X2Go: The Spread 2023 - You (K)Drive Me Krazy!
This is the replacement event for X2Go: The Gathering 2023, which could not take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic and scheduling conflicts.
Location: 100% online
Date: 2023-12-10 for the orca e.V. meeting, expect 2023-12-11 to 2023-12-15 for the actual “The Spread” event
Event type: orca e.V. meeting on Sunday at 11:00 CET, followed by 5 evenings (starting at 20:00 CET) with one or two short talks/presentations/demos per day, around 20-30 minutes each, followed by discussions, jointly working on open tasks, bug-squashing, “open coding”
Sponsorship: As this is a purely virtual event, we are not really in need for event sponsors. However, X2Go could still use some more donations, so if you have a few $$$/€€€/£££ to spare, you can find our donation forms here:
One sponsor that we didn't expect, but are happy to have, is WorkAdventure - they are providing us with a free meeting room in a 2D virtual world for this year's event (see below for instructions and a screenshot).
Watch this space for updates.
Join us here
This is where the link to the Jitsi meeting room/WorkAdventure map and the live stream(s) will be posted (probably around 10:00 CET on Sunday for orca, and around 18:00 CET Monday to Friday for X2Go).
Enter the WorkAdventure virtual world here: https://play.workadventu.re/@/orca-e.v./x2go:-the-spread/classroom
If WorkAdventure doesn't work for you (no pun intended), you can still join the main Jitsi meeting room directly: https://coremeet.workadventu.re/wsql20-estatesphere - but you will need to set your user name manually (in Jitsi, click the three dots in the bottom navigation bar, then click the topmost entry, which probably says “me” - and change “me” to your actual name or nickname/IRC handle)
Link to YouTube stream for guests: Live streaming is over, please find the links to the recordings below
We're still using Jitsi, like in the previous years, but this time, with a “WorkAdventure” 2D virtual world wrapped around it.
If you've never used WorkAdventure, please try to log in a little early, so you can customize your avatar (“Woka”), check your Audio and Video settings, etc.
Below is a screenshot of our virtual meeting room.
The big area on the left with many chairs is the main stage for Talks/Demos/Presentations. Position your avatar there and press the space bar to join the Jitsi meeting. This meeting will likely also be streamed to YouTube and/or recorded.
The area in the upper right is a “Do not Disturb” area - if you position your avatar there, audio and video is automatically blocked. This is so you don't have to sign out completely when real life requires your attention.
The areas with the blue carpets ( two large ones at the bottom and nine smaller ones on the right) are all separate Jitsi rooms. These can be used to collaborate in smaller teams.
Even outside of a Jitsi room area, you can still have individual conversations with other avatars (“Wokas”) - but those are limited to four participants. The Jitsi rooms are not limited, so for a larger group, just move to an area with a blue carpet and press the space bar to join the Jitsi room. There is also a “follow me” feature in the menu.
You can view this page “in-game” by walking up to the screen at the upper (“North”) end of the map, to the left of the Do-not-Disturb area
You can make your avatar (“Woka”) run by holding down the shift key in addition to an arrow key.
Event schedule
Sunday, 2023-12-10
11:00 CET: annual orca e.V. meeting (see below)
Monday, 2023-12-11
20:00 CET: Presentation: X2Go's “State of the Union” (Stefan) - Link to the recording: https://youtu.be/0XZnD_lIk-0
Updating our Gitlab instance/host system (Mihai/Mike/Juri)
Old Bugtracker E-Mail “cleanup” (Stefan)
Tuesday, 2023-12-12
20:00 CET: Presentation: Release the K…Drive (Mihai) - Link to the recording: https://youtu.be/azB8D-gJRRY
20:10 CET: Q&A
20:30 CET: Meta-Presentation: Turning X2GoClient & LibreOffice Impress into a Teleprompter for Presentations - Link to the recording: https://youtu.be/aHmaJRaM3O8
20:45 CET: Q&A
Stefan's Meta-Presentation “nerd-sniped” the developers so they spent about an hour or so trying to figure out how to achieve the same effect without X2Go. They failed.
Wednesday, 2023-12-13
20:30 CET: Talk/Discussion: 18 Months of Using Betterplace as a Donation Platform - The Future of X2Go Donations (and what we could do to improve things even further) (Stefan, Mike) - rescheduled to 20:30 as Mike was late - Link to the recording: https://youtu.be/HaX5rnSiF1s
Main Idea: Create Sub-Projects for X2Go on Betterplace
X2Go-Infrastructure (hosting costs etc.)
