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X2Go: The Gathering 2020 - AKA V/RUS, the Virtual/Remote User Symposium

Status: Date and Location (save for some last-minute Covid-19 related changes) confirmed.

Date: 2020-09-18 to 2020-09-20

Location: shackspace, Ulmer Straße 255, 70327 Stuttgart-Wangen, Germany (view on Google Maps)

Why not Linuxhotel: Due to Covid-19, we have limited the registration to participants from the DACH region. Carpooling for several hours in times of Covid-19 is a bad idea, plus it doesn't really make sense to ferry the team from southern Germany to Essen and back, when all participants are native to southern Germany and/or Austria/Switzerland.

While X2Go: The Gathering is a pretty small event with usually no more than 15 participants, it has had international visitors in the past, which brings a risk of spreading Covid-19 further. As the Covid-19 pandemic will bug us until spring 2021 at the very least, we kindly ask our international participants to stay at home and join us virtually instead. Thus, we will only allow registrations from Germany, Austria, Switzerland (DACH).

If you're interested in joining us physically, please contact Stefan Baur. Note that we will not be providing accomodation this year (so if you cannot commute daily, you will have to look for a hotel/hostel room yourself), but we still need your contact info if you wish to take part in person, due to current Covid-19 health regulations. Also, you will be required to wear a non-medical everyday mask or comparable mouth and nose cover (of course, better masks like N95/KN95/FFP2/FFP3 are okay as well, as long as they do not have an exhalation valve), both when using public transport (and while waiting at the platforms/stops), as well as inside shackspace (you will likely be allowed to take the mask off while sitting at your desk, but we cannot guarantee that yet).

For joining us virtually, you can join in any time, even on short notice, no sign-up required (it would still be nice if you'd let us know in advance, so we can make sure we have sufficient server and streaming capacity).

Reaching shackspace:

Current plan is to have a hybrid event:

  • Presentations online on Friday evening
  • “Hackathon”-like in-person meeting on Saturday, continuing into Sunday morning (roughly 4 people), with a live stream
  • ORCA annual meeting on Sunday afternoon (official invitation to follow), with most of the members attending via live stream


Usually, this section would read “As always, we are open to sponsorships”, but Covid-19 changes that as well.

As this year's event is a hybrid event with minimal on-site participation, there is no need for event sponsorships.

However …, who also sponsor our cloud-based macOS build servers for 2020 - had already pledged to sponsor this event with 700 EUR (plus VAT), a 200 EUR increase over their usual X2Go event sponsorships in the previous years. Upon hearing about our change of plans, they decided to add another 300 EUR on top, so now we're at 1000 EUR (with no VAT incurring) - which we will now use to tackle the long-lasting clipboard issues in NX.

KLO Ingeniería Informática

KLO Ingeniería Informática had already made a 100 EUR donation (currently in escrow on the ORCA account) a while ago, also aimed at fixing said NX clipboard issues, so we currently have a total of 1100 EUR at our disposal for this.

Event Schedule


Friday Schedule

We will be using a Jitsi session for the presentations. The session will be live-streamed to YouTube, so please follow the presentation on YouTube to keep the load on our Jitsi server down. Links to both the Jitsi server and the YouTube livestream will be linked above, some time between 17:00h-18:00h

For Q&A, we will try to take questions via Jitsi, but also via YouTube chat and possibly IRC - we'll see how that goes. :-)

Jitsi room (for presenters and for asking questions after each presentation):

Livestream can be found at: (second new link, sorry, our stream stopped unexpectedly - again)

Friday is a purely virtual event

Time Slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
~18:00h Official Welcome Stefan
18:00h-18:05h today's agenda Stefan
18:05h-18:15h X2Go's State of the Union Address Stefan
18:15h-18:20h 5min break
18:20h-18:40h HTML5 Client for X2Go Mike#1 (prerecorded message due to possible scheduling conflict) - Recording available here
18:40h-18:50h 10min break
18:50h-19:10h libx2goclient/X2Go Plugin for Remmina Mihai
19:10h-19:20h 10min break
19:20h-19:50h Last year's changes and improvements to NX-libs Uli
starting times of the presentations below this line may change
20:00h-20:20h An X2Go Use Case: Computational Fluid Dynamics as a cloud service Chris Greenshields (
20:20h-20:25h 5min break
20:25h-20:45h Realtime audio compression in QVD: Benefits, implementation and challenges Vadim Troshchinskiy (QVD)
20:45h-20:55h 10min break
20:55h-open end Virtual Open Coding/Bugsquashing

