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Communication Ressources

X2Go is mainly organized via Mailing Lists. Everybody can read content send to the Mailing Lists in public without needing to join any web service.

If you want to ask a question or want to make suggestions, please feel free to join those lists you are interested in. It is always a good idea to have a look inside the archives of a list to see if a topic has already been discussed.

As there are already people on the list who may have spent a lot of time working on this project, please be kind and think about what you are going to write (Netiquette). Please keep in mind that our list archives are public and that they are visited by search engines!

Mailing Lists

  • x2go-announcement - this list is used for human-readable announcements (read only! no digests possible! very low traffic!)
  • x2go-user - this list is used for discussion about x2go, usage examples, user needs and collaboration
  • x2go-dev - this list is used for the conversation of x2go developers
  • x2go-commits - this list is used as a log of GIT and wiki commits (read only!)
  • x2go-tags - this list is used as a log of GIT tagging – mostly code get tagged in Git if/when a new version for a project is out (read only!)

Mail2News/Archive at Gmane

Nearly all mailing list postings are cross-posted to the Gmane mail archives. For more information on Gmane, please read here:

Web 2.0

Mailing Lists in Detail...

User List (x2go-user)

This List is addressed to Users - this list is the right place to ask questions about installation issues and needed documentation.

Latest Postings...

Announcement List (x2go-announcement)

This List is addressed to Users - this list is a read-only list and it informs you about newly released X2Go components or other important issues related to X2Go.

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Mailinglists for Developers

Development List (x2go-dev)

This List is addressed to Developers - please don't use this list to ask questions about installation issues.

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SCM Tags List (x2go-tags)

This List is addressed to developers and esp. to distribution packagers - the list is read-only, Git taggings are posted to this list. Packagers (people who package X2Go for Linux distributions) can get auto-informed about newly tagged versions in our X2Go Git upstream code repository.

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SCM Commits List (x2go-commits)

This List is addressed to Developers - the list is read-only, Git commits (and wiki changes) are posted to this list.

Latest Postings...

contact/start.1320277127.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)