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X2Go: The Gathering 2021 - Over 9000!

ATTENTION: This event has been CANCELLED due to illness of several core members. Please monitor the mailing lists and the general event page for updates as to when the next X2Go: The Gathering/ORCA meeting will take place.

Date: 2021-12-03 to 2021-12-05

Location: Virtual Event

X2Go: The Gathering 2021 - AKA “Over 9000!” - will be an entirely virtual event and will take place from Friday afternoon, 2021-12-03, to Sunday afternoon/evening, 2021-12-05.

If you're wondering what the “Over 9000!” is about, take a look at Wikipedia for the meme and at this website here, especially the box titled “COVID-19-Fälle” (active Covid-19 cases), which is way over 9000.

Under normal conditions, X2Go: The Gathering would be the annual event where users, admins, and developers (including the i18n volunteers) of X2Go, as well as members from the Arctica project and the orca e.V. nonprofit meet face to face, to discuss current X2Go-related issues, fix open bugs, and have a good time getting to know each other.

Sadly, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, this year's X2Go: The Gathering will have to remain entirely virtual.

Due to various reasons, we were unable to schedule the event earlier in the year, where Covid-19 infection numbers were lower and where meeting outside or keeping the windows open all day might have worked, so we're stuck with this late event date, which sadly coincides with the fourth Covid-19 wave here in Germany.

You can join in any time, even on short notice, no sign-up required .

Current plan is to have a fully virtual event, with live streaming and recording (YouTube):

  • Presentations online on Friday evening
  • “Hackathon”-like online meeting on Saturday, continuing into Sunday morning
  • ORCA annual (online) meeting on Sunday afternoon (official invitation to follow)

We plan to release (at least) three new features for X2Go at or at least shortly after this year's X2Go: The Gathering, namely:

  • the HTML5 client
  • server-side X2Go-KDrive support, and
  • X2Go support in Remmina.

The former two are currently already available via nightly builds, but we intend to declare them stable and turn them into a proper release. The latter should become available with the next Remmina release. Also, we intend to present the current state of X2Go-TCE on the Raspberry Pi.

If time permits (and the individuals required for this are available for it), we will also attempt to move our bugtracker and git to our own gitlab instance (at least for new bugs).


Usually, this section would read “As always, we are open to sponsorships”, but Covid-19 changes that as well.

As this year's event is an entirely virtual event, there is not really a need for event sponsorships.

However, if you're a company that had planned to sponsor the event, we'd appreciate it if you'd redirect the money to some paid work on X2Go instead.

A list of companies/individuals available for this can be found here.

If you're not sure what to sponsor - while the features already mentioned above are ready to be included in a stable release, they could still use some more love and affection.

For example:

  • The HTML5 and Remmina clients don't support file and printer sharing yet
  • The HTML5 client also lacks sound support
  • The HTML5 client only works with KDrive, not “classic” X2Go-NX (to be honest, NX inside HTML5 doesn't really make sense since we are about to release KDrive as stable, but if you feel you have a good reason for it, let us know …)
  • Remmina only works with “classic” X2Go-NX, not KDrive, and only on a client that still supports X11 (even though Remmina in general also works on a Wayland-only client) → KDrive support would require a shared library for KDrive, either written in GTK or with more low level rendering toolskits (e.g. Glib-2.0 and Cairo, etc.).
  • KDrive probably needs some more work on the Windows (and possibly macOS) Client side.
  • X2Go-TCE on the Pi, while functional in general, still has some untested areas and is a little rough around the edges.
  • Also, we have been contacted once again regarding USB forwarding support in X2Go, so anyone interested in co-sponsoring this feature should speak up or at least contact me off-list - maybe we can get a co-sponsoring going, lowering the cost for all parties involved.

And of course, you can also make donations, either in general or specifically earmarked for X2Go, via orca e.V.

Event Schedule

The entire schedule, save for the time and date of the orca e.V. meeting on Sunday, is still in a state of flux. We may move some presentations to a Saturday slot, depending on the availability of the speakers involved. If you would like to present something, please contact Stefan via E-Mail and let him know the title of your presentation/talk, the expected duration and the times you would be available. Of course, you can also pre-record your presentation/talk if you want, but you will have to upload it to YouTube yourself and let us know the link (it may be unlisted, but must not be marked “private”).


Friday Schedule

We will be using a Jitsi session for the presentations. The session will be live-streamed to YouTube, so please follow the presentation on YouTube to keep the load on our Jitsi server down. Links to both the Jitsi server and the YouTube livestream will be linked above, some time between 17:00h-18:00h on Friday.

For Q&A, we will try to take questions via Jitsi, but also via YouTube chat and possibly IRC - we'll see how that goes. :-)

Friday is a purely virtual event

Live stream / recording will be made available here.

