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X2Go: The Gathering 2015 @ Linuxhotel

Date: 2015-06-19 to 2015-06-21

Three-day event at (for conditions, see: /, Essen (“work and play” gathering; grid power, wifi, hotel style rooms, youth hostel-like service, recreational facilities available, group entertainment available in the evening)


  • planning and preparation - Stefan Baur & Mike Gabriel
  • carpooling option for the Karlsruhe-Frankfurt-Essen route - Mihai Moldovan
  • liaison for Linuxhotel staff between 2015-06-19 and 2015-06-21 - Mike Gabriel


We have received a 450 EUR donation from Hetzner Online, which we will be using to sponsor the accommodation costs of a few participants, as well as BBQ ingredients, carpooling costs, …

Thanks to Hetzner for this very generous offer! Hetzner Online

List of Participants

All confirmed participants in alphabetical order:

  1. Alonso, Nicolas Arenas (Qindel/TheQVD)
  2. Baur, Stefan (BAUR-ITCS) - Timemeister
  3. DePaulo, Michael Swinick - Deep C Diver
  4. Fandiño, Salvador (Qindel/TheQVD)
  5. Fleten, Kjetil Andre (
  6. Gabriel, Mike (DAS-NETZWERKTEAM)
  7. Heinold, Henning (tarent)
  8. Martinez, Nito (Qindel/TheQVD)
  9. Moldovan, Mihai (BAUR-ITCS) - Timegeselle and Endian-chasing Cowbyte
  10. Noltensmeier, Burkhard (; Saturday only)
  11. Pedersen-Cook, Mark (
  12. Wicke, Florian (Hetzner)

Names in italics indicate that the particular person is one of the event organizers. Bold shows nicknames and honorary titles.

All available beds are booked out! If you want to take part in the event, you need to bring your own sleeping bag and sleep on the conference room floor, or look for a room elsewhere. Please send an E-Mail to if you would like to be put on a waiting list for a bed, in case one or more become available again.


Friday 2015-06-19

  • arrival: 1800 hours/6pm local time (CEST - Central European Summer Time AKA daylight saving time)
  • option to order Pizza or start a BBQ/camp fire, bringing your own food is OK, too.
  • get-together in the chimney room (there's Wi-Fi and power, so if you want to code away, feel free to do so)

Arrival Plan

When Where Who
??:??h Linuxhotel Henning (will update this entry himself)
11:25h DUS Airport Nicolas, Nito, Salvador
14:00h DUS Airport Kjetil and Mark
??:??h Essen central station Nicolas, Nito, Salvador
15:58h Essen central station Mike#1
??:??h Essen-Horst subway station Nicolas, Nito, Salvador
16:05h Essen central station Kjetil, Mark, Mike#1 meet and take the 16:16h subway to Essen-Horst
16:24h Essen-Horst subway station Kjetil, Mark, Mike#1
16:40h Linuxhotel Kjetil, Mark, Mike#1
??:??h Linuxhotel Nicolas, Nito, Salvador
17:15h Linuxhotel Florian
12:53h Karlsruhe central station Stefan and Mihai meet and take a rental car to Frankfurt
14:15h Frankfurt Stefan and Mihai pick up Mike#2 and continue to Essen
18:00h Essen Stefan, Mihai, Mike#2 arrive at Essen City and will go BBQ shopping
19:00h Linuxhotel Stefan, Mihai, Mike#2
Time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator Comment
17:00-19.00h Welcome to X2Go Gathering Mike Gabriel Quick introduction to Linuxhotel's house rules, distribution of room keys
19.00h-19.45h Depending on weather and mood: start BBQ or order Pizza/wait for Pizza, informal get-together COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned upon! (except for showing holiday or family pictures and the like) - You're supposed to get to know the people behind the code
19.45h-20.30h have fun BBQing or eating Pizza
20.30h-22.00h informal get-together, have a drink and get to know the other participants' X2Go-related work, BoF meetings takes place in the chimney room or outside near the BBQ/campfire, if weather permits
~22.00h-22.20h Official Welcome Speech may take place sooner, depending on actual arrival time Stefan takes place in the chimney room or outside near the BBQ/campfire, if weather permits
~22.20h-bedtime open coding session / setup of equipment for the coming days takes place in the conference room

