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X2Go-ThinClientEditon (TCE, TCE-NG, TCE-New)

History and Rationale

During the time of Debian Wheezy being Debian's stable release, we started developing a new ThinClientEdition (TCE) - one that is based on Debian-Live and thus does no longer rely on NFS. Instead, the entire image is loaded into the RAM of the ThinClient machine.

The disadvantage is that your ThinClient now needs at least 1 GB of RAM.

However, the huge advantage is that there no longer is a need for any high-availibility setup concerning NFS. All you need is an HTTP or FTP server with a dedicated IP, if you want to use netbooting. It is also possible to deploy the image to the ThinClient's local storage, if present, and have it update in the background.

doc/howto/tce.1481740323.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/14 18:32 by stefanbaur