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Good Content Examples on the Net uses a repeating layout/structure on every site. This makes it extreamly convinient to use this wiki, because sites are build on use cases (Example). Has anybody some experience defining dokuwiki site-templates?


The new blog should be part of dokuwiki, so that there is only one content base for the global search on the x2go site. Has anybody some experience with the blog plugin? Alternatively we could use the announcement group for this purpose (rss reader on startpage)


Index Sites

Index/start pages should be available on every namespace. Those startpages should technically all the same. I ( don't think the graphical menues are a good idea. I would prefer some really clean index site with only one information per line. Those sites should definately plugin independend.


Needed Plugins


Extended edit functions such as renaming or deleting a page


Find orphan pages and wanted pages


Inserts TOC in the place you specified in your Wiki page


Inserts a ToDo button into the editor toolbar


Supports the easy setup of a multi-language wiki.

No longer required


Use a CAPTCHA challenge to protect DokuWiki against automated spam


Displays a maintenance message on all pages to notify of upcoming downtime, can also disable editing for all users.


Realtime Contribution

Should changes be allowed to take place immediately after pressing the “save” button?

Code Of Ethics

Do Not Delete Work of Others

Nobody should delete sites or article of others without informing the community or author. In my eyes ( this should be done by using a documentation mailing list.

Only Tested Articles

Not tested or poorly tested setups should definately marked as “suggestion” or “untested setup”.



Documentation vs. Wiki

There was a lot of criticism regarding “only to offer a wiki” as documentation source. People are really looking for downloadable and readable installation guidlines. If they are searching on the net, they normally are looking for PDF files.

Wiki Layout

A lot of the contributing people would like to have a more wiki like page template. The logo bar should be removed and the layout should be spread over the whole page. The css file should not modify the major tags like h1, h2, P or SPAN - this should be in the hand of the user (configuration of the client/Browser).

doc/wiki/discussion.1329759514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)