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wiki:development:deb-buildguide [2017/03/04 12:52]
gratuxri [Get the build and development dependencies]
wiki:development:deb-buildguide [2020/05/26 14:57] (current)
danger89 [Get the build and development dependencies]
Line 17: Line 17:
 ==== Get the build and development dependencies ==== ==== Get the build and development dependencies ====
-Then you should use your favorite available packet manager to install the build dependencies although I'm not 100% sure wether we need all of them or some are optional...+Install the following packages for development (Debian/Ubuntu based distro): 
 +//Note:// Some packages are optional.
 <code> <code>
-sudo apt-get install build-essential qt4-designer qtcreator qtcreator-doc \+sudo apt-get install build-essential qt4-default qt4-designer qtcreator qtcreator-doc \
                      qt4-demos qt4-doc qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev git \                      qt4-demos qt4-doc qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev git \
-                     qt-sdk libldap2-dev libssh-dev libxpm-dev libcups2-dev \+                     libldap2-dev libssh-dev libxpm-dev libcups2-dev \
                      debhelper doxygen man2html-base xutils-dev libpixman-1-dev\                      debhelper doxygen man2html-base xutils-dev libpixman-1-dev\
                      devscripts quilt libxcomposite-dev libxrandr-dev\                      devscripts quilt libxcomposite-dev libxrandr-dev\
                      libxtst-dev libxinerama-dev libxrender-dev pkg-config expat\                      libxtst-dev libxinerama-dev libxrender-dev pkg-config expat\
-                     libxmltok1-dev libxml2-dev libxfont1-dev+                     libxmltok1-dev libxml2-dev libxfont-dev
 </code> </code>
-All up-to-date dependencies you can get with **dpkg-checkbuilddeps**+All up-to-date dependencies you can get with **dpkg-checkbuilddeps** command.
 ==== Build the actual code ==== ==== Build the actual code ====
wiki/development/deb-buildguide.1488631938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/04 12:52 by gratuxri