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wiki:advanced:x2gokdrive:start [2024/07/08 20:12]
uli42 [2. X2Go KDrive is a real X-Server]
wiki:advanced:x2gokdrive:start [2024/07/08 20:14] (current)
uli42 [How to use X2Go KDrive]
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 ===== How to use X2Go KDrive ===== ===== How to use X2Go KDrive =====
-x2gokdriveclient and x2gokdrive binaries are made to be compatible with nxproxy and x2goagent. You can just rename x2gokdriveclient to nxproxy and x2gokdrive to x2goagent and start the X2Go session using X2Go Client. It works only if X2Go Client is running on Linux. The versions of X2Go Client and X2Go Server, which can run parallel x2goagent and X2Go KDrive sessions are coming soon.+x2gokdriveclient and x2gokdrive binaries are designed as drop-in replacements for nxproxy and nxagent/x2goagent. You can just rename x2gokdriveclient to nxproxy and x2gokdrive to x2goagent and start the X2Go session using X2Go Client. It works only if X2Go Client is running on Linux. Versions of X2Go Client and X2Go Server that can run both x2goagent and X2Go KDrive sessions will come soon.
 **Please keep in mind:** **Please keep in mind:**
   * This is not a stable software.    * This is not a stable software. 
-  * Use it on your own risk and don't use it in productive environment+  * Use it on your own risk and don't use it in productive environments
   * At the moment it's only a preview version. We assume you know how X2Go works and you know what are you doing.   * At the moment it's only a preview version. We assume you know how X2Go works and you know what are you doing.
wiki/advanced/x2gokdrive/start.1720469531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/08 20:12 by uli42