Table of Contents

X2Go: The Spread 2021.5

spread something special

Quick Facts

This is the replacement event for X2Go: The Gathering 2021, which had to be cancelled due to illness of several core members.

Location: 100% online

Date: 2022-11-28 to 2022-12-02

Event type: 5 days, but evening-only - starting around 18:00 CET, with a maximum of one or two short talks/presentations (around 20-30 minutes each), followed by discussions, jointly working on open tasks, bugsquashing, “open coding”

Sponsorship: As this is a purely virtual event, we are not in need for event sponsors. However, X2Go could still use some more donations to cover hosting costs, so if you have a few $$$/€€€/£££ to spare, you can find our donation forms here:

What's that name all about? As our idea of running an annual hacktrain had to be cancelled permanently back in 2014, we chose the name “X2Go: The Gathering” for the new type of annual event we hosted since then. This year, the spread of the of the Corona virus around the globe and across Germany makes it impossible for us to gather safely, which is why we are meeting virtually instead, while being physically spread out across the real world. Also, for everyone actively taking part in the event, please be prepared to show your favorite breakfast spread while on camera. ;)

Note: A separate, virtual event called X2Go: The Spread 2022 will take place from 2022-12-12 to 2022-12-16 (i.e. roughly two weeks from 2021.5). Details for that event can be found here.

Taking Part

Join us here (Jitsi Meet, requires Chrome/Chromium/Brave, please do not use Firefox unless you really have no other choice)



Agenda for Monday

  1. Try out/set up streaming and recording equipment (Stefan, Juri)
  2. probably either work on X2Go-TCE/X2Go-TCE-Pi or discuss hosting options, depending on who actually shows up

Agenda for Tuesday

  1. Stefan/Ionic: Continue updating POWER Machine #2
  2. Stefan: Perform Test Builds of X2Go-TCE for Bullseye
    1. Investigate possibly broken “cheat” for compression options (Did they change from Buster to Bullseye?) - yes they did, patch is in the works
  3. Juri/Ionic: Get mellum (one of our Hetzner hosts) back into working order - Work in Progess, continues Wednesday
  4. around 19:15/19:30 CET: discuss server situation with Mike#1, h1, ionic, Juri - Done!

Agenda for Wednesday

  1. Stefan: Write Follow-Up eMail re: server situation to h1, cc: Mike, ionic Done!
  2. Stefan: Perform further Test Builds of X2Go-TCE for Bullseye - Work in Progress, continues Thursday
    1. TCE arm64 Bullseye fails?!
    2. Check if patching the Live-Build buildscript can be avoided - Work in Progress, continues Thursday
    3. Update Wiki with latest X2Go buildscript - Work in Progress, continues Thursday
  3. Juri/Ionic: Get mellum (one of our Hetzner hosts) back into working order Done!
    1. Get Gitlab running again Done!
    2. update SSL Certificate Done!
    3. make sure all required updates are installed/operating system is on current release version (both mellum and gitlab) Done!
  4. Juri/Ionic: It should be possible to clone via http/https, but the config seems to be broken → now Fixed! Done!
  5. Ionic: Check Uli's Pull Requests in Gitlab - Work in Progress, continues Thursday
  6. Stefan: Check if yesterday's video has finally been processed by YT Done!
  7. Discussed booth volunteers for CLT 2023 (unsolved, continues Thursday/Friday)
  8. Ionic: Tested Live Streaming Setup - Tests successful, Done!

Agenda for Thursday

  1. Stefan: Perform further Test Builds of X2Go-TCE for Bullseye (cont'd from Wednesday)
    1. TCE arm64 bullseye builds fail due to hardcoded buster-backport repo - Fixed (but not uploaded to Wiki yet)
    2. Check if patching the Live-Build buildscript can be avoided (cont'd from Wednesday) - Yes, it can! - Done!
    3. Update Wiki with latest X2Go buildscript (cont'd from Wednesday) - Done!
  2. Ionic (ETA 20:00): Check Uli's Pull Requests in Gitlab Done!
  3. Mihai: Jenkins Update including PPC64LE, Win7 Builder, continues Friday

Agenda for Friday

  1. ENOTIME - postponed to The Spread 2022 Stefan/Juri: Prepare Packaging of X2Go-TCE-Live for Bookworm (there's stuff on salsa etc. → Juri)
  2. Stefan/Juri: try to get the X2Go Broker Demo Environment updated to Bullseye and possibly with LDAPS
  3. Mihai: Jenkins Update: MacOS machines (cont'd from Thursday)
  4. Juri: mellum's Backup is broken - Fixed, Done!
  5. ENOTIME - Try to get HTML5 Client via Google WebPreview running
  6. ENOTIME - postponed to The Spread 2022 Mihai (ETA: 20:00): Prepare NX-Libs release?
  7. ENOTIME - postponed to The Spread 2022 Discuss booth volunteers and possible talk topics for CLT 2023 (cont'd from Wednesday)
    1. Volunteers:
      1. Juri: yes
      2. Stefan: hard maybe (depends on pandemic situation etc.)
      3. h1: no reply yet
      4. rleofield: no reply yet
    2. Topic Suggestions:
      1. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About X2GoClient* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) - updated version of the TUEBIX 2018 talk
        1. XDMCP
        2. RDP
        3. KDrive
      2. X2Go Broker?
        1. would require an up-to-date demo environment
      3. X2Go-TCE-Live/MMD on Bookworm?
      4. X2Go in the Google Cloud, now with KDrive and HTML5
        1. requires working HTML5 client via Google WebPreview
      5. KDrive - on PPC64LE and ARM64
        1. needs testing
      6. Something by h1 or rleofield?

Unsorted list of topics/ideas (not final, open to suggestions)


Server infrastructure

Gitlab migration


Mac M1 hosting

Regular Hosting Alternatives

