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X2Go: The Gathering 2014 @ Linuxhotel

Date: 2014-10-31 to 2014-11-02

Three-day event at (for conditions, see: /, Essen (“work and play” gathering; grid power, wifi, hotel style rooms, youth hostel-like service, recreational facilities available, sightseeing tours/group entertainment available in the evening)


  • planning and preparation - Stefan Baur
  • carpooling option for the Karlsruhe-Frankfurt-Essen route - Mihai Moldovan
  • carpooling option for the Netherlands-DUS Airport-Essen route - Jos Wolfram
  • liaison for Linuxhotel staff between 2014-10-31 and 2014-11-02 - Mike Gabriel

List of Participants

All participants in alphabetical order:

  1. Baur, Stefan
  2. Burger, Uwe
  3. DePaulo, Michael
  4. Epema, Kees
  5. Fleten, Kjetil Andre
  6. Gabriel, Mike
  7. Graesing, Heinz-Markus
  8. Heinold, Henning
  9. Heinold, Tobias
  10. Moldovan, Mihai
  11. Wimpress, Martin David
  12. Wolfkamp, Jos

(Friday) Participants present at Linuxhotel when opening speech is held:

  1. Epema, Kees
  2. Fleten, Kjetil Andre
  3. Gabriel, Mike
  4. Graesing, Heinz-Markus
  5. Heinold, Henning
  6. Heinold, Tobias
  7. Wimpress, Martin David
  8. Wolfkamp, Jos

(Friday) Participants still on the road while opening speech is held:

  1. Baur, Stefan
  2. Burger, Uwe
  3. DePaulo, Michael
  4. Moldovan, Mihai

(Saturday) Tour participants in alphabetical order:

  1. Baur, Stefan
  2. Burger, Uwe
  3. DePaulo, Michael
  4. Graesing, Heinz-Markus
  5. Moldovan, Mihai

(Saturday) Stay-behind group in alphabetical order:

  1. Epema, Kees
  2. Gabriel, Mike
  3. Heinold, Henning
  4. Heinold, Tobias
  5. Wimpress, Martin David
  6. Wolfkamp, Jos


Friday 2014-10-31

  • arrival: 1800 hours/6pm local time (CET - Central European Time - note that daylight saving time in Germany ends a few days before this date)
  • option to order Pizza, bringing your own food is OK, too.
  • get-together in the chimney room (there's Wi-Fi and power, so if you want to code away, feel free to do so)
Arrival time Participant(s)
16:00 Jos, Kees, Kjetil, Martin
17:00 Mike#1
17:45 Heinz
18:00-19:00 Henning & Tobias
21:00-22:00 Stefan, Mihai, Uwe, Mike#2
Time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator Comment
19.00h Welcome to X2Go Gathering Mike Gabriel and Heinz-M. Graesing Organizational information
19.45h Pizza
21.00h Show-And-Tell: TCE-NG, electronic GloveBox, X2GoClient on non-rooted Android (within a Debian Wheezy chroot), Unity Greeter / Remote Login to X2Go Sessions … Everyone's chance to present their X2Go use case, latest developments, spinoffs, …
22.00h and beyond open coding session / setup of video equipment / introduction to bugtracker use (for the uninitiated …)

