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X2Go Session Broker Demo Environment Setup

Purpose of this document

This document takes you through the steps required to set up a simple X2Go Session Broker demo environment, consisting of a test client ( and the following servers:


These instructions violate almost every “best practice”/standard there is!

They are meant to get an X2Go Session Broker demo enviroment set up, fast.

Nothing more, nothing less.

This setup has the following shortcomings:

  • Massive lack of security:
    • Unencrypted LDAP connections
    • All passwords - users, database admin, root, are set to the value “start”
    • SSH keyfile login is only enforced for the root account
  • No redundancy for critical components
    • Only a single LDAP server, no replication
    • Only a single NFS server
    • Only a single Postgres server
    • Only a single X2Go Session Broker server
  • No backup
  • No monitoring/alerting
  • No easy manageability/heavy abuse of LDAP:
    • LDAP settings are converted from local settings on the “ldap1” server
    • what ends up in LDAP this way is not something you want to work with in a production environment
    • it will be faster to set up a new LDAP server with the proper settings for your production environment than to base your server on this demo and trying to “clean up” afterwards
    • Also, no user-friendly tool to manage LDAP settings is installed by default.

Setting up the systems

  • These installations use the Debian preseed mechanism.
    • Thus, obviously, you will require a Debian ISO image.
    • We used the Debian 8.7.1, i386, netinst image - however, any Debian 8.x image should do.
    • Preseed files can be included into a custom iso image, but for beginners, this may seem rather complicated - That's why we suggest using a web server to store them instead.
    • If you don't have Apache/Lighttpd, or any other web server installed, you can spawn a temporary one using python (you need to be root to run it on the default “web” port 80):
      cd /directory/where/you/keep/the/preseed_files && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
  • Please review the content of each preseed-file. You will have to change the IP addresses, for example.
  • If you have control over your DHCP server, we strongly suggest assigning fixed IPs to the MAC addresses of the machines you use - however, if you can't do that:
    • change each preseed file from DHCP to static IPs
    • edit the list in preseed_ldap1 so names and IPs match again
  • You should set up the systems in the order that they are listed here.
  • Each system will power down once the installation is complete. DO NOT power any one of them up until ALL of them are completely installed and shut down!
  • Once installed, power them up in exactly the same sequence - and WAIT until bootup is complete before powering up the next!
If you click on the name of a preseed file, like “preseed_ldap1” below, you will be offered to download it - that's easier than copy-pasting each file.

