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wiki:development:sessions-file [2012/03/10 10:27]
wiki:development:sessions-file [2015/07/24 14:26] (current)
ionic [General Session Options] reference new icons path.
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== X2Go Sessions File Format Specification ====== ====== X2Go Sessions File Format Specification ======
 +Default path name
 +  * Linux, Mac OS X: ''$HOME/.x2goclient/sessions''
 +  * Windows X2GoClient (non-portable mode): session profiles are stored in the Windows registry (''HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obviously Nice\x2goclient\sessions'')
 +  * Windows X2GoClient (portable mode): session profiles are stored in a file (location???)
 +  * Windows PyHoca-GUI: session profiles are stored in the file (''%USERPROFILE%\.x2goclient\sessions'')
 +Related command line options:
 +  * x2goclient: --portable, --home, --session-conf
 +  * pyhoca-gui: --client-rootdir
 ===== Generic Sessions File Format ===== ===== Generic Sessions File Format =====
Line 23: Line 36:
 ... ...
 <sessionM-optionN>=<sessionM-valueN> <sessionM-optionN>=<sessionM-valueN>
-==== Session Options en Detail ====+===== Session Options en Detail =====
-//... in alphabetical order.//+//... in topical order.// 
 +==== General Session Options ====
 ^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^ ^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
-sound=true  Boolean   true true Enable sound +name String | | | Session profile name as shown in the application. PyHoca-GUI feature: using ,,/" as a separator in the session profile name creates menus and submenus in the PyHoca-GUI applet (e.g. CUSTOMER-1/HOST-1, CUSTOMER-1/HOST-2, CUSTOMER-2/HOST-1, ...) 
-soundtunnel Boolean   true true | Python X2Go always tunnels sound through SSH | +icon Filename :/img/icons/128x128/x2gosession.png :icons/128x128/x2gosession.png Icon for Desktop Session Windows | 
-defsndport  | Boolean   true true | | + 
-soundsystem | String    pulse pulse Possible values: none, pulse, arts, esd +==== Session Window Options ==== 
-sndport     Pos. Integer //depends on soundsystem // | //depends on soundsystem // | pulse: 4713esd: 16001 + 
-startsoundsystem Boolean false false Start sound system's daemon for started sessions |+//... only available with Python X2Go / PyHoca // 
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^ 
 +setsessiontitle | Boolean | //not supported // false If disabled, the server-side provided session title is used 
 +sessiontitle | String | //not supported //  Store a customized session window title in the session profile config | 
 +==== Connection Options ==== 
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^ 
 +host String | | FQDN Hostname or IP Adress | 
 +| user | String | | | Username on X2Go Server | 
 +| autologin   | Boolean | false   | false | Use SSH agent or default key files for session logon | 
 +| forwardsshagent  | Boolean | //not supported//   false | Tunnel authentication requests back to the client side SSH agentrequires Paramiko/SSH (>= 1.9.0) 
 +key       Filename | | | Filename to SSH private key file |
 | krblogin    | Boolean   | false | //not supported// | | | krblogin    | Boolean   | false | //not supported// | |
-| useiconv    | Boolean   | false | false | | 
-| iconvfrom   | String    | UTF-8 | UTF-8 | Encoding names as understood by the iconv tool | 
-| iconvto     | String    | UTF-8 | UTF-8 | Encoding names as understood by the iconv tool | 
-| width       | pos. Integer | 800 | 800 | Geometry of non-fullscreen window | 
-| height      | pos. Integer | 600 | 600 | Geometry of non-fullscreen window | 
-| dpi         | Integer | 96 | 96 | Use the dpi value to manipulate the font size in a session | 
 | pack        | String | jpeg-16m | jpeg-16m | NX compression method | | pack        | String | jpeg-16m | jpeg-16m | NX compression method |
 | quality     | [0..9] | 9        | 9        | NX compression quality | | quality     | [0..9] | 9        | 9        | NX compression quality |
-| export      | String |          |          | Format: "<folder1>:[0|1];<folder2>:[0|1];" | 
 | speed       | [0..4] | 2        | 2        | 0=Modem, 1=ISDN, 2=ADSL, 3=WAN, 4=LAN | | speed       | [0..4] | 2        | 2        | 0=Modem, 1=ISDN, 2=ADSL, 3=WAN, 4=LAN |
 +==== SSH Proxy Options ====
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 +| usesshproxy | Boolean | false | false | Connect via a SSH proxy |
 +| sshproxytype | String | SSH | SSH | Also available: HTTP (X2Go Client only, not working on most systems as it relies on a not-yet released feature in libssh2 |
