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Tarball releases


People who want to install X2go from source resp. package X2go for other distributions may be interested in our tarball releases. Please visit this URL to obtain tarballs (.tar.gz):

or obtain code directly from out Git repository:

Installation from Tarball

To install an X2go project from a provided tarball release, please use the following commands:

$ tar -vzcf <x2go-tarball_version.tar.gz> .
$ cd <x2go-tarball_version>
$ make && make install

By default the $PREFIX for installation is /usr/local, so basically your (e.g.) x2goclient application will be found in /usr/local/bin if the above command series finishes successfully.

For uninstallation use

$ cd </path/to>/<x2go-tarball_version>
$ make uninstall

The following X2go projects support tarball installation:

Code Project Release Comments
x2goclient >= -
download/source-tarballs.1305715373.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)