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=ldap1
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  ldap1
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Do not create a regular user account when installing a server
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
#d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
#d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
#d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	ssh-server
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
debconf-i18n \
dnsmasq \
dnsmasq-base \
ldap-utils \
libnss-ldapd \
libpam-ldapd \
mc \
migrationtools \
nslcd \
ntp \
rsync \
screen \
slapd \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/ldap1/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "ldap1" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is said to be required for LDAP UID/GID sync." ;\
 sed -i '/^NEED_IMAPD/cNEED_IMAPD=yes' /target/etc/default/nfs-common ;\
 echo "COMMENT: These are our IP-FQDN-Hostname mappings that will be picked up by dnsmasq" ;\
 echo -e '\\tldap1'>> /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo -e '\\tnfs1'>> /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo -e '\\tx2gobroker1'>> /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo -e '\\tx2goserver1'>> /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo -e '\\tx2goserver2'>> /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo -e '\\tpg1'>> /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is for homedir autocreation." ;\
 echo -e 'session required\\tskel=/etc/skel umask=0022' >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-session ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so LDAP users are added to local groups when logging in to a remote system." ;\ 
 echo -e "auth\trequired\\tuse_first_pass" >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-auth ;\
 echo "common-auth;*;*;A10000-2400;users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users" >>/target/etc/security/group.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This automagically injects all local users, groups, etc. into LDAP" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Yes, this is a mess, ugly, a dirty hack, etc - but remember, this isn't" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: about maintainability - it is to get a small, simple, static LDAP setup up" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: and running so you don't have to bother with LDAP when all you want to do is" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: test-drive the broker setup." \;
 echo '(cd /usr/share/migrationtools && LDAP_BASEDN="dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPHOST="ldap1" LDAP_BINDDN="cn=admin,dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com" LDAP_BINDCRED="start" LDAP_PROFILE="no" LDAPADD="/usr/bin/ldapadd -c" ETC_ALIASES=/dev/null ./ || true)' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the LDAP migration, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/LDAP/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our LDAP users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Now we set the default shell, create groups, create users, and add them to groups" ;\
 in-target useradd -D -s /bin/bash ;\
 in-target addgroup x2gobroker-users ;\
 in-target addgroup x2godesktopsharing ;\
 in-target addgroup x2gousers ;\
 in-target addgroup group-shadow ;\
 in-target addgroup group-a ;\
 in-target addgroup group-b ;\
 in-target useradd user1 -G users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users,group-shadow ;\
 in-target useradd user2 -G users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users,group-a ;\
 in-target useradd user3 -G users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users,group-a ;\
 in-target useradd user4 -G users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users,group-b ;\
 in-target useradd user5 -G users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users,group-b ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Users will need passwords to log in, so we set them as well." ;\
 echo "user1:start" | chroot /target /usr/sbin/chpasswd ;\
 echo "user2:start" | chroot /target /usr/sbin/chpasswd ;\
 echo "user3:start" | chroot /target /usr/sbin/chpasswd ;\
 echo "user4:start" | chroot /target /usr/sbin/chpasswd ;\
 echo "user5:start" | chroot /target /usr/sbin/chpasswd ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash (yes, this includes systemd)" ;\
 in-target apt-get purge -y systemd systemd-shim ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/nsswitch	multiselect	group, hosts, netgroup, passwd, shadow
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/clean_nsswitch	boolean	false
libpam-runtime  libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect     unix, ldap
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-bindpw       password
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-secprops        string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-krb5-ccname     string  /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authcid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-binddn       string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-cacertfile   string  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authzid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-uris string  ldap://
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-mech    select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-auth-type    select  none
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-base string  dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-realm   string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-reqcert      select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-starttls     boolean false
slapd	slapd/password1	password	start
slapd	slapd/internal/generated_adminpw	password	start
slapd	slapd/password2	password	start
slapd	slapd/internal/adminpw	password	start
slapd	slapd/purge_database	boolean	false
slapd	slapd/invalid_config	boolean	true
slapd	slapd/password_mismatch	note	
slapd	slapd/domain	string
#slapd	slapd/upgrade_slapcat_failure	error	
slapd	slapd/unsafe_selfwrite_acl	note	
slapd	slapd/dump_database	select	when needed
slapd	shared/organization	string	X2Go LDAP Example Environment
slapd	slapd/backend	select	MDB
slapd	slapd/no_configuration	boolean	false
slapd	slapd/allow_ldap_v2	boolean	false
slapd	slapd/dump_database_destdir	string	/var/backups/slapd-VERSION
slapd	slapd/move_old_database	boolean	true

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=nfs1
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  nfs1
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Do not create a regular user account when installing a server
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
#d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
#d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
#d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	ssh-server
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
debconf-i18n \
ldap-utils \
libnfsidmap2 \
libnss-ldapd \
libpam-ldapd \
mc \
nfs-common \
nfs-kernel-server \
nslcd \
ntp \
rsync \
screen \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/nfs1/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "nfs1" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is said to be required for LDAP UID/GID sync." ;\
 sed -i '/^NEED_IMAPD/cNEED_IMAPD=yes' /target/etc/default/nfs-common ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is for homedir autocreation." ;\
 echo -e 'session required\\tskel=/etc/skel umask=0022' >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-session ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so LDAP users are added to local groups when logging in to a remote system." ;\ 
 echo -e "auth\trequired\\tuse_first_pass" >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-auth ;\
 echo "common-auth;*;*;A10000-2400;users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users" >>/target/etc/security/group.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so the nfsd will export /home" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/export/home ;\
 echo -e '/home\t/export/home\tnone\tbind\t0\t0' >>/target/etc/fstab ;\
 echo -e '/export/home\t192.168.0.0/16(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)' >>/target/etc/exports ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so dnsmasq on ldap1 is queried for DNS first" ;\
 sed 's/#prepend domain-name-servers;/prepend domain-name-servers;/' -i /target/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our LDAP users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash (yes, this includes systemd)" ;\
 in-target apt-get purge -y systemd systemd-shim ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/nsswitch	multiselect	passwd, shadow, group, hosts, services, networks, protocols, rpc, ethers, netgroup
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/clean_nsswitch	boolean	false
libpam-runtime  libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect     unix, ldap
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-bindpw       password
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-secprops        string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-krb5-ccname     string  /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authcid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-binddn       string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-cacertfile   string  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authzid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-uris string  ldap://
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-mech    select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-auth-type    select  none
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-base string  dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-realm   string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-reqcert      select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-starttls     boolean false

