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Building from source

Create a place to work in

Create a folder somewhere, whatever you prefer, but I would recommend to keep all the code in the same place. For example create one in you home directory

mkdir -p ~/code/x2go && cd ~/code/x2go

Get the sources

First, you have to get the sources. There is already a “ready to clone” snippet here, to be pasted in any bash terminal.

You should now have cloned all repositories actually shown at the gitweb here.

Get the build and development dependencies

Then you should use your favorite available packet manager to install the build dependencies although I'm not 100% sure wether we need all of them or some are optional…

sudo apt-get install build-essential qt4-designer qtcreator qtcreator-doc \
                     qt4-demos qt4-doc qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev git \
                     qt-sdk libldap2-dev libssh-dev libxpm-dev libcups2-dev \
                     debhelper doxygen man2html-base

Build the actual code

Before you build, consider this: when you're on the master branch, you're on the bleeding edge. This could contain any sort of errors or experimental code. Have a look at the available tags:

git tag

Also, you might want to have in mind, that the actual build is based on the branch build-main. Have a look at what's there with

git branch <TAB><TAB>

Change to the branch or tag of project you want to build and build the project with:

debuild -us -uc

Build on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian wheezy)

These are temporary notes.

sudo apt-get update
# build deps of both nx-libs and x2goserver
sudo apt-get install debhelper libpng-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev quilt libfontconfig1-dev libfontenc-dev libfreetype6-dev libxmltok1-dev libxml2-dev autoconf pkg-config x11proto-core-dev man2html-base
git clone
cd nx-libs
git checkout redist-server/
# This will take about 1 hour or so.
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
cd ..
git clone
cd x2goserver
git checkout
# This will take a few minutes
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
cd ..

Install on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian wheezy)

These are temporary notes.

# X2Go Server dependencies and recommendations
sudo apt-get install libc6 lsof bc openssh-server openssh-client libconfig-simple-perl pwgen libdbd-pg-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libfile-basedir-perl libcapture-tiny-perl adduser xauth psmisc net-tools sshfs x11-apps x11-session-utils x11-utils x11-xfs-utils x11-xkb-utils x11-xserver-utils fontconfig xinit xfonts-base x11-common
# nx-libs dependencies and recommendations
sudo apt-get install libc6 libxml2 libjpeg8 libpng12-0 libstdc++6 zlib1g libgcc1
# **This is not the actual command. Will update this wiki page shortly**
sudo dpkg -i nxagent_*.deb libnx-x11_*.deb libxcomp3_*.deb libxcompext3_*.deb libxcompshad3_*.deb
# If you have x2goclient installed from the raspbian repos, you will need to run this command instead 
sudo dpkg -i nxagent_*.deb libnx-x11_*.deb libxcomp3_*.deb libxcompext3_*.deb libxcompshad3_*.deb nxproxy_*.deb
sudo dpkg -i x2goserver_*.deb x2goserver-xsession_*.deb x2goserver-extensions_*.deb
wiki/development/deb-buildguide.1412251100.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/02 11:58 by mikedep333