may configure further options by editing the file “/etc/cups/cups-x2go.conf” (the below code block shows the default set of options), but this should normally not be necessary:

##  cups-x2go.conf -- CUPS Backend Configuration

## Server with x2go system
#x2goserver = local

## dsa key for user x2goprint
#printdsa = /root/.x2go/ssh/.x2goprint/id_dsa

## command to generate pdf files
#ps2pdf = /usr/bin/gs -q -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="%s.pdf" -dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -c .setpdfwrite -f "%s"

## loglevel for cups-x2go, possible values: emerg, alert, crit, err, warn, notice, info, debug
#loglevel = notice
Before Sep 2011 configuring sudo was needed for local X2go printing, since then setting up sudo is only needed if CUPS with cups-x2go and the X2go server package are installed on different machines.

Multi-Node Printing

For an X2Go setup where X2Go server and CUPS server are hosted on different machines, please refer to the Multi-Node X2Go Printing setup.

wiki/components/printing.1321108533.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)