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=pg1
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  pg1
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Do not create a regular user account when installing a server
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
#d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
#d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
#d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	ssh-server
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
debconf-i18n \
ldap-utils \
libnss-ldapd \
libpam-ldapd \
mc \
nslcd \
ntp \
postgresql \
rsync \
screen \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/pg1/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "pg1" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is said to be required for LDAP UID/GID sync." ;\
 sed -i '/^NEED_IMAPD/cNEED_IMAPD=yes' /target/etc/default/nfs-common ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is for homedir autocreation." ;\
 echo -e 'session required\\tskel=/etc/skel umask=0022' >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-session ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so LDAP users are added to local groups when logging in to a remote system." ;\ 
 echo -e "auth\trequired\\tuse_first_pass" >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-auth ;\
 echo "common-auth;*;*;A10000-2400;users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users" >>/target/etc/security/group.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /home gets mounted from nfs1" ;\
 echo -e 'nfs1:/export/home\t/home\tnfs\tsoft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192\t0\t0' >>/target/etc/fstab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so dnsmasq on ldap1 is queried for DNS first" ;\
 sed 's/#prepend domain-name-servers;/prepend domain-name-servers;/' -i /target/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Set a password for the postgres admin user" ;\
 echo 'su postgres -c "psql -c \"alter user postgres encrypted password '\''start'\'';\"" || true' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Tell postgres to listen for and accept connections from our network" ;\
 echo 'for pgconf in /etc/postgresql/*/main/pg_hba.conf ; do' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo -e "sed -i -e \"/^port/ilisten_addresses='*'\" \$(dirname \$pgconf)/postgresql.conf #postgres" >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo -e "echo 'host\tall\tall\t192.168.0.0/16\tmd5' >>\$pgconf #postgres" >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'done #postgres' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Restart postgresql service so changes take effect without requiring another reboot" ;\
 echo 'service postgresql restart ' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the postgres stuff, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/postgres/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our LDAP users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash (yes, this includes systemd)" ;\
 in-target apt-get purge -y systemd systemd-shim ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/nsswitch	multiselect	passwd, shadow, group, hosts, services, networks, protocols, rpc, ethers, netgroup
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/clean_nsswitch	boolean	false
libpam-runtime  libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect     unix, ldap
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-bindpw       password
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-secprops        string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-krb5-ccname     string  /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authcid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-binddn       string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-cacertfile   string  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authzid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-uris string  ldap://
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-mech    select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-auth-type    select  none
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-base string  dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-realm   string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-reqcert      select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-starttls     boolean false

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=x2gobroker1
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  x2gobroker1
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Do not create a regular user account when installing a server
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
#d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
#d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
#d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available
# this is where we add the X2Go repo
d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string \ jessie main
d-i apt-setup/local0/comment string X2Go Repository

# URL to the public key of the local repository; you must provide a key or
# apt will complain about the unauthenticated repository and so the
# sources.list line will be left commented out

# CHANGE THIS - you need to download this keyfile onto your web server
# run these gpg commands to download it:
# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E1F958385BFE2B6E
# gpg -a --export E1F958385BFE2B6E > x2go.key.gpg
d-i apt-setup/local0/key string