 +| sshproxyhost | String |  |  | Format: <hostname>[:<port>] |
 +| sshproxyuser | String |  |  | Username for connecting to SSH proxy server |
 +| sshproxykeyfile | Filename |  |  | Filename of local SSH private key | 
 +| sshproxytunnel | String |  | //deprecated since | localhost:<port-on-proxy>:<x2goserver-hostname-or-ip>:<x2goserver-port> |
 +| sshproxyautologin   | Boolean | false   | false | Use SSH agent or default key files for SSH proxy logon |
 +| sshproxysameuser   | Boolean | false   | false | Use the same user name on the SSH proxy as on the X2Go Server |
 +| sshproxysamepass   | Boolean | false   | false | Password for X2Go Server and SSH proxy are identical |
 +==== Display Options ====
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 +| width       | pos. Integer | 800 | 800 | Geometry of non-fullscreen window |
 +| height      | pos. Integer | 600 | 600 | Geometry of non-fullscreen window |
 +| dpi         | Integer | 96 | 96 | Use the dpi value to manipulate the font size in a session |
 | fullscreen  | Boolean | false   | false | | | fullscreen  | Boolean | false   | false | |
-setsessiontitle | Boolean | //not supported // | false | If disabled, the server-side provided session title is used +maxdim   | Boolean | //not supported// | false | Detect the maximum size for a new session window on the current screen 
-sessiontitle String | //not supported // |  Store a customized session window title in the session profile config |+multidisp Boolean | false | //not supported// | | 
 +xinerama    | Boolean | false   | //not supported// | | 
 +==== Keyboard Options ==== 
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 | usekbd      | Boolean | false | false | Do not send keyboard type and layout to server, use as is | | usekbd      | Boolean | false | false | Do not send keyboard type and layout to server, use as is |
 | layout      | String  | //i18n dependent// | //i18n dependent// | Keyboard Layout (en, de, ...) | | layout      | String  | //i18n dependent// | //i18n dependent// | Keyboard Layout (en, de, ...) |
 +| type        | String  | //i18n dependent// | //i18n dependent// | Keyboard type |
 +==== Audio Options ====
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 +| sound  | Boolean   | true | true | Enable sound |
 +| soundtunnel | Boolean   | true | true | Python X2Go always tunnels sound through SSH |
 +| defsndport  | Boolean   | true | true | |
 +| soundsystem | String    | pulse | pulse | Possible values: none, pulse, arts, esd |
 +| sndport     | Pos. Integer | //depends on soundsystem // | //depends on soundsystem // | pulse: 4713, esd: 16001 |
 +| startsoundsystem | Boolean | false | false | Start sound system's daemon for started sessions |
 +==== Local Folder Sharing / X2Go Printing ====
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 | useexports  | Boolean | true    | true     | | | useexports  | Boolean | true    | true     | |
 +| export      | String |          |          | Format: "<folder1>:[0 or 1];<folder2>:[0 or 1];" |
 +| useiconv    | Boolean   | false | false | |
 +| iconvfrom   | String    | UTF-8 | UTF-8 | Encoding names as understood by the iconv tool |
 +| iconvto     | String    | UTF-8 | UTF-8 | Encoding names as understood by the iconv tool |
 +| fstunnel    | Boolean | true    | true | On Python X2Go, file systems are always tunneled through SSH |
 +| print       | Boolean | true    | true              | |
 +Use ~ in the folder path to refer to the User Home Directory ($HOME or %HomePath%)((Supported in X2GO Client >=
 +==== MIME Box Options ====
 +//... only available with Python X2Go / PyHoca //
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 +| usemimebox | Boolean | //not supported// | false | Enable MIME box support |
 +| mimeboxaction | String | //not supported// | OPEN | Possible values: OPEN, OPENWITH, SAVEAS |
 +| mimeboxextensions | List | //not supported// | | Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions. If left empty, all file extensions are allowd (not recommended!). However, some extensions are always blacklisted: .lock, .sys, .swp, .exe, .com, .cmd, .ps1, .ps2, .bat, .js, .py, .pl, .sh |
 +==== Session Command Options ====
 +^ Option name ^ Data Type ^ Default value X2Go Client ^ Default value Python X2Go ^ Comment ^
 +| autostart   | Boolean | false   | false | |
 | xdmcpserver | String  | localhost | localhost | Only used if ''command=XDMCP'' | | xdmcpserver | String  | localhost | localhost | Only used if ''command=XDMCP'' |
 | rdpserver   | String  | | | FQDN Hostname or IP of Windows server, only used if ''command=RDP'' | | rdpserver   | String  | | | FQDN Hostname or IP of Windows server, only used if ''command=RDP'' |