Saturday Schedule

Livestream can be found at: (Link TBA)

Open Coding/Bugsquashing, starting 10:00h, expected to end around 18:00h; Stefan will be in charge of the “airing out” breaks (10 minutes every 20-30 minutes) if windows cannot be left open permanently

Topic Participants
the dreaded NX Clipboard bug Uli, Stefan
X2GoClient: Desktop Environment selection Mihai, Mike#2
macOS issues in X2GoClient Mihai, Mike#2
libx2goclient Mihai
review of ORCA finance report Juri, if still required
TCE on Pi Juri, maybe Stefan and Mihai
EnterpriseLibre VHost? Juri
Gitlab? Juri, but will probably require Mike#1, so → Sunday or another time
Broker Demo on Buster/LDAPS Stefan, if time permits

Sunday Schedule

Livestream can be found at: (Link TBA)

Time Slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
10:00h-12:00h ORCA Annual Meeting, see below Stefan / Mike
12:00h-evening Optional Open Coding/Bugsquashing - please remember to make sufficient “airing out” breaks / Lunch break around 13:00h Stefan
evening Cleaning Rage - tidy up the room - note that only one person should be in the room and windows need to be open when vacuum cleaner is being used Stefan
End of Event Official Goodbye Stefan

ORCA e.V. annual meeting

  • Date: 2020-09-20
  • Time 10:00 CEST
  • Location: Online/shackspace, Ulmer Straße 255, 70327 Stuttgart - Link to virtual meeting room will be posted HERE / Link zum virtuellen Konferenzraum wird HIER gepostet werden
  • This is the annual meeting (“Jahreshauptversammlung”) of ORCA e.V.
  • ORCA
    • stands for Open Remote Computing Association
    • has been founded at X2Go: The Gathering 2017
    • includes members of several open remote computing projects, like Arctica and FreeRDP, not only X2Go
  • We are required to have these meetings about once a year.
  • As X2Go: The Gathering is an event where the majority of ORCA members tends to take part in, it makes sense to hold the required annual meeting as part of the X2Go: The Gathering event.
  • The meeting is likely to take place on Sunday. Current orca e.V. members will be invited to this event by individual e-mail.
  • The language of this event item is German.

This event item has its own sub-agenda:

  1. Eröffnung
    1. Begrüßung
    2. Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
    3. Festlegung des Schriftführers - (Anm.: muss kein Vereinsmitglied sein)
  2. Bericht der Vorstände
  3. Entlastung des Vorstandes (Anm.: gesamt; im Verweigerungsfall einzeln)
  4. Bericht des Kassenwarts
  5. Entlastung des Kassenwarts
  6. Abstimmung über Höhe und Fälligkeit der Mitgliedsgebühren (Anm.: Stefan/Juri prüfen, ob bisheriger Betrag ausreichend sein sollte; spätester Einzahlungstermin wieder 31.10.; Mahnung 30.11.; Ausschluss 31.12.)
  7. Anträge
  8. Sonstiges
  9. Ende

Core Team Members Availability Chart

            Sept 2020     Oct 2020
          Fr|18|25|      | 2| 9|
          Sa|19|26|      | 3|10|
          Su|20|27|      | 4|11|
Alex:       |  |  |      |  |  |
h1:         |N |V*|      |N |N |
Juri:       |  |N?|      |  |  |
Mike#1:     |  |  |      |  |  |
Mike#2:     |  |N |      |  |  |
Mihai:      |  |  |      |  |  | (currently no hard N's)
Stefan:     |  |  |      |  |  |
Uli:        |  |  |      |N |  |
Most likely  ^^ ^^

 * V = only via videochat

Note: October weekends should be avoided if possible; multiple issues (public holiday on first weekend, LinuxDay.AT on second weekend, general time constraints) with these.

Note for Stefan: Make sure shackspace has sufficient paper towels and disinfectant; also face masks if budget allows.

events/x2go-gathering-2020.1600451795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/18 17:56 by stefanbaur