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	ssh-server
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
debconf-i18n \
ldap-utils \
libnss-ldapd \
libpam-ldapd \
mc \
nslcd \
ntp \
postgresql-client-9.4 \
postgresql-client-common \
rsync \
screen \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \
vim \
x2go-keyring \
x2gobroker \
x2gobroker-agent \
x2gobroker-authservice \
x2gobroker-daemon \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/x2gobroker1/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "x2gobroker1" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is said to be required for LDAP UID/GID sync." ;\
 sed -i '/^NEED_IMAPD/cNEED_IMAPD=yes' /target/etc/default/nfs-common ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is for homedir autocreation." ;\
 echo -e 'session required\\tskel=/etc/skel umask=0022' >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-session ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so LDAP users are added to local groups when logging in to a remote system." ;\ 
 echo -e "auth\trequired\\tuse_first_pass" >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-auth ;\
 echo "common-auth;*;*;A10000-2400;users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users" >>/target/etc/security/group.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /home gets mounted from nfs1" ;\
 echo -e 'nfs1:/export/home\t/home\tnfs\tsoft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192\t0\t0' >>/target/etc/fstab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so dnsmasq on ldap1 is queried for DNS first" ;\
 sed 's/#prepend domain-name-servers;/prepend domain-name-servers;/' -i /target/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches the x2gobroker configuration files the way we need them to be for our demo." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^host=/,' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^#default-agent-query-mode/adefault-agent-query-mode=SSH' /target/etc/x2go/x2gobroker.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^#default-use-load-checker/adefault-use-load-checker=true' /target/etc/x2go/x2gobroker.conf ;\
 sed -i -e 's/localhost-kde/localhost-lxde/g' -e 's/=KDE/=LXDE/g' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e 's/localhost-shadow/localhost-xfce/g' -e 's/=SHADOW/=XFCE/g' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e "/# don't even try/d" /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e 's/ - localhost/ - X2GoFarm/g' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e 's/localhost-/x2gofarm-/g' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=LXDE/aacl-any-order=deny-allow' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=LXDE/aacl-groups-deny=ALL' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=LXDE/aacl-groups-allow=group-a' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=XFCE/aacl-any-order=deny-allow' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=XFCE/aacl-groups-deny=ALL' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=XFCE/aacl-groups-allow=group-b' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/i[x2goserver1-shadow]' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/iname=SHADOW - X2GoServer1' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/icommand=SHADOW' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/iusebrokerpass=true' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/i ' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/i[x2goserver2-shadow]' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/iname=SHADOW - X2GoServer2' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/icommand=SHADOW' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/iusebrokerpass=true' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^### EXAMPLES:/i ' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=SHADOW/aacl-any-order=deny-allow' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=SHADOW/aacl-groups-deny=ALL' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 sed -i -e '/^command=SHADOW/aacl-groups-allow=group-shadow' /target/etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our LDAP users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: We're cheating here:" \n
 echo "COMMENT: We're calling the pubkeyauthorizer on x2gobroker, rather than from each x2goserver." \;
 echo "COMMENT: That way, we don't have to open :8080 for anything more than localhost." \;
 echo 'x2gobroker-pubkeyauthorizer --broker-url http://localhost:8080/pubkeys/' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Now we create a directory (watch permissions/ownership!) on the NFS share, and dump the generated key file there." ;\
 echo 'mkdir -p /home/root/x2gobroker' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'chmod 700 /home/root #x2gobroker' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'chown -R root:root /home/root #x2gobroker' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'cp -a /var/lib/x2gobroker/.ssh /home/root/x2gobroker' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the pubkeyauthorizer stuff, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/x2gobroker/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Make sure x2gobroker has a key pair available at first boot" ;\
 in-target x2gobroker-keygen ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash (yes, this includes systemd)" ;\
 in-target apt-get purge -y systemd systemd-shim ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/nsswitch	multiselect	passwd, shadow, group, hosts, services, networks, protocols, rpc, ethers, netgroup
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/clean_nsswitch	boolean	false
libpam-runtime  libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect     unix, ldap
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-bindpw       password
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-secprops        string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-krb5-ccname     string  /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authcid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-binddn       string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-cacertfile   string  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authzid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-uris string  ldap://
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-mech    select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-auth-type    select  none
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-base string  dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-realm   string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-reqcert      select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-starttls     boolean false
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/group-x2gobroker-users string x2gobroker-users
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/group-does-not-exist note
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/use-existing-group boolean false
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/create-group boolean true
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/manual-setup-required boolean false
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/del-last-group-x2gobroker-users boolean false
x2gobroker-ssh x2gobroker-ssh/last-group-x2gobroker-users string x2gobroker-users