Saturday 2014-11-01

time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator Comment
09.00h Breakfast (until 10.00h)
in parallel 09.00h-10.10h Payment Time! Stefan Baur Stefan will collect the hotel fees from each participant (invoices available, if you need one for your employer/tax declaration)
10.10h X2Go's State of the Union Address Mike Gabriel
10.45h mTeleplayer/Telekinesis/X2Go Server 5 TheUser2 (via Skype)
11.30h 20min break
11.50h Future organizational structure of the X2Go project Heinz-Markus Graesing and Mike Gabriel Open Discussion, 5min-10min breaks will be inserted as needed by the participants
12.35h self-organized lunch break no lunch will be served
13.20h Coal miners group: Leave for guided tour Stefan Baur details see below / Stefan will buy a 5-person day pass and a 1-person day pass for “Zone A” ⇒ that's 18,50 EUR + 6,50 EUR = 25 EUR total
14.30h X2Go Session Broker I Mike Gabriel
15.15h Support for rbash, PostgreSQL, GSSAPI Henning Heinold
16.00h <open slot> for coders group / free coding
16.25h Kjetil's departure walk to Essen-Horst (arr: 16:40) / 5 minutes to buy the ticket / 16:45 Subway from Essen-Horst to Essen Central Station (arr: 16:55) / 17:09 local train from Essen Central Station to DUS (arr: 17:31)
16.55h Coders group: Leave for dinner time at Unperfekthaus, Essen Mike Gabriel details see below / Mike#1 will buy a 5-person day pass for “Zone A”. ⇒ that's 18,50 EUR total
17.45h Re-join at Unperfekthaus, Essen
18.00h Dinner at Unperfekthaus
19.00h Option to either travel back to the hotel or to visit Unperfekthaus exhibition or discuss with people we need to form groups of ~ 5 people that share a common decision to either travel back or stay, due to the tickets involved
21.30h “Last chance” to travel back to Linux Hotel
22.00h X2Go Session Broker II Mike Gabriel
22:45h and beyond open coding session / bug squashing

English guided tour: About Coal and Miners

  • English guided tour: starting 1500 hours/3pm local time (note that we will have to leave Linuxhotel/Unperfekthaus before that, as our teleporter and time machine are still undergoing repairs ;-))
    • Update: we will have to arrive by approx. 1430 hours/2:30pm local time to pick up our reserved tickets!
    • This means we will
      1. leave Linuxhotel by 1320 hours/1:20pm local time,
      2. walk to the subway station (approx 15 minutes) and buy our subway tickets,
      3. take the 1345 hours/1:45pm subway to Essen Main Station,
      4. take the Tram # 107 departing 1417 hours/2:17pm local time to Essen Zollverein
      5. walk from Essen Zollverein to the ticket booth (approx. 2 minutes)
    • Due to late feedback from some participants, there are only 6 slots available for the tour unless we would book a custom one (which would have been more expensive, so we opted against it)
    • We have reserved these 6 slots and will fill them as follows
      1. Mike#2
      2. Uwe
      3. Mihai
      4. KjetilMartin
      5. Heinz
      6. Stefan
    • Tour participants: Please bring warm clothing and wear sturdy shoes, as we will be spending a good deal of the tour outside and/or on slippery ground, and things might get dirty (it is a coal mine, after all …)!
  • depending on majority vote, we will either have lunch before the guided tour, or dinner afterwards. Update: Dinner will be after the guided tour, see below.
  • Pricing info
    • guided tour through the coal mine: 9 EUR per person

Finding your dinner at Unperfekthaus, Essen

  • For Dinner, we will go to the restaurant, as they offer “flat rate” food and all items on their menu are tagged in English and German.
    • Tour participants:
      1. You will leave the mining site with the Tram #107 to Viehofer Platz at either
        • 1711 hours/5:11pm or Update: Departure times have changed
        • 1726 hours/5:26pm, depending on the exact ending time of the tour (it is scheduled to last 2 hours),
      2. from Viehofer Platz, it is an 11 minute walk to Unperfekthaus,
      3. So you will arrive at Unperfekthaus either around 1737 hours/5:37pm local time or 1752 hours/5:52pm local time.
    • Folks staying behind at Linuxhotel, please:
      1. leave Linuxhotel by 1655 hours/4:55pm local time,
      2. walk to the subway station Essen-Horst,
      3. get your tickets,
      4. board subway line S3 departing 1715 hours/5:15pm local time to Essen West,
      5. at Essen West, change to Tram #109 departing 1732 hours/5:32pm local time and exit at Berliner Platz,
      6. from there, it's a 5 minute walk to the Unperfekthaus, so you should be there by 1746 hours/5:46pm.
    • If you decide to tour the city on your own, please be at Unperfekthaus around 1745 hours/5:45pm.
    • Info: Unperfekthaus is located at Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 18, Essen.
  • Pricing info
    • Unperfekthaus food & soft drink flat rate plus visit to the exhibition area: 15,90 EUR per person for one hour, option to upgrade to up to five hours by paying 4 EUR extra p.p. → 19,90 EUR total p.p.

