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Events / Workshops

Upcoming Events



  • LinuxDay.AT 2018, Dornbirn, Austria, probably late November or early December 2018
  • Modell & Technik 2018, Stuttgart, Germany, 2018-11-22 - 2018-11-25 (unlikely - first go/no-go deadline - booth confirmed or not - 2018-08-22; second - booth size - 2018-10-22)
  • IT-Kongress Neu-Ulm 2018, Neu-Ulm, Germany, probably November 8, 2018 (unlikely)
  • Linux Expo Ulm 2018, Ulm, Germany (unlikely, but more likely than IT-Kongress - LPD 2018.1 is 2018-04-21; LPD 2018.2 is 2018-11-10)
  • X2Go: The Gathering 2018, some time between May-July or September-October 2018, Location TBD
  • TUEBIX 2018, Tuebingen, Germany, probably June 2018 (no CfP yet)
  • Linuxwochen Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2018-05-03 - 2018-05-05 (CfP deadline 2018-03-19, submitted application for booth and talk. Juri, Franz, Stefan#1 would be available as volunteers for a booth. Mode(s) of transportation need to be worked out.)
  • LITA 2018, Augsburg, Germany, 2018-04-21, same as LPD 2018.1 (CfP deadline 2018-02-25)
  • Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2018, Chemnitz, Germany, 2018-03-10 - 2018-03-11 (booth & talk confirmed. Talk will be in German and a “Meta-Talk”, about how Stefan started out as an X2Go user and ended up as Community Manager)
  • IBM Success Made With Partners, Ehningen, Germany, 2018-02-20 (CfP sent, waiting for confirmation, title: “X2Go - the Remote-Desktop- and Remote-Application-Solution (not only) for Linux on POWER” - note the Talk, if accepted, will be in German. Further event info/agenda can be found here)

Pi and More 10 1/2, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (2018-02-24)


Past Events

LinuxDay.AT 2017, Dornbirn, Austria (2017-12-02)

  • Booths & Talks confirmed (X2Go & ORCA)
    • booth staff for X2Go:
      • ionic
      • Stefan#1
    • booth staff for ORCA:
      • Bernhard (xfreerdp)
      • h1
      • Juri
      • Stefan#2 as temporary stand-in
    • X2Go Talk: X2Go-TCE-Live - the universal Thin Client Environment
    • ORCA Talk: What it REALLY means to access a system remotely (h1)
  • LinuxDay.AT Event Info can be found here:

Attentive Mihai Are you pondering what Mihai is pondering? the evening after ... ... and the morning after.

Modell & Technik (formerly known as Hobby & Elektronik), Stuttgart, Germany (2017-11-23 - 2017-11-26)

  • we will demo X2Go-TCE-Live and the X2Go Session Broker with four RPi3's as clients
  • the current development version of the Electronic Glovebox will be shown as well
  • if time permits, we will do some live coding regarding
    • NFS-booted Raspberry Pis
    • SmartCard identification/authentication with X2Go-TCE-Live
  • confirmed booth staff:
    • Stefan will be there Thu-Sun
    • Juri was there Sat-Sun
  • you would have found them in hall 7 at booth 7E55/7F60

Booth at Modell & Technik 2017

IT-Kongress 2017, Neu-Ulm, Germany (2017-11-09)

  • As one of the X2Go core team members is on the planning committee, we had a small booth again, as in the previous years
  • This year's talk was about the new X2Go-TCE-Live
  • Booth staff (see below) arrived at 07:00 CET
    • Stefan#1
    • ionic
    • Hans Bonfigt
  • Event opened for the public at 09:30 CET and closed around 17:00 CET
  • More info can be found here:
  • Full event schedule is available here

Booth at IT-Kongress 2017

IBM Power Systems Strategy Days, Ehningen, Germany (2017-10-10)

  • Stefan (BAUR-ITCS) and Juri will be representing X2Go at this event
  • You need to register for this event if you want to attend it; as far as we know, there are no fees involved. (Registration link)
  • The event takes place on both 2017-10-10 and 2017-10-11, however, X2Go will only be present on 2017-10-10!