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=x2goserver1
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  x2goserver1
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Do not create a regular user account when installing a server
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
#d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
#d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
#d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available
# this is where we add the X2Go repo
d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string \ jessie main
d-i apt-setup/local0/comment string X2Go Repository

# URL to the public key of the local repository; you must provide a key or
# apt will complain about the unauthenticated repository and so the
# sources.list line will be left commented out

# CHANGE THIS - you need to download this keyfile onto your web server
# run these gpg commands to download it:
# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E1F958385BFE2B6E
# gpg -a --export E1F958385BFE2B6E > x2go.key.gpg
d-i apt-setup/local0/key string

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	standard, xfce-desktop, mate-desktop, lxde-desktop
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
cups-client \
cups-x2go \
debconf-i18n \
gimp \
ldap-utils \
libnss-ldapd \
libpam-ldapd \
libreoffice \
mc \
nslcd \
ntp \
pidgin \
postgresql-client-9.4 \
postgresql-client-common \
rsync \
screen \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \
vim \
x2go-keyring \
x2gobroker-agent \
x2goserver \
x2goserver-extensions \
x2goserver-printing \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/x2goserver1/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "x2goserver1" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is said to be required for LDAP UID/GID sync." ;\
 sed -i '/^NEED_IMAPD/cNEED_IMAPD=yes' /target/etc/default/nfs-common ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is for homedir autocreation." ;\
 echo -e 'session required\\tskel=/etc/skel umask=0022' >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-session ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so LDAP users are added to local groups when logging in to a remote system." ;\ 
 echo -e "auth\trequired\\tuse_first_pass" >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-auth ;\
 echo "common-auth;*;*;A10000-2400;users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users" >>/target/etc/security/group.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /home gets mounted from nfs1" ;\
 echo -e 'nfs1:/export/home\t/home\tnfs\tsoft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192\t0\t0' >>/target/etc/fstab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so dnsmasq on ldap1 is queried for DNS first" ;\
 sed 's/#prepend domain-name-servers;/prepend domain-name-servers;/' -i /target/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This tells X2GoServer to use the postgres backend on pg1" ;\
 sed -i -e '/^host/' -e '/^backend/cbackend=postgres' /target/etc/x2go/x2gosql/sql ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This tells x2godbadmin which password to use for db/user creation" ;\
 echo 'start' > /target/etc/x2go/x2gosql/passwords/pgadmin ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This disables the graphical login - we don't need it on a server." ;\
 cat /dev/null > /target/etc/X11/default-display-manager ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our LDAP users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This loop waits until the LDAP connection has been established." ;\
 echo 'while ! getent passwd user1 | grep -q user1 ; do # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo -e "\techo 'Waiting for LDAP connection ...' # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command" >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo -e "\tsleep 1 # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command" >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'done # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Now we're creating home directories for our users." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: if we wouldn't have waited, this would fail." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: We're doing this on x2goserver1 and not ldap1 because" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: ldap1 doesn't mount /home via NFS, plus it might be" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: up and running before nfs1 has finished booting." ;\
 echo 'su user1 -s /bin/true # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'su user2 -s /bin/true # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'su user3 -s /bin/true # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'su user4 -s /bin/true # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'su user5 -s /bin/true # homedir creation for x2godbadmin command' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Now let's create the database on pg1." ;\
 echo 'x2godbadmin --createdb' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: --addgroup seems to suggest that all users in this group" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: would be auto-added.  Sadly, this doesn't work, at least" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: there is no trace of any user in the database on pg1 afterwards." ;\
 echo '# x2godbadmin --addgroup users # fixme - does not seem to work' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: So let's add the users one by one:" ;\
 echo 'x2godbadmin --adduser user1' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'x2godbadmin --adduser user2' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'x2godbadmin --adduser user3' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'x2godbadmin --adduser user4' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'x2godbadmin --adduser user5' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the x2godbadmin stuff, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/x2godbadmin/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the routine that 'fakes' what x2go-pubkeyauthorizer does" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: by copying the authorized_keys file created on x2gobroker to its destination." ;\
 echo 'if [ -s /home/root/x2gobroker/.ssh/authorized_keys ] ; then' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo -e "\t"'cp -a /home/root/x2gobroker/.ssh /var/lib/x2gobroker/' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the x2gobroker stuff, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Note that it will only run if the authorized_keys file has been found." ;\
 echo -e "\t"'sed -i -e "/x2gobroker/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'fi #x2gobroker' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash - sadly, systemd must stay because of MATE and LXDE." ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/nsswitch	multiselect	passwd, shadow, group, hosts, services, networks, protocols, rpc, ethers, netgroup
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/clean_nsswitch	boolean	false
libpam-runtime  libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect     unix, ldap
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-bindpw       password
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-secprops        string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-krb5-ccname     string  /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authcid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-binddn       string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-cacertfile   string  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authzid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-uris string  ldap://
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-mech    select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-auth-type    select  none
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-base string  dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-realm   string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-reqcert      select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-starttls     boolean false