Sunday 2014-11-02

time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator Comment
10.30h-11.00h Future organizational structure of the X2Go project Heinz-Markus Graesing and Mike Gabriel
11.00h-11.30h Crowdfunding Crowd-funding NX rewrite/rebasing Mike Gabriel and Heinz-Markus Graesing Open Discussion
12.15h-12.30h Lightning Talk X2Go / MATE / Ubuntu MATE Remix Martin Wimpress and Mike Gabriel status quo, RFHs
12.30h-13.00h Lunch break
13.00h-13.30h Cleaning Rage
13.30h-14.00h first conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff Mihai, Mike#2, Uwe, Stefan will leave afterwards
14.00h-15.30h ???
15.30h-15.55h second conference room inspection w/ hotel staff

Room Cleaning Rage

  • we need to clean the rooms ourselves, that's one of the reasons why the rates are so cheap
  • stowing of personal belongings in chimney room or conference room

Leaving Linux Hotel

  • departure is around 1530 hours/3:30pm local time
Departure time Participant(s)
???? Jos, Kees, Martin
11:45 Heinz
14:00 Stefan, Mihai, Uwe, Mike#2
15:30 Mike#1
15:55 Martin: 15 Minute walk to Essen-Horst, 5 minutes for buying a ticket, 16:15 train to Essen Central (arr:16:25), 16:35 train to DUS (arr:17:11), plane departure is 18:25
???? Henning & Tobias

Topics for the coding sessions

  1. brain storming: organizational structure for an X2Go foundation/club/association or similar
    • suggestion by Stefan: Since it will most likely be a “club” (“eingetragener Verein”) under German law, we need 7 people physically present for the founding.
      • The Gathering 2014 will be too early to get the club founded.
      • We should prepare all the necessary paperwork ASAP after “X2Go: The Gathering 2014” and aim for a “X2Go: The Gathering 2015” way earlier in 2015, maybe some time between March-May, where we can get the club founded.
      • “X2Go: The Gathering 2015” could take place in Treuchtlingen, where X2Go was originally created.
  2. show-and-tell:
    1. new X2Go TCE (both Mike#1's and Stefan's approach)
    2. electronic GloveBox (Stefan)
    3. mTelePlayer (theUserII/GZNG will join us for a talk - via Skype)
  3. X2Go Client/Server NG - event-driven architecture (Mike#1? Who else?)
  4. support for rbash, postgres, gssapi (Henning)
  5. possibly something Window-ish or Mac-ish by Mike#2 and/or Mihai


Info for plane travellers

  • Attention: Lufthansa and Germanwings are suffering from intermittent strikes by the pilots' union! Avoid using these airlines until further notice!

Info for train travellers

  • Attention: German Rail (Deutsche Bahn) is suffering from intermittent strikes by the train operators' union! Avoid using trains until further notice! The union has released a statement that no strikes are scheduled until November 2nd, 23:59/11:59pm. So taking the train to X2Go: The Gathering 2014 and back should be possible.
  • The nearest subway station is “Essen-Horst”
  • This subway line is operated by Deutsche Bahn, so you can book your railway ticket to destination Essen-Horst and have the subway ticket included in your regular train ticket. Advantage: no need to figure out how the local ticket vending machine works (plus it's probably cheaper that way).
  • It's a ~ 15 Minute walk from Essen-Horst to the Linuxhotel, please use the route as suggested here:
  • NB: some navigation systems plot a shorter pedestrian route that leads through the woods, but from personal experience I (Stefan) can tell you that you do not want to use that path when carrying luggage, possibly in the dark, when you've never walked it before.