Saturday 2015-06-20

time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator
09.00h-10.00h Breakfast
10.00h-10.20h welcome message / today's itinerary Stefan
10.20h-10.40h X2Go's State of the Union Address Stefan, Mike Gabriel
10.40h-11.20h Current state of the ongoing NX rewrite Mike Gabriel
11.20h-11.40h 20min break
11.40h-12.20h Current state of the Python-based X2Go Session Broker (what is implemented, what is still missing) Mike Gabriel
12.20h-12.40h 20min break
12.40h-13.00h Current state of affairs in the Arctica Project Mike Gabriel
13.00h-14.00h lunch break
14.00h-14.40h QVD Demo Qindel Staff
14.40h-15.00h 20min break
15.00h-15.40h Talk Slot N.N.
15.40h-16.00h 20min break
16.00h-16.40h Talk Slot N.N.
16.40h-17.00h 20min break
17.00h-17.40h Talk Slot N.N.
17.40h-17.55h 15min break
17.55h-18.15h walk to Essen-Horst subway station, buy tickets
18.15h-18.25h subway from Essen-Horst to Essen central station
18.33h-18.36h tramway from Essen central station to Berliner Platz, Essen
18.36h-18.43h walk to Unperfekthaus
19.00h-open end dinner at Unperfekthaus
sometime later Return to Linuxhotel
xx.xxh-bedtime Open Coding Session
Please do not enter talk/demo/presentation topics on your own, even if you have write access to the Wiki. Rather, send an E-Mail to stating the topic for your talk/demo/presentation, and the intended audience. You will be assigned a slot and, if available, a separate room if it is a side topic.

Sunday 2015-06-21

time slot Topic Speaker / Moderator Comment
08.30h-09.00h Room Cleaning Rage
09.00h-10.00h Breakfast
10.00h-10.30h Payment Time! Stefan Stefan will collect the hotel fees from each participant (invoices available, if you need one for your employer/tax declaration)
10.30h-10.50h welcome message / today's itinerary Stefan
10.50h-11.00h 10min break
11.00h-11.40h Talk slot N.N.
11.40h-12.00h 20min break
12.00h-12.40h Talk slot N.N.
12.40h-13.00h Conference Room Cleaning Rage
13.00h-14.00h lunch break
14.00h-14.10h Chimney Room Cleaning Rage
14.10h-14.20h first conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff Mihai, Mike#2, Stefan will leave afterwards
14.20h-15.00h Open Coding Session
15.00h-15.05h 5min break
15.05h-15.45h Open Coding Session
15.45h-16.00h second conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff / End of Event
Please do not enter talk/demo/presentation topics on your own, even if you have write access to the Wiki. Rather, send an E-Mail to stating the topic for your talk/demo/presentation, and the intended audience. You will be assigned a slot and, if available, a separate room if it is a side topic.

Room Cleaning Rage

  • we need to clean the rooms ourselves, that's one of the reasons why the rates are so cheap
  • stowing of personal belongings in chimney room or conference room

Leaving Linux Hotel

  • departure is around 1530 hours/3:30pm local time
Departure time Participant(s)
??:??h Henning (will update this entry himself)
12:30h Kjetil, Mark (12:45h subway)
14:00h Stefan, Mihai, Mike#2 (car); Florian (14:15h subway)
16:00h Mike#1 ( 16:15h subway)
16:30h Nicolas, Nito, Salvador (subway to Essen central station 16:45h, local train @ Essen central DEP 17:09h → ARR 17:31h DUS ; plane departs 19:10h)

Scratchpad for talk session topics

  • NX-Rewrite (Mike#1)
  • Arctica (Mike#1) - 20 minutes only
  • Broker (Mike#1)
  • State of X2Go Client on OS X - maybe Mihai
  • QVD demo (Qindel folks)
  • NX/Flash/HTML5 Video (Qindel folks)
  • NX Slave Channels (Qindel folks) - Tech track?
  • X2Go Windows Development (Mike#2) - Tech track?
  • XSession, Polkit, and making apps “just work” (Mike#2) - 20 minutes only - Tech track?
  • X2Go build environment overview w/ focus on non-intel platforms - maybe Mihai - Tech track?

