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X2Go had a Demo booth at Linuxday.AT. Pictures can be found here:
Stuttgart's Linux User Group will have a booth at the Hobby & Elektronik fair again and will present X2Go-TCE and the Electronic Glovebox, amongst other things.
Update: While the actual event will take place, as of now it looks as if no member of the X2Go team will be present and there might not be any X2Go demo systems at all. We apologize for the inconvenience.
As in 2014, we had a booth and a talk at the IT-Kongress.
Our talk was in German, titled “Thin Clients, Big Irons - X2Go als skalierbare Remote Desktop-Lösung” (Thin Clients, Big Irons - X2Go as a scalable Remote Desktop Solution) and we'll show some real-world use cases of X2Go in various areas. See here for the event's complete agenda (in German):
Our annual community event, a three-day “work and play” meeting at, Essen
Kjetil from has uploaded some of the talks to YouTube:
As in 2014, The Gathering has its own sub-page: Read more here...
An overview on X2Go, and then a demonstration of it running on a cloud server hosted by 1 of PLUG's sponsors, Linode. More details.
Heinz offered an X2go-themed Workshop at Tuebix, sadly, participation/public interest was rather low.
Click here for the (German-language) agenda of the workshop.
IBM kindly offered us another demo spot for X2Go at their Zürich “Increase your business performance with Linux on Power” event.
Stefan and Mihai represented X2Go at this event ( Mike#1 couldn't make it to this one as well due to a personal scheduling conflict).
IBM kindly offered us a demo spot for X2Go at their Frankfurt “Increase your business performance with Linux on Power” event. Mike#1, Stefan and Mihai represented X2Go at this event.
At Linux-Infotag Augsburg, we (Heinz and Stefan) had two “partners”: Richard Albrecht and the Linux User Group Ottobrunn.
See here (in German) for the official agenda and here (in German) for the talk description.
Richard held the main part of the talk, with Heinz and Stefan providing additional information.
The booths of X2Go and LUG Ottobrunn were right next to each other, with the LUG Ottobrunn also demoing X2Go'ish things - as they have done in the years before.
We gave a talk (in German, once again) at the Chaos Computer Club Stuttgart's monthly open lecture event, taking place at the Stuttgart Public Library. The topic was the various use cases of X2Go, shown using some real-world examples.
German description is here:
The audio recording is here:
More info to come… (the talk has been recorded on video; we're still waiting for the tape/file and also for legal clearance on some of the images shown - the offer to record the talk on video was on short notice, so we didn't ask for web distribution rights of those images in advance)