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X2Go: The Gathering 2020 - AKA V/RUS, the Virtual/Remote User Symposium

Status: Currently in early planning phase.

Date: We've narrowed the possible event dates down to the following two weekends: 2020-09-18 to 2020-09-20, 2020-09-25 to 2020-09-27 Location: most likely a venue in southern Germany (Stuttgart, Ulm, or Treuchtlingen), making Linuxhotel, Villa Vogelsang, Antonienallee 1, Essen, Germany (Google Maps) unlikely for this year. Carpooling for several hours in times of Covid-19 is a bad idea, plus it doesn't really make sense to ferry the team from southern Germany to Essen and back, when all participants are native to southern Germany and/or Austria/Switzerland.**

While X2Go: The Gathering is a pretty small event with usually no more than 15 participants, it has had international visitors in the past, which brings a risk of spreading Covid-19 further. As the Covid-19 pandemic will bug us until spring 2021 at the very least, we kindly ask our international participants to stay at home and join us virtually instead. If we do meet in person at all (a decision has not been made yet), we will only allow registrations from Germany and possibly Austria/Switzerland, depending on whatever regulations may be in place by then.

Current plan is to have a hybrid event:

  • Presentations online on Friday evening
  • “Hackathon”-like in-person meeting on Saturday, continuing into Sunday morning (roughly 4 people), with a live stream
  • ORCA annual meeting on Sunday afternoon (official invitation to follow), with most of the members attending via live stream

Core Team Members Availability Chart

            Sept 2020     Oct 2020
          Fr|18|25|      | 2| 9|
          Sa|19|26|      | 3|10|
          Su|20|27|      | 4|11|
Alex:       |  |  |      |  |  |
h1:         |N |V*|      |N |N |
Juri:       |  |  |      |  |  |
Mike#1:     |  |  |      |  |  |
Mike#2:     |  |N |      |  |  |
Mihai:      |  |  |      |  |  | (currently no hard N's)
Stefan:     |  |  |      |  |  |
Uli:        |  |  |      |N |  |
Most likely  ^^ ^^

 * V = only via videochat

Note: October weekends should be avoided if possible; multiple issues (public holiday on first weekend, LinuxDay.AT on second weekend, general time constraints) with these.

Note for Stefan: If Gathering takes place in Essen, check Unperfekthaus availablility - they might be closed for renovation or something similar.

events/x2go-gathering-2020.1596700561.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/06 07:56 by stefanbaur