Topics for the coding sessions

  • Bug 829, 883, the Xinerama Bug, and the disappearing window decoration when maximizing an Eclipse window on Windows - are they related? - Stefan & Florian & maybe Mihai demoing/explaining the issue(s), Mike#1 and Mike#2 are very much invited to take a look as to what's wrong
  • sudo wrapper for server commands/db admin stuff - Henning
  • general bugsquashing - everyone interested
  • TCE based on Debian Live - Stefan along with Mike#1


Info for train travellers

  • The nearest subway station is “Essen-Horst”
  • This subway line is operated by Deutsche Bahn, so you can book your railway ticket to destination Essen-Horst and have the subway ticket included in your regular train ticket. Advantage: no need to figure out how the local ticket vending machine works (plus it's probably cheaper that way).
  • It's a ~ 15 Minute walk from Essen-Horst to the Linuxhotel, please use the route as suggested here:
  • NB: some navigation systems plot a shorter pedestrian route that leads through the woods, but from personal experience I (Stefan) can tell you that you do not want to use that path when carrying luggage, possibly in the dark, when you've never walked it before.

Linuxhotel house rules

The following is an inofficial translation of Linuxhotel's house rules.

The original, German edition can be found here. Note that only the German edition is the legally binding one.

Guidelines for a good working relationship in the Linux Hotel

We want all our guests to remember the Linux Hotel as a friendly professional networking location. This includes ensuring that all guests treat each other in a respectful and kind way during their entire stay with us.

  • Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, body size, origin or religion no one shall be harassed here.
  • We simply do not tolerate harassment of guests of any sorts.
  • It's plain and simple: be nice to others. Do not insult other guests and respect their personal dignity. Do not post photos of others without their consent. Remember that offensive, sexist, racist or similar jokes aimed at singling out somebody (or a group) are inappropriate.
  • If participants violate these rules, we will take corrective action, which go up to expulsion from the event without refund of the cost.

We hold these rules to be self-evident. And we have the impression that all our guests share this belief. By publishing these rules, we want to prepare ourselves for those situations where it is necessary to defend them.

Cost Overview

Costs per person when staying in a single-bed bedroom
15,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+60,00 EUR for two nights in a single-bed bedroom
+10,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+30,00 EUR for two lunches
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=120,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan on Saturday morning
Costs per person when staying in a 2-bed/3-bed shared bedroom
15,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+30,00 EUR for two nights in a two-bed/three-bed bedroom
+10,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+30,00 EUR for two lunches
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=90,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan on Saturday morning
Costs per person when sleeping on the conference room floor (please bring your own sleeping bags)
15,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee on all 3 days.
+10,00 EUR for two breakfasts
+30,00 EUR for two lunches
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=60,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan on Saturday morning
Costs per person when just “peeking in” and having breakfast/lunch with us
5,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee per day
+ 5,00 EUR for breakfast per day
+15,00 EUR for lunch per day
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=30,00 EUR to 60,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan upon arrival
Costs per person when just “peeking in” and not having breakfast with us
5,00 EUR for conference room use and beverage flat fee per day.
+ 5,00 EUR for conference room cleanup on Sunday
=10,00 EUR to 20,00 EUR to be paid to Stefan upon arrival
Additional costs to expect
??,?? EUR Pizza/BBQ on Friday evening
3,95 EUR Subway/Tram tickets @ Essen
15,90 EUR for the dinner flatrate at Unperfekthaus on Saturday evening (Mihai might get 20% off, please bring student ID)
4,00 EUR if you want to extend your stay at Unperfekthaus
There will be another event in Treuchtlingen later this year that will focus on founding an X2Go foundation/club (“eingetragener Verein” under German law), which will primarily cater to German participants.
events/x2go-gathering-2015.1434028370.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/11 13:12 by stefanbaur