~~NOTOC~~ ====== Thoughts on Security ====== ===== Session Database Backends ===== ==== PostgreSQL ==== * In X2Go Server versions prior to (or for the Baikal LTS release branch), there used to be a [[http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2013-7261|root exploit]] that got reported and fixed around X-mas 2013. ==== SQLite ==== * In X2Go Server versions prior to (or for the Baikal LTS release branch), there used to be a [[http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2013-7261|root exploit]] that got reported and fixed around X-mas 2013. ====== X2Go client-side Printing ====== Might be exploited if someone becomes x2goprint-user - X2goServer == CUPS Server, latest implementation (as of 20110909): - cups-x2go CUPS backend runs as root - as root the backend launches x2goprint (without sudo!!!) - x2goprint script changes owner ship of PDF file and pushes it into SSHFS share towards the X2go client. * using X2go printing locally (X2go server == CUPS server) then security (sudo) is not an issue any more(?) * Nope still is (not a big one, though): Using CUPS the user can easily be faked, allowing to fill someone else's quota or print at their home printer. - X2goServer != CUPS Server: - The Cups-server connects the x2go-Server as x2goprint-user using ssh-key auth. - x2goprint-user executes sudo to change the ownership of the PDF file and pushes it into SSHFS share towards the X2go client. * This script can currently be exploited. * If someone becomes x2goprint he might become root. ===== Possible solution 1 ===== * Start a local cups-server for every user * Server listens on a File-socket owned by the user * Add a PDF-Printer to that server (as the cups-user runs as that user, there **should** be no issues with file permissions) * Import printers from global server * + Secure solution, as no other user is involved * - Every user needs an extra instance (The extra memory usage should not be too much) ===== Possible solution 2 ===== * Write a simple C-Program 'x2goprinter' that is run as the user who wants to print unsing the s-Bit * The Program writes stdin to argv[1] in the printing-directory * It also checks whether the user is x2goprint or root * + Can be easily adopted * - x2goprint must be installed by the client * - s-bit -> Needs security checks ====== Pulseaudio ====== No known exploits / Privacy issues * Currently Pulse-Audio authentication using a cookie-file is used. * No option of encryption, but can be tunneled via SSH. * When using the TCE the client has only one user. Therefore the following user may get sounds from the previous, suspended user, if not tunneling pulseaudio. ===== Solution for privacy ===== * Start pulse-audio server on the server * use sink-tunnel to tunnel to the clinet * Disconnect sink on suspend * Send sound to null-dev * This also solves issues if the client get disconnected unexpectedly. Morty: I looked into this recently (End of 2011). Unfortunately, due to the buffering done on the server, this might start to "swing" (playback getting faster and slower again and again). ====== X2Go Agent ====== * [[http://code.x2go.org/gitweb?p=x2goserver.git;a=commitdiff;h=147d22c44167b9b2d4afbdaf17262555a7af713b|This issue has been fixed]]: x2goagent/nxagent opens a port 6050+ and binds to all network interfaces. This should be tweaked so that x2goagent/nxagent binds to localhost only. Refer to: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.terminal-server.x2go.user/430 * Now, only for XDMCP session the listening port 6050+ is opened (otherwise XDMCP queries do fail) * If people need x2goagent listening on TCP, it can also be re-enabled in ''/etc/x2go/x2goagent.options''.