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X2Go: The Gathering 2024

This event heavily depends on the Covid-19 situation in Germany. If we need to cancel it, we'll have another X2Go: The Spread in Q4/2024.

Motto: Back to life, back to reality!

Motto: Back to life, back to reality!

Date: 2024-06-28 to 2024-06-30

Location: Linuxhotel, Villa Vogelsang, Antonienallee 1, 45279 Essen-Horst, Germany

Evening Entertainment: Maybe a trip to an A320 flight simulator? Sorry, not going to happen, too expensive for a group :'(

X2Go: The Gathering is the annual event where users, admins, and developers (including the i18n volunteers) of X2Go meet face to face, to discuss current X2Go-related issues, fix open bugs, and have a good time getting to know each other. As there is some overlap between X2Go, Arctica, and orca e.V., you can expect to see members of those groups as well.

As usual, this will be a three-day event, and a “work and play” gathering; We'll have grid power, WiFi, hotel style rooms, youth hostel-like service, recreational facilities available, group entertainment available in the evening.

Please visit this page regularly to keep track of all updates.

Important updates will also be posted on our X2Go-Project mailing list.

Everything else: Still TBD.

Preliminary List of Participants

NameFunctionRoom typeSaturday warm meal
Stefan Baur Master of Ceremonies/Timemeister single room dinner
Mike Gabriel XO of Ceremonies prefers single room, would be ok with shared double room dinner
Mirko Glotz Videomeister no room required undecided
Juri Grabowski regular participant shared double room with Naira lunch
Naira Grabowski regular participant shared double room with Juri lunch
Mihai Moldovan Timegeselle single room dinner
Undecided Participant from Argentina regular participant single room undecided
Martti Pitkänen regular participant single room doesn't care
Ulrich Sibiller regular participant single room undecided


Dinner costs for Friday (Pizza delivery) will be sponsored by (up to 300 EUR total) - Thanks a lot!

Friday Schedule

Time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator Comment
probably 14:00h Check-In starts Mirko Quick introduction to Linuxhotel's house rules, distribution of room keys
14:00h - 17:20h informal get-together COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned upon! (except for showing holiday or family pictures and the like) - You're supposed to get to know the people behind the code
~17:20h Official Welcome Stefan
17:30h order Pizza
18:00h have fun eating Pizza, have a drink and get to know the other participants' X2Go-related work
followed by … setup of equipment for the coming days Stefan, Mirko, everyone else that has larger equipment takes place in the conference room - room won't be available before 18:00h!
18:30h Grocery Shopping for Saturday Stefan and at least one volunteer with a car
… until bedtime BoF meetings, coding session takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for “BoFing out”

Warm meal/cold cuts on Saturday: We are planning with one warm meal on Saturday. Everybody interested in a warm lunch will head to Unperfekthaus - we have a reservation there for an all-you-can-eat buffet, softdrinks included, and free access to the exhibition - starting at 13:00 CEST. For dinner, you will have access to some cold cuts. If you would prefer a warm meal for dinner instead, and cold cuts for lunch, we will likely cook or host a BBQ at Linuxhotel (or, worst case, order Pizza again). We will charge the same amount for both options, so you can choose freely (though we need to know some time in advance).

Saturday Schedule

time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
09:00h-10:00h Breakfast
10:00h-10:10h today's agenda Stefan
10:10h-10:20h X2Go's State of the Union Address Stefan
10:20h-10:25h 5min break
10:25h-10:45h open talk slot still open
10:45h-10:50h 5min break
10:50h-11:10h open talk slot still open
11:10h-11:15h 5min break
11:15h-11:35h open talk slot still open
11:35h-11:40h 5min break
11:40h-12:00h open talk slot still open
12:00h departure to UnperfektHaus for warm lunch everyone that signed up for warm lunch
12:20h-13:00h BoF meetings, coding session: takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for “BoFing out” everyone that hasn't signed up for warm lunch
13:00h-14:00h Lunch is served at UnperfektHaus everyone that signed up for warm lunch
13:00h-15:00h BoF meetings, coding session: takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for “BoFing out” everyone interested and not at UnperfektHaus
15:00h Stefan (or Mike) will sneak out to prepare dinner Stefan (or Mike)
15:00h-17:00h BoF meetings, coding session: takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for “BoFing out” everyone interested
17:00h-18:00h dinner is served everyone that signed up for warm dinner
18:00h-until bedtime BoF meetings, coding session: takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for “BoFing out” everyone interested

