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X2go Packages for Debian GNU/Linux

Adding the needed Debian Repository to your system

To get started you'll need to configure your local system to access the official X2go Debian repository. Please keep in mind that this installation manual will guide you through the installation on a Debian squeeze (wheezy, sid) system. The repository will basically offer you packages for i386 and amd64 architectures.


  • Debian lenny: X2go server-side packages will be backported in irregular intervals till Debian lenny will loose its oldstable declaration. No nightly-builds for Debian lenny, though. Neither client-side packages.
  • ARM architecture: for Debian squeeze on ARM-based (Debian/armel) devices we provide client-side packages (x2goclient, pyhoca-gui, pyhoca-cli plus dependencies). No nightly-builds, no server packages, though.

Before starting to edit your system configuration, you'll need to add the needed GPG keys of the repository. Please switch to an user which has administrator privileges on your system in your preferred command line client:

$ su -

The following commands will ensure that your system will be able to work with the repository archive key. We have also provided our archive key and the X2go maintainers' keys in a keyring package called x2go-keyring (see below). If you choose to install that package you can skip these first steps…

$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E1F958385BFE2B6E
$ gpg -a --export E1F958385BFE2B6E | apt-key add - 

Please create and edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/x2go.list with your preferred editor (in this example “vim”) and add the X2go repository (binaries and sources) as a couple of new lines (example for Debian squeeze):

$ vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/x2go.list

In this case the lines which have to be added to “/etc/apt/sources.list” are:

# X2go Repository
deb squeeze main
# X2go Repository (sources)
deb-src squeeze main

Please perform an update on your debian package database:

$ aptitude update

After the update you should be able to access the X2go packages via the apt command. As a first action you should install our ''x2go-keyring package and refresh the apt cache:

$ aptitude install x2go-keyring && aptitude update

Now you can search for X2go related package that are now available for your APT system:

$ aptitude search x2go

Congratulations, you are now able to access the X2go packages. You may continue by installing x2goserver, x2goclient or pyhoca-gui or any other of the available packages.

news/adding_the_x2go_repository_debian.1318876612.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)