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=x2goserver2
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  x2goserver2
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Do not create a regular user account when installing a server
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
#d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
#d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
#d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available
# this is where we add the X2Go repo
d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string \ jessie main
d-i apt-setup/local0/comment string X2Go Repository

# URL to the public key of the local repository; you must provide a key or
# apt will complain about the unauthenticated repository and so the
# sources.list line will be left commented out

# CHANGE THIS - you need to download this keyfile onto your web server
# run these gpg commands to download it:
# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E1F958385BFE2B6E
# gpg -a --export E1F958385BFE2B6E > x2go.key.gpg
d-i apt-setup/local0/key string

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	standard, xfce-desktop, mate-desktop, lxde-desktop
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
cups-client \
cups-x2go \
debconf-i18n \
gimp \
ldap-utils \
libnss-ldapd \
libpam-ldapd \
libreoffice \
mc \
nslcd \
ntp \
pidgin \
postgresql-client-9.4 \
postgresql-client-common \
rsync \
screen \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \
vim \
x2go-keyring \
x2gobroker-agent \
x2goserver \
x2goserver-extensions \
x2goserver-printing \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/x2goserver2/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "x2goserver2" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is said to be required for LDAP UID/GID sync." ;\
 sed -i '/^NEED_IMAPD/cNEED_IMAPD=yes' /target/etc/default/nfs-common ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is for homedir autocreation." ;\
 echo -e 'session required\\tskel=/etc/skel umask=0022' >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-session ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so LDAP users are added to local groups when logging in to a remote system." ;\ 
 echo -e "auth\trequired\\tuse_first_pass" >>/target/etc/pam.d/common-auth ;\
 echo "common-auth;*;*;A10000-2400;users,x2gousers,x2gobroker-users" >>/target/etc/security/group.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /home gets mounted from nfs1" ;\
 echo -e 'nfs1:/export/home\t/home\tnfs\tsoft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192\t0\t0' >>/target/etc/fstab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so dnsmasq on ldap1 is queried for DNS first" ;\
 sed 's/#prepend domain-name-servers;/prepend domain-name-servers;/' -i /target/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This tells X2GoServer to use the postgres backend on pg1" ;\
 sed -i -e '/^host/' -e '/^backend/cbackend=postgres' /target/etc/x2go/x2gosql/sql ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This disables the graphical login - we don't need it on a server." ;\
 cat /dev/null > /target/etc/X11/default-display-manager ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our LDAP users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the routine that 'fakes' what x2go-pubkeyauthorizer does" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: by copying the authorized_keys file created on x2gobroker to its destination." ;\
 echo 'if [ -s /home/root/x2gobroker/.ssh/authorized_keys ] ; then' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo -e "\t"'cp -a /home/root/x2gobroker/.ssh /var/lib/x2gobroker/' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the x2gobroker stuff, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Note that it will only run if the authorized_keys file has been found." ;\
 echo -e "\t"'sed -i -e "/x2gobroker/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo 'fi #x2gobroker' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash - sadly, systemd must stay because of MATE and LXDE." ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/nsswitch	multiselect	passwd, shadow, group, hosts, services, networks, protocols, rpc, ethers, netgroup
libnss-ldapd	libnss-ldapd/clean_nsswitch	boolean	false
libpam-runtime  libpam-runtime/profiles multiselect     unix, ldap
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-bindpw       password
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-secprops        string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-krb5-ccname     string  /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authcid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-binddn       string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-cacertfile   string  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-authzid string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-uris string  ldap://
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-mech    select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-auth-type    select  none
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-base string  dc=x2go,dc=example,dc=com
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-sasl-realm   string
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-reqcert      select
nslcd   nslcd/ldap-starttls     boolean false