 | rdpoptions  | String  |         | -u X2GO_USER -p X2GO_PASSWORD | RDP options for ''command=RDP'' | | rdpoptions  | String  |         | -u X2GO_USER -p X2GO_PASSWORD | RDP options for ''command=RDP'' |
-| xinerama    | Boolean | false   | //not supported// | | +| applications | List   | WWWBROWSER, MAILCLIENT, OFFICE, TERMINAL | dito | List of generic commands offered by X2Go Client Pyhoca-GUI for quick-launching. Commands are handed over to the server script ''x2goruncommand'' which then decides what application to launch. |
-| autostart   | Boolean | false   | //not supported// | | +
-| autologin   | Boolean | false   | //not supported// | | +
-| print       | Boolean | true    | true              | | +
-| type        | String  | //i18n dependent// | //i18n dependent// | Keyboard type | +
-| usesshproxy | Boolean | //not supported// | false | Connect via a SSH proxy | +
-| sshproxyhost | String | //not supported// |  | Format: <hostname>[:<port>] | +
-| sshproxyuser | String | //not supported// |  | Username for connecting to SSH proxy server | +
-| sshproxykeyfile | Filename | //not supported |  | Filename of local SSH private key |  +
-| sshproxytunnel | String | //not supported// |  | localhost:<port-on-proxy>:<x2goserver-ip>:<x2goserver-port>+
-| fstunnel    | Boolean | true    | true | On Python X2Go, file systems are always tunneled through SSH | +
-| applications | List   | WWWBROWSER, MAILCLIENT, OFFICE, TERMINAL | dito | | +
-| host | String | | | FQDN Hostname or IP Adress | +
-| mimeboxaction | String | //not supported// | OPEN | Possible values: OPEN, OPENWITH, SAVEAS | +
-| mimeboxextensions | List //not supported// | | Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions | +
-| multidisp | Boolean | false | //not supported// | | +
-| key       | Filename | | | Filename to SSH private key file | +
-| icon | Filename | :icons/128x128/x2gosession.png | :icons/128x128/x2gosession.png | Icon for Desktop Session Windows |+
 | rootless | Boolean | //depends on session command// | //depends on session command// | | | rootless | Boolean | //depends on session command// | //depends on session command// | |
-| name | String | | | PyHoca-GUI feature: using ,,/" as a separator in the session name creates menus and submenus in the PyHoca-GUI applet | +| command | String | KDE | TERMINAL | Command to be launched on X2Go Server, see below |
-| command | String | KDE | TERMINAL | Command to be launched on X2Go Server |+
 | published | Boolean | false | false | Enable ,,published applications" mode of X2Go | | published | Boolean | false | false | Enable ,,published applications" mode of X2Go |
 +==== Possible Session Command Combinations ==== 
 +  * Desktop sessions: (''command=[KDE,GNOME,LXDE,...]''): 
 +    * KDE (startkde) 
 +    * GNOME (gnome-session) 
 +    * LXDE (lxde-session) 
 +    * XFCE4 (xfce4-session, Python X2Go only) 
 +    * TRINITY (starttrinity, Python X2Go only, don't miss the [[;a=blob;f=README.Trinity-Desktop|README.Trinity-Desktop]] file!!) 
 +    * UNITY (unity-2d-launcher, Python X2Go only, very experimental and not well supported) 
 +  * Single Applications (''command=[TERMINAL,WWWBROWSER,OFFICE,MAILCLIENT]''): 
 +    * TERMINAL (find terminal application on server and launch) 
 +    * WWWBROWSER (find browser on server ...) 
 +    * OFFICE (find office application on server ...) 
 +    * MAILCLIENT (find mail client on server ...) 
 +  * Remote Desktop (''command=RDP''): 
 +    * Setting the command to RDP will turn X2Go into an RDP proxy (RDP via NX). RDP will receive a performance improvement on WAN connections and X2Go will guarantee SSH encryption (whereas RDP drops encryption if the bandwidth won't suffice). 
 +    * Make sure to use the options rdpserver and rdpoptions properly. 
 +  * XDMCP (''command=XDMCP''): 
 +    * Do an XDMCP query for the XDMCP server specified by the xdmcpserver option. Useful if you have a complex terminal server setup behind one X2Go gateway (e.g. handled by an XDMCP chooser). 
 +  * Other applications (''command=<unix-application-on-server>''): 
 +    * Specify any application (by its name) that is available via $PATH. No full path names are allowed here, the path will be stripped off of the file name provided. Make sure your $PATH environment variable resolves to the wanted application properly. 
 +  * Published applications mode (''command=, published=true''): 
 +    * Leave the command option empty and enable the option published
wiki/development/sessions-file.1331375271.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)