X2Go-Events (Posters, Handouts, Travel, Accommodation)
X2Go-Documentation (improvements re: Wiki, manpages, online help, …)
X2Go-Development: Sub-Sub-Projects
X2Go-Dev-HTML5Client (feature parity with X2GoClient, security audit, …)
X2Go-Dev-KDrive (we're still missing an official Windows Client Release plus a KDrive-enabled macOS client)
X2Go-Dev-SoundSupport (better sound support that uses less bandwidth)
X2Go-Dev-USBForwarding (adding generic USB forwarding)
X2Go-Dev-RDP/VNC-Support (RDP Proxy Mode is currently stuck with rdesktop - we should add support for freeRDP, as well as VNC)
X2Go-Dev-X2GoClient-macOS-ARM64-Architecture (New build infrastructure)
X2Go-Dev-X2GoClient-Qt6 (Migration from Qt4/Qt5 to Qt6)
X2Go-Dev-X2GoClient-Windows-11-Support (Remove warnings during installation, maybe add client to Microsoft store)
X2Go-Dev-Wayland-Support (research and implement a solution to attach X2GoServer to a Wayland host, similar to how RDP and VNC are currently available for these)
Potential donors can choose which area of X2Go they want to sponsor
There will be no central overview over all X2Go-related projects on betterplace.org (we could put one in the Wiki, though)
Quick phone call between orca chairmen to approve projects and needs (Stefan, Mike)
Migrating the Git Repo to Gitlab (Mike, Mihai, Juri)
Knowledge Transfer: Release Management (Mihai, Mike, maybe Stefan)
Thursday, 2023-12-14
20:00 CET: Presentation/Live Demo: Booting X2Go-TCE-Live with iPXE in EFI and Legacy Mode (Stefan) - Link to the recording: https://youtu.be/Fx83CYdpCDk
Last cleanup in old bugtracker (Stefan, Juri)
Migrating the Bugtracker to Gitlab (Mike, Juri)
Friday, 2023-12-15
Unsorted list of topics/ideas (not final, open to suggestions)
KDrive Bug Triaging/Bug Squashing
KDrive support for various distributions/platforms
X2Go-TCE with KDrive support/Bookworm on various platforms
Next Gathering: May 31st-June 2nd or June 7th - June 9th 2024? Mike: All June weekends fine
ORCA e.V. annual meeting
Date: 2023-12-10
Time 11:00 CET/MEZ (10:00 UTC)
Location: Online (Links will be posted below on the day of the event, probably 30 minutes before it starts)
We'll try to stream this event and/or make a recording available afterwards.
This is the annual meeting (“Jahreshauptversammlung”) of ORCA e.V.
stands for Open Remote Computing Association
has been founded at X2Go: The Gathering 2017
includes members of several open remote computing projects, like Arctica and FreeRDP, not only X2Go
We are required to have these meetings about once a year.
As X2Go: The Gathering/X2Go: The Spread is an event where the majority of ORCA members tends to take part in, it makes sense to hold the required annual meeting as part of the X2Go: The Gathering/X2Go: The Spread event.
Current orca e.V. members have been invited to this event by individual e-mail.
The language of this event item is German.
This event item has its own sub-agenda:
Link zur YouTube-Aufzeichnung: https://youtu.be/ILZdbIm81aA
Vorläufige Agenda - Ergänzungen/Änderungen können bis zur und auch während der Versammlung per Antrag erfolgen!
Als Tagesordnung ist vorgesehen:
Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
Festlegung des Schriftführers für diese Versammlung (muss kein Vereinsmitglied sein)
Bericht der Vorstände
Entlastung des Vorstandes (gesamt; im Verweigerungsfall einzeln)
Bericht des Kassenwarts
Entlastung des Kassenwarts
Abstimmung über Höhe und Fälligkeit der Mitgliedsgebühren. Hinweise dazu:
Es ist mittlerweile möglich, per Lastschrift zu bezahlen. Entsprechende Formulare wurden den Mitgliedern in der Vergangenheit bereits übermittelt.
Der jährliche Reminder, dass Mitgliedsgebühren aufgrund der Anerkennung der Gemeinnützigkeit unseres Vereins in Deutschland steuerlich absetzbar sind.
Anträge: Aktuell liegen keine Anträge vor.
Neuwahl des Vorstandes:
(wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
Neuwahl des Kassenwarts:
(wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde
(Neu)wahl des Schriftführers (bislang vakant):
(wenn gewünscht) Fragerunde