# There are two sets of parameters you can use as the append line:
# The minimum required is:
# hostname=x2goclient1
# url=
# (all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks)
# If you only use these, you will have to answer a few questions
# - mainly regarding country, keyboard and locale - interactively.
# For a fully automated installation, add these parameters 
# *in addition to the ones listed above*
# (again, all in one line, and without the leading "#" marks):
# priority=critical netcfg/use_dhcp=true netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE keymap=de-latin1
# debian-installer/locale=de_DE.UTF-8 DEBCONF_DEBUG=5

# We prefer to stay anonymous ;-)
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false

# Load non-free firmware, if possible
d-i hw-detect/load_firmware boolean true

# Repository
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /debian/
d-i     mirror/suite            string jessie

# Post install APT setup
d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select d-i
# CHANGE THIS to your nearest mirror
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /debian/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note

d-i     apt-setup/non-free 	boolean true
d-i     apt-setup/contrib 	boolean true

# Network-related settings
# Every hostname and domain name assigned via DHCP  
# takes priority over these values 
# however, if they are left empty, the installer will query them interactively 
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string  x2goclient1
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false
d-i     mirror/http/proxy      string
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select eth0
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# Partitioning and Bootloader settings
d-i     partman-auto/disk               string /dev/sda
d-i     partman-auto/method             string regular

# Do not use UUIDs in fstab (and not in bootloader config, either)
d-i partman/mount_style string traditional

# This silences an interactive "are you sure?" query
d-i	partman/confirm	boolean	true
d-i     partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i     partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
d-i     partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
d-i     partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
d-i     partman-md/confirm boolean true

d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select home
#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select multi

d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nomodeset gfxpayload=vga=normal

d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string /dev/sda

# Country, keyboard, locale settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i 	debian-installer/locale string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i     debian-installer/keymap string de-latin1

d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb    select German
d-i     countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i     console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i     debian-installer/locale             select de_DE.UTF-8

# Time zone settings - CHANGE THIS
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean false
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Berlin
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
d-i	time/zone	select	Europe/Berlin
d-i	clock-setup/utc	boolean	true
d-i	mirror/country	string	manual
d-i     clock-setup/ntp boolean false

# Root Account
# this says "start" in MD5 - CHANGE THIS
d-i	passwd/root-password-crypted    passwd    $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# On this client system, we want to create a local user
d-i passwd/make-user boolean true
d-i	passwd/user-fullname            string Local User
d-i	passwd/username                 string localuser
d-i	passwd/user-password-crypted    passwd $1$ekONVtC5$rTbjMaMA6cqFpbWu7UXWN.