Time Slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
~18:00h Official Welcome Stefan
18:00h-18:05h today's agenda Stefan
18:05h-18:15h X2Go's State of the Union Address Stefan
18:15h-18:20h 5min break
18:20h-18:40h HTML5 Client for X2Go Stefan, standing in for Alex
18:40h-18:50h 10min break
18:50h-19:10h (Lib)X2GoClient & X2Go Internals 2021 Mihai
19:10h-19:20h 10min break
19:20h-20:00h Introducing GitLab to X2Go Melroy
20:00h-20:10h 10min break
20:10h-20:30h X2Go Plugin for Remmina Daniel Teichmann (prerecording?)
20:30h-20:40h 10min break
20:40h-21:20h ??? TBA
21:20h-21:30h 10min break
21:30h-evening Open Coding/Bugsquashing Stefan

Saturday Schedule

We will be using a Jitsi session for the presentations. The session will be live-streamed to YouTube, so please follow the presentation on YouTube to keep the load on our Jitsi server down. Links to both the Jitsi server and the YouTube livestream will be linked above, some time between 09:00h-10:00h on Saturday.

For Q&A, we will try to take questions via Jitsi, but also via YouTube chat and possibly IRC - we'll see how that goes. :-)

Live stream / recording will be made available here.

Time Slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
11:00h-11:05h today's agenda Stefan
11:05h-11:25h Last year's changes and improvements to NX-libs Uli
11:25h-11:35h 10min break
11:35h-11:55h X2Go-TCE-Live on the Raspberry Pi Stefan
11:55h-12:05h 10min break
12:05h-evening Open Coding/Bugsquashing Stefan

You will most likely hear us talk in German, but don't let that stop you from interrupting us and asking questions in English. We'll be monitoring the IRC channel #x2go on as well as the YouTube chat.

Topic Participants
the dreaded NX Clipboard bug - is it still an issue or gone for good? Uli, Stefan
X2Go connections freeze after a while on Ubuntu 20.04 when used as a server Stefan → Uli/Mihai
X2GoClient: Desktop Environment selection Mihai, Mike#2
macOS issues in X2GoClient Mihai, Mike#2
libx2goclient Mihai
review of ORCA finance report Juri, if still required
TCE on Pi Juri, maybe Stefan and Mihai
EnterpriseLibre VHost? Juri
Gitlab? Juri, but will probably require Mike#1, so → Sunday or another time
Broker Demo on Buster/LDAPS Stefan, if time permits

Sunday Schedule

For Sunday, as there are no presentations after the ORCA meeting, we'll be streaming directly to YouTube. Feel free to ask questions in the YouTube chat or via IRC.

Live stream / recording will be made available here.

Time Slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
11:00h-13:00h ORCA Annual Meeting, see below Stefan / Mike
13:00h-evening Open Coding/Bugsquashing Stefan
End of Event Official Goodbye Stefan

ORCA e.V. annual meeting

  • Date: 2021-12-05
  • Time 11:00 CET
  • Location: Online Link zum virtuellen Konferenzraum wird hier veröffentlicht
  • Komplette Aufzeichnung wird hier veröffentlicht - Sprung zu den einzelnen Abschnitten über die Links unten
  • This is the annual meeting (“Jahreshauptversammlung”) of ORCA e.V.
  • ORCA
    • stands for Open Remote Computing Association
    • has been founded at X2Go: The Gathering 2017
    • includes members of several open remote computing projects, like Arctica and FreeRDP, not only X2Go
  • We are required to have these meetings about once a year.
  • As X2Go: The Gathering is an event where the majority of ORCA members tends to take part in, it makes sense to hold the required annual meeting as part of the X2Go: The Gathering event.
  • The meeting is likely to take place on Sunday. Current orca e.V. members will be invited to this event by individual e-mail.
  • The language of this event item is German.

This event item has its own sub-agenda:

Vorläufige Agenda - Ergänzungen/Änderungen können bis zur und auch während der Versammlung per Antrag erfolgen!

  1. Eröffnung
    1. Begrüßung
    2. Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
    3. Festlegung des Schriftführers für diese Versammlung - (Anm.: muss kein Vereinsmitglied sein)
  2. Bericht der Vorstände
  3. Entlastung des Vorstandes (Anm.: gesamt; im Verweigerungsfall einzeln)
  4. Bericht des Kassenwarts
  5. Entlastung des Kassenwarts
  6. Abstimmung über Höhe und Fälligkeit der Mitgliedsgebühren (Anm.: Stefan/Juri prüfen, ob bisheriger Betrag ausreichend sein sollte; spätester Einzahlungstermin wieder xx.xx.; Mahnung +30t.; Ausschluss weitere +30t)
  7. Anträge
  8. Neuwahl des Vorstandes:
    1. Kandidatenvorstellung:
      1. Stefan Baur (amtierender 1. Vorsitzender) → 1. Vorsitzender
      2. Mike Gabriel (amtierender 2. Vorsitzender) → 2. Vorsitzender
      3. weitere Kandidaten nach spontaner Meldung
    2. (wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
    3. Wahl
  9. Neuwahl des Kassenwarts:
    1. Kandidatenvorstellung
    2. (wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
    3. Wahl
  10. (Neu)wahl des Schriftführers (bislang vakant):
    1. Kandidatenvorstellung
    2. (wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
    3. Wahl
  11. Sonstiges
  12. Ende
events/x2go-gathering-2021.1638367916.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/01 14:11 by stefanbaur