Sunday Schedule

time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
08:30h-09:00h Room Cleaning Rage - Rooms must be cleaned and cleared of all personal belongings by 9 am! All luggage and personal belongings need(s) to be moved to the back/to the sides of the Conference Room
09:00h-10:00h Breakfast - Note: WG meeting room must be cleaned and cleared by 10 am! takes place in Chimney Room
10:00h-11:00h orca e.V. außerordentliche Mitgliederversammlung - in German - mainly for orca Members! Stefan
10:00h-11:00h Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing Everyone else that isn't part of orca and doesn't want to listen in → please work quietly in the back
11:00h-11:10h 10min break
11:10h-13:00h Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing
13:00h-14:00h 30min lunch break (cold cuts/breadrolls) immediately followed by first Conference Room and Chimney Room Cleaning Rage important: start dishwasher ASAP Stefan(in charge)/Everyone
14:00h-14:10h first conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff Stefan(in charge)/Everyone
14:10h-17:30h Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing Everyone that's still left - that should be Mirko, …
17:30h-17:45h second Conference Room Cleaning Rage important: start dishwasher ASAP Mirko(in charge)/Everyone that's still left
17:45h-18:00h second conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff Mirko(in charge)/Everyone that's still left
18:00h End of Event Mirko

Cost Overview

Costs per person when staying in a single-bed bedroom
24,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+60,00 EUR for two nights in a single-bed bedroom
+16,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+30,00 EUR for lunch and dinner on Saturday
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=135,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan/Juri on Sunday morning (cash only) or in advance (direct debit/wire)
Costs per person when staying in a 2-bed/3-bed shared bedroom
24,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+30,00 EUR for two nights in a two-bed/three-bed bedroom
+16,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+30,00 EUR for lunch and dinner on Saturday
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=105,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan/Juri on Sunday morning (cash only) or in advance (direct debit/wire)
Costs per person when just “peeking in” and having breakfast/dinner/lunch with us
8,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee per day
+ 8,00 EUR for breakfast per day
+30,00 EUR for lunch and dinner on Saturday
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=59,00 EUR to 75,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan/Juri upon arrival (cash only)
Costs per person when just “peeking in” and not having breakfast/dinner/lunch with us
8,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee per day.
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=13,00 EUR to 29,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan/Juri upon arrival (cash only)
Additional costs to expect - (mostly) paid on site
+ ??,?? EUR hard liquor at Linuxhotel (cash only) - please drink responsibly, and don't drink at all if you're one of our designated drivers
+ 5,00 EUR Sauna at Linuxhotel (cash only, unless paid in advance)
+30,00 EUR for lunch and dinner on Saturday, if you want to skip breakfast, but want to have lunch/dinner with us


  • The usual “X2Go: State of the Union” talk
  • X2Go and Wayland/Waypipe → investigate, provide rough sketch/outline
  • and X2Go → try it out, document it
    • FAQ #13 seems relevant
    • libssh doesn't support SetEnv in config
    • using returns a prompt where the secret can be entered manually, X2GoClient could try to parse this like a 2FA auth …
  • Bugsquashing and Maintenance

orca e.V. außerordentliche Mitgliederversammlung (in German) - Sonntag, 30.06.2024, 10:00 CEST

 1.  Eröffnung
     a. Begrüßung
     b. Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
     c. Festlegung des Schriftführers für diese Versammlung
        (muss kein Vereinsmitglied sein)
 2.  Antrag: Abstimmung bezüglich der Nutzungsregeln für
 3.  Antrag: Abstimmung bezüglich möglicher Satzungsänderungen
     (75% Ja-Stimmen notwendig)
     a. zu eventuell notwendigen Änderungen, so das Finanzamt
        unseren Status als gemeinnütziger Verein aufhebt
        (dieses Jahr steht eine entsprechende Prüfung an)
     b. zu Ehrenamts- und Übungsleiterpauschalen
 4.  Bericht der Vorstände
 5.  Entlastung des Vorstandes (gesamt; im Verweigerungsfall einzeln)
 6.  Zwischenbericht des Kassenwarts
 7.  Neuwahl des Vorstandes:
     a. Kandidatenvorstellung
     b. (wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
     c. Wahl
 8. (Neu)wahl des Schriftführers (bislang vakant):
     a. Kandidatenvorstellung
     b. (wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
     c. Wahl
 9. weitere Anträge
10. Sonstiges
11. Ende

Die Reihenfolge der Punkte ist mit Absicht so gewählt, dass die Entscheidungen zuerst kommen, die eine
möglichst breite Mehrheit unter den Mitgliedern haben sollten - falls Teilnehmer nicht in der Lage
sind, für die gesamte Dauer anwesend zu sein.
events/x2go-gathering-2024.1716452180.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/23 08:16 by stefanbaur