IBM Power Systems Linux

IBM Power Systems Linux has decided to sponsor the X2Go project and our “X2Go: The Gathering” event by supplying us with these “goodies”:

These are goodiebags for the X2Go-Devs that were involved with getting X2Go running on IBM Power. Here's the content of a sample goodiebag: a black briefcase, a black notepad (genuine leather!), 1 white and 1 black lapel pin, a 1 GB USB key fob, a Tux/IBM polo shirt (size L), a business card holder, a four-tip pen (black ballpoint, red ballpoint, neon-red ballpoint, mechanical pencil, eraser at top), and some IBM leaflets
These giftboxes were sent for the participants of our “X2Go: The Gathering” event. The boxes were filled with all kinds of nice goodies - way too many to fit them all onto a single picture! So here are a few samples (one or two of each item).

In total, we received:

Item Quantity
decision helper: 39 pcs.
MicroMouse(USB): 43 pcs.
1GB USB key fobs: 32 pcs.
2GB USB key fobs: 5 pcs.
ballpoint pens (2) ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil in decorative box: 20 pcs.
ballpoint pen with yellow textmarker: 25 pcs.
ballpoint pen: 92 pcs.
Post-It pads: 87 pcs.
lapel pins, white: 101 pcs.
lapel pins, black: 65 pcs.
IBM Flyer, English: 78 pcs.
IBM Flyer, German: 73 pcs.

Linuxhotel house rules

The following is an inofficial translation of Linuxhotel's house rules.

The original, German edition can be found here. Note that only the German edition is the legally binding one.

Guidelines for a good working relationship in the Linux Hotel

We want all our guests to remember the Linux Hotel as a friendly professional networking location. This includes ensuring that all guests treat each other in a respectful and kind way during their entire stay with us.

  • Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, body size, origin or religion no one shall be harassed here.
  • We simply do not tolerate harassment of guests of any sorts.
  • It's plain and simple: be nice to others. Do not insult other guests and respect their personal dignity. Do not post photos of others without their consent. Remember that offensive, sexist, racist or similar jokes aimed at singling out somebody (or a group) are inappropriate.
  • If participants violate these rules, we will take corrective action, which go up to expulsion from the event without refund of the cost.

We hold these rules to be self-evident. And we have the impression that all our guests share this belief. By publishing these rules, we want to prepare ourselves for those situations where it is necessary to defend them.

Cost Overview

Costs per person when staying in a two-bed/three-bed bedroom
15,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+30,00 EUR for two nights in a two-bed/three-bed bedroom
+10,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=60,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan on Saturday morning
Costs per person when staying in a single-bed bedroom
15,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+60,00 EUR for two nights in a single-bed bedroom
+10,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=90,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan on Saturday morning
Costs per person when staying in a two-bed/three-bed bedroom for one night (Kjetil)
10,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on 2 days.
+15,00 EUR for one night in a two-bed/three-bed bedroom
+ 5,00 EUR for one breakfast
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=35,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan on Saturday morning
Additional costs to expect
48-54 EUR Karlsruhe-Frankfurt-Essen and back carpool
??,?? EUR Pizza on Friday evening
3,95 EUR Subway/Tram tickets @ Essen
9,00 EUR “About Coal and Miners” tour
15,90 EUR for the dinner flatrate at Unperfekthaus on Saturday evening (Mihai and Tobias might get 20% off, please bring student ID)
4,00 EUR if you want to extend your stay at Unperfekthaus
??,?? EUR Pizza on Sunday noon
events/x2go-gathering-2014.1414922939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/02 10:08 by stefanbaur