# Additional repositories, local[0-9] available
# this is where we add the X2Go repo
d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string \ jessie main
d-i apt-setup/local0/comment string X2Go Repository

# URL to the public key of the local repository; you must provide a key or
# apt will complain about the unauthenticated repository and so the
# sources.list line will be left commented out

# CHANGE THIS - you need to download this keyfile onto your web server
# run these gpg commands to download it:
# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E1F958385BFE2B6E
# gpg -a --export E1F958385BFE2B6E > x2go.key.gpg
#d-i apt-setup/local0/key string
#d-i apt-setup/local0/key string
d-i apt-setup/local0/key string

# Task and Package Selection
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	ssh-server
d-i	pkgsel/include	string		ssh \
console-setup \
debconf-i18n \
lightdm \
lxde-core \
lxtask \
lxlauncher \
mc \
ntp \
screen \
sysvinit-core \
sysvinit-utils \
unattended-upgrades \
vim \

# Commands to be executed after package installation
# Note: The only way to insert comments below is to add an "echo COMMENT"
d-i preseed/late_command string echo "COMMENT: Begin Post-Install Setup/Config" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Configure SSH" ;\
 mkdir -p /target/root/.ssh ; \
 chmod 700 /target/root/.ssh ;\
 touch /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; \
 chmod 600 /target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/c PermitRootLogin without-password' /target/etc/ssh/sshd_config ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Insert your own SSH public key here" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: User echo -n as shown so multiline echo doesn't add Newlines when appending" ;\
 echo -n 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3blahblahblah' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo -n 'blahblahblahOQ== SSH Key Comment here' >>/target/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fixing shortcomings of netcfg here..." ;\
 sed -i "s/$(cat /etc/hostname)/x2goclient1/" /target/etc/hosts ;\
 echo "x2goclient1" >/target/etc/hostname ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Fix ends here." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This fixes some annoyances regarding UTF-8 and MidnightCommander" ;\
 echo "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" >>/target/etc/bash.bashrc ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This makes sure error messages during bootup remain on screen." ;\
 sed -i -e '/^1/ s/getty/getty --noclear/' /target/etc/inittab ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so dnsmasq on ldap1 is queried for DNS first" ;\
 sed 's/#prepend domain-name-servers;/prepend domain-name-servers;/' -i /target/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This removes the cdrom entry from sources list (left behind by installer)" ;\
 sed -i '/^#* *deb cdrom/d' /target/etc/apt/sources.list ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This patches rc.local so the following set of commands is run" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: exactly *once* - at the first boot after installation." ;\
 echo "COMMENT: First, remove the 'exit 0'" ;\
 sed -i '/^exit 0/d' /target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is so /bin/sh points to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash" ;\
 echo "COMMENT: As the standard shell of our users is set to /bin/sh." ;\
 echo 'dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical dash' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This is the cleanup job for the dpkg-reconfigure call, so it doesn't run more than once." ;\
 echo 'sed -i -e "/dpkg/d" /etc/rc.local' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, rc.local must terminate with 'exit 0' again." ;\
 echo 'exit 0' >>/target/etc/rc.local ;\
 echo "COMMENT: Finally, take out the trash - sadly, systemd must stay because of MATE and LXDE." ;\
 in-target apt-get autoremove --purge -y ;\
 in-target apt-get clean ;\
 echo "COMMENT: This last step creates an X2GoClient-in-Broker-Mode desktop entry" ;\
 mkdir /target/home/localuser/Desktop ;\
 echo '[Desktop Entry]' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Version=1.0' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Terminal=false' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Icon=x2goclient' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Type=Application' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Categories=Internet' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Exec=x2goclient --broker-url=ssh:// --add-to-known-hosts' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Name=X2GoClient in Broker Mode' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'GenericName=X2GoClient in Broker Mode' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'Comment=Starts X2GoClient in Broker Mode' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo 'StartupNotify=true' >>/target/home/localuser/Desktop/x2goclient-broker.desktop ;\
 echo "End Post-Install Setup/Config"

# Shut down and power off after installation
d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true

# preseed key-value pairs for the packages we intend to install
dash	dash/sh	boolean	false
exim4-config exim4/no_config boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autostart boolean false
mdadm   mdadm/mail_to   string  root
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart       string  all
mdadm   mdadm/initrdstart_notinconf     boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/autocheck boolean true
mdadm   mdadm/start_daemon      boolean true
doc/howto/x2gobroker.1486745624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/10 16:53 by stefanbaur