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X2GoClient Branding/Theming

X2GoClient can be branded/themed to match your Corporate Design/Corporate Identity.

X2GoClient Command Line Parameters

The relevant command line parameters for X2GoClient are:

  • –branding=</path/to/filename.svg> to change the logo in the lower left (default: face of a baby seal)
  • –background=</path/to/filename.svg> to change the background (default: shades of blue fanning out to the right)
  • –support-menu=</path/to/html-file.html> to add a Support… submenu item to X2GoClient's Help menu. The support information is provided via a simple HTML file. Example:
    <title>Support Information</title>
    <h1>In case of issues with this application:</h1>
    First, check the <a href=">Intranet Self-Help section on X2Go</a>.<br>
    If the issue persists, contact the helpdesk via:<br>
    Phone: +1 212 555-1234<br>
    E-Mail: <a href=""></a>
    Thank you for using X2Go today, take care, and goodbye!

Path names may be relative (starting with a dot and a slash) or absolute, or missing entirely.

On Windows, backslashes and drive letters may be used.

X2Go-TCE-Live Boot Parameters

In X2Go-TCE-Live, the parameters are named branding=<URL> and bg=<URL> and are passed to the client as boot parameters. Instead of a file path, these expect a URL. Currently, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP URLs are supported.

For a detailed description, see the corresponding section of the X2Go-TCE-Live documentation.

Example Screenshots/Files

(Coming Soon)

wiki/advanced/branding-theming.1706296423.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/26 19:13 by stefanbaur