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wiki:development:planning:meetings_list [2016/01/29 20:59]
ionic Fix 4/2015 link to moved page.
wiki:development:planning:meetings_list [2017/12/10 06:05] (current)
ionic Link previous and future (tentative) meeting pages.
Line 20: Line 20:
 More information can be found [[2016-01:day-2016-01-21|on the respective page]]. More information can be found [[2016-01:day-2016-01-21|on the respective page]].
 +===== Developer Meetings in 2017 =====
 +==== ΞX2Go Developer Meeting 1/2017 ====
 +More information can be found [[2017-09:day-2017-09-28|on the respective page]].
 +==== ΞX2Go Developer Meeting 2/2017 ====
 +More information can be found [[2017-11:day-2017-11-02|on the respective page]].
 +==== ΞX2Go Developer Meeting 3/2017 ====
 +More information can be found [[2017-12:day-2017-12-13|on the respective page]].
wiki/development/planning/meetings_list.1454101147.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/29 20:59 by ionic