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events:x2go-spread-2024 [2024/11/22 19:31]
stefanbaur [Join us here] added YT link
events:x2go-spread-2024 [2024/12/07 23:24] (current)
stefanbaur [X2Go: The Spread 2024] Added YT playlist link
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 **Date:** 2024-11-17 for the orca e.V. meeting, 2024-11-18 to 2024-11-22 for the actual "The Spread" event **Date:** 2024-11-17 for the orca e.V. meeting, 2024-11-18 to 2024-11-22 for the actual "The Spread" event
-<note important>Please join us at or watch us via YouTube at</note> 
 **Event type:** orca e.V. meeting on Sunday at 11:00 CET, followed by 5 evenings (starting at 20:00 CET) with one or two short talks/presentations/demos per day, around 20-30 minutes each, followed by discussions, jointly working on open tasks, bug-squashing, "open coding" **Event type:** orca e.V. meeting on Sunday at 11:00 CET, followed by 5 evenings (starting at 20:00 CET) with one or two short talks/presentations/demos per day, around 20-30 minutes each, followed by discussions, jointly working on open tasks, bug-squashing, "open coding"
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 ===== X2Go: The Spread 2024 ===== ===== X2Go: The Spread 2024 =====
 === Evening topics === === Evening topics ===
 +Click [[|here]] for a link to our YouTube playlist with all recordings of X2Go: The Spread 2024
 == Monday == == Monday ==
   * X2Go's State of the Union, Part 2 (Stefan)   * X2Go's State of the Union, Part 2 (Stefan)
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   * X2Go's Funding Situation, Part 2: orca/Betterplace - cf. Ideas from Spread:2023 Wednesday (Stefan, Mike, Juri, Naira)   * X2Go's Funding Situation, Part 2: orca/Betterplace - cf. Ideas from Spread:2023 Wednesday (Stefan, Mike, Juri, Naira)
   * Gitlab Status Report (Mike, Mihai, Juri)   * Gitlab Status Report (Mike, Mihai, Juri)
-  * Recording can be found [[|here]]+  * Recording can be found [[|here]]
 == Thursday == == Thursday ==
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 == Friday== == Friday==
   * Secure Remote Access Even to Old Windows XP Systems - Thanks to X2Go and a Raspberry Pi (Stefan's 2024 German-language talk, now in English - but this will take at least 60 minutes)   * Secure Remote Access Even to Old Windows XP Systems - Thanks to X2Go and a Raspberry Pi (Stefan's 2024 German-language talk, now in English - but this will take at least 60 minutes)
-  * probably around 21:00 CET: NX-libs update -> Mike, Mihai - is it time for an NX-libs update in the X2Go nightly repos (pulling from arctica)? +  * NX-libs update -> Mike, Mihai - is it time for an NX-libs update in the X2Go nightly repos (pulling from arctica)? 
-  * Bugtracker Cleanup, if anyone is still in the mood and time permits+  * "Mr. Eyebot V2.0" - Quick Explanation and Demo (Stefan) 
 +  * Recording can be found [[|here]] 
 +  * Updated presentation slides can be found [[|here]]
events/x2go-spread-2024.1732303865.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/22 19:31 by stefanbaur