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wiki:development:join-the-team [2013/03/11 12:54]
wiki:development:join-the-team [2022/07/01 16:33] (current)
stefanbaur added reference to Matrix as possible contact option
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 You have chosen to visit this page. GREAT! We are happy about everybody contributing to the X2Go project. May the contribution be documentation, translation, communication, coding & bugfixing or core development. You have chosen to visit this page. GREAT! We are happy about everybody contributing to the X2Go project. May the contribution be documentation, translation, communication, coding & bugfixing or core development.
-To get an idea on who-is-who in the project please take a look at the X2Go project's [[doc:organigram|Organigram]].+To get an idea on who-is-who in the project please take a look at the X2Go project's [[doc:organigram|organigram]].
 Your apprenticeship as an X2Go contributor/developer could look like this: Your apprenticeship as an X2Go contributor/developer could look like this:
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   - Get a wiki account, while discovering X2Go, become aware of lacking documentation, doc-bugs, etc. -> help us fixing those   - Get a wiki account, while discovering X2Go, become aware of lacking documentation, doc-bugs, etc. -> help us fixing those
   - Feed us with bug reports. How to report X2Go (upstream) bugs is documented [[|here]].   - Feed us with bug reports. How to report X2Go (upstream) bugs is documented [[|here]].
-  - Show up on [[contact:start#join_us_on_irc|IRC (#x2go at]]+  - Show up on [[contact:start|IRC or Matrix]]
   - Checkout the pages in the [[wiki:development:start|development namespace of this wiki]].   - Checkout the pages in the [[wiki:development:start|development namespace of this wiki]].
   - Make sure that you know how to use Git (VCS software), if you have questions contact me (Mike) on this list, Reinhard and Morty are also very familiar with Git issues   - Make sure that you know how to use Git (VCS software), if you have questions contact me (Mike) on this list, Reinhard and Morty are also very familiar with Git issues
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   - If your patches and ideas prove to be generic and community suitable (we cannot serve special use cases in X2Go upstream(!!!), the community version of X2Go aims to be generic and adaptable to local setups), then you may get write access to the code repository some time in the future.   - If your patches and ideas prove to be generic and community suitable (we cannot serve special use cases in X2Go upstream(!!!), the community version of X2Go aims to be generic and adaptable to local setups), then you may get write access to the code repository some time in the future.
-If you have any further questions about becoming an X2Go developer, please contact us on our [[contact:start#mailing_lists|developers' mailing list]].+If you have any further questions about becoming an X2Go contributor (or even developer), please contact us on our [[contact:start#mailing_lists|developers' mailing list]].
wiki/development/join-the-team.1363006468.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/11 12:54 by sunweaver