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Events / Workshops

Upcoming Events



  • Linuxwochen Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2019-05-02 - 2019-05-04 (no CfP yet)



IT-Kongress Neu-Ulm 2018, Neu-Ulm, Germany (2018-11-08)

  • booth confirmed
    • still looking for volunteers
  • we will take part in Alvar Freude's talk “Down with Snake Oil and Monoculture”

Past Events

IBM Developer UnConference, Zurich, Switzerland (2018-06-21)

 The cloud, err, the crowd. Photo courtesy of Kevin Bates, IBM

  • no booth
  • Talk/Demo: “X2Go: Free/Libre/OpenSource Remote Desktop and Remote Application Services for Linux - on POWER, as well as Intel and ARM”
    • This Talk/Demo was in English
    • Talk took place 19:40-20:00 CEST, Room for additional Q&A was 20:00-21:00 CEST during the “Social Networking and Reception” phase
    • Stefan was the one (re)presenting X2Go at the event and was around starting 18:00h CEST
    • The slides are available here
    • A recording of the talk is available here

TUEBIX 2018, Tuebingen, Germany (2018-06-09)

Linuxwochen Wien, Vienna, Austria (2018-05-03 - 2018-05-05)

  • talk confirmed: X2Go-TCE-Live - the universal Thin Client Environment (in German)
  • booth confirmed (booth staff: Juri, Franz, Stefan)

Franz in front of our booth

Linux-Info-Tag 2018/Linux-Presentation-Day 2018.1, Augsburg, Germany (2018-04-21)

  • Booth only - no talk
  • Booth staff: Stefan#1, Stefan#2 (until 4pm or so), Mihai, Franz, Juri, maybe Uwe

RadioTux Interview (in German) (2018-03-30)

Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2018, Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-10 - 2018-03-11)

  • booth confirmed (booth staff: Juri, Uwe, Richard, Stefan)
  • talk cancelled due to personal reasons (there was a possibility that Stefan might be unable to attend)

dsc_7898.jpg dsc_7899.jpg 20180310-170908-d500-dsc_1450.jpg 20180311-111911-d500-dsc_1711.jpg

Pi and More 10 1/2, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (2018-02-24)

Karl-Heinz demo'ing LibreOffice via X2Go to a visitor center view of booth Franz and Uwe, and the one banner that remained hanging ...

IBM Success Made With Partners, Ehningen, Germany (2018-02-20)

  • Talk confirmed: X2Go - the Remote-Desktop- and Remote-Application-Solution (not only) for Linux on POWER“ - note the talk will be in German.
  • Further event info/agenda can be found here

Stefan interacting with a NAO-Bot named Marvin Stefan interacting with Marvin's handlers

Earlier Years

events/start.1532688054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/27 10:40 by stefanbaur