X2Go: The Gathering 2017, Location: Adventure Campus, Treuchtlingen, Germany 2017-09-22 to 2017-09-24

  • As in the previous years, there's a sub-page with all the details: Read more here...

Mike#1 explaining some things Presents from one of our sponsors People coding away People coding away, from behind

TUEBIX 2017, Tuebingen, Germany (2017-06-24)

  • Booth & Talk confirmed
  • Talk title: Thin Clients, Big Irons - X2Go als skalierbare Remote Desktop-Lösung (Thin Clients, Big Irons - X2Go as a scalable Remote Desktop Solution)
  • While we've had that talk title before, the content will be all new and with more live demos
  • Confirmed booth staffers: Mihai, Uwe, Juri, Stefan#1 (maybe not from the very beginning), Uli (maybe not from the very beginning)
  • Turns out this was going to be our Biggest Booth Ever - three tables (and a spare chair for 100cm Tux) so we were able to run four different ThinClients in parallel, as well as the Published Applications Demo on our trusty hp Compaq tc1100 convertible

LITA - Linux Info Tag Augsburg 2017, Augsburg, Germany (2017-04-22)

  • Talk confirmed (re-run of the one from LinuxDay.AT 2016 / CLT2017, with some minor updates, starting 16:15 CEST, Room C - complete schedule here) - Slides available here
  • Booth confirmed (Volunteers are Stefan#1, Juri, Uwe and Franz) LITA-2017-planning
  • h1 did a surprise visit
  • Stefan#2 was unable to attend
  • Thanks to the company Niuco, which donated a then-current Raspberry Pi 1 to the X2Go Project a few years back, we were able to macgyver a UMTS router out of this Raspi and a UMTS USB stick - else, neither our booth nor the adjacent booth of LUG Ottobrunn would have had internet access.

Franz and Stefan#1

IBM: Success Made with Partners, Stuttgart, Mercedes-Benz Arena (2017-04-06)

  • The Agenda is available here
  • Stefan#1 represented X2Go with his company BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Linux User Group Ulm, Neu-Ulm, Germany (2017-04-04)

  • Stefan#1 will be presenting the X2Go Broker Demo to the members of the Linux User Group Ulm, due to a request by one of its members
  • Meeting place is the restaurant “dany/s” in Neu-Ulm, Germany
  • The event starts with an informal get-together and dinner at 19:30 CEST, the actual demo will probably start around 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
  • More information on the LUG Ulm can be found here (in German)

Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany (2017-03-11/2017-03-12)

  • The talk was mostly a re-run of the one from LinuxDay.AT 2016, with some minor updates and a quick live demo of DLL hijacking on Windows - see here
  • The booth was staffed by Stefan#1, Juri, and Uwe - see here for the description (in German)
  • Stefan#1 also acted as “field reporter” for Radio free FM, with CLT's Ralph Sontag as guest - a recording (sans music, due to licensing costs) can be downloaded here: webplayer / MP3 (The interview starts at about 38 minutes into the recording)

Radio Interview (in German), Radio free FM, Ulm (2017-02-12, 13:00h - 15:00h)

  • this time more focused on X2Go
  • with Stefan and Hans Bonfigt (via phone) as guests
  • Hans Bonfigt has recently discovered X2Go and is more and more happy with it
  • It will be broadcast live, and you can tune in via web: Go to for a web-based player, or use e.g. in VLC.
  • For those of you preferring to tune in with a classic analog radio receiver, Radio Free FM is available on:
    • 97.70 MHz - in the cable networks serving the Ulm/Neu-Ulm area
    • 93.45 MHz - in the cable networks serving Neu-Ulm, Altenstadt a. d. Iller, Bellenberg, Holzheim bei Neu-Ulm, Illertissen, Kellmünz a. d. Iller, Pfaffenhofen a. d. Roth, Senden, Vöhringen, Weißenhorn
    • 102.60 MHz - via terrestrial antenna in the Heidenheim, Augsburg, Mindelheim, Memmingen, Biberach, Ehingen area.
  • A recording (sans music, due to licensing costs) can be downloaded here: webplayer / MP3

Earlier Years

events/start.1517335357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/30 18:02 by stefanbaur