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doc:newtox2go [2014/05/20 00:32]
mikedep333 [Installation and Use] Typo fix
doc:newtox2go [2017/03/06 13:53] (current)
ionic No anymore.
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 ===== Overview ===== ===== Overview =====
-X2Go enables you to access a //graphical desktop// of a computer over a //low bandwidth// (or high bandwidth) connection.+X2Go enables you to access a //graphical desktop// of a computer over a //low bandwidth// (or high bandwidth) connection. {{ :x2go1.jpg?direct&200|}}
 X2Go is a //[[|Remote Desktop]]// solution, which some vendors vaguely call //Remote Control//. This is not to be confused with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, which is a competing Remote Desktop solution and protocol. X2Go is a //[[|Remote Desktop]]// solution, which some vendors vaguely call //Remote Control//. This is not to be confused with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, which is a competing Remote Desktop solution and protocol.
-With X2Go, you can access Linux computers. The Linux computer you are accessing is the //X2Go Server//.+ 
 +With X2Go, you mainly access Linux computers. The Linux computer you are accessing is the //X2Go Server// 
 +(There are ways to connect to a Windows computer as well; some of them are only available with the Linux X2Go Client.)
 You can connect from a computer running Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. This computer is the //X2Go Client//. You can connect from a computer running Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. This computer is the //X2Go Client//.
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 You can then enter your username and password and connect to the X2Go server. You can then enter your username and password and connect to the X2Go server.
 Advanced authentication methods (SSH keys, GSSAPI/Kerberos) are also available in the X2Go Client GUI. Advanced authentication methods (SSH keys, GSSAPI/Kerberos) are also available in the X2Go Client GUI.
 +Please check to make sure that [[doc:de-compat|your desktop environment (Session type) is compatible too.]]
 == Getting Help == == Getting Help ==
 Community support in English is available over [[contact:start|both mailing lists and IRC]]. Community support in English is available over [[contact:start|both mailing lists and IRC]].
-Community support in German is available on the [[|]] forum. 
 [[doc:professional-support|Professional support]] is also available. [[doc:professional-support|Professional support]] is also available.
 ===== Screenshots ===== ===== Screenshots =====
-{{:ami-ubuntu.png?300|}} {{::centos6-from-windows8.1.png?300|}} {{::x2go-on-debian2.jpg?300|}} {{::fedora-20-mate-from-mac-os-x.png?300|}}+{{:ami-ubuntu.jpg?300|}} {{::centos6-from-windows8.1.jpg?300|}} {{::x2go-on-debian2.jpg?300|}} {{::fedora-20-mate-from-mac-os-x.jpg?300|}} {{:doc:x2go-pubapp-start-menu.png?300|}}{{:doc:xwayland_f22_to_f22.jpg?300|}}
doc/newtox2go.1400545940.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/05/20 00:32 by mikedep333