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wiki:development:debugging [2013/03/08 17:06]
sunweaver [Debugging x2goserver]
wiki:development:debugging [2024/07/01 17:36] (current)
uli42 [Debugging x2goclient on Windows]
Line 12: Line 12:
 root@x2goserver:~$ tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep x2go root@x2goserver:~$ tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep x2go
 </code> </code>
 +Other logging locations apart from the system's log are:
 +  * X2Go Server: ''/var/log/syslog''
 +  * X2Go Client: stderr (use ''%%--debug%%'')
 +  * PyHoca-GUI: stderr (use ''%%--libdebug --debug%%'')
 +  * Xsession itself: ''$HOME/.xsession-x2go-errors''
 +  * NX (server-side): ''$HOME/.x2go/C-<sessionid>/session.*''
 +  * NX (client-side): ''$HOME/.x2go/S-<sessionid>/session.*''
 ===== Enable Debug Output ===== ===== Enable Debug Output =====
Line 39: Line 48:
 <file> <file>
-root@x2goserver:~$ editor /etc/cups/cups-x2go+root@printserver:~$ editor /etc/cups/cups-x2go
 </file> </file>
Line 52: Line 61:
 The log files normally get written to ''/var/log/x2gobroker/*.log'' The log files normally get written to ''/var/log/x2gobroker/*.log''
 +You can also run 
 +root@broker:~$ x2gobroker-daemon-debug
 +as user ''root''. This is equivalent to running the broker daemon provided by the package ''x2gobroker-daemon'', but you will see all output piped to stderr while the X2Go Session Broker daemon runs in foreground mode.
 ==== Python X2Go / PyHoca Debugging ==== ==== Python X2Go / PyHoca Debugging ====
-The PyHoca clients both have a ''--libdebug'' option. Run ''pyhoca-gui'' or ''pyhoca-cli'' from the command line with that option enabled and you get blasted with debug output.+The PyHoca clients both have a ''%%--libdebug%%'' option. Run ''pyhoca-gui'' or ''pyhoca-cli'' from the command line with that option enabled and you get blasted with debug output.
 ===== Customizing Debug Messages ===== ===== Customizing Debug Messages =====
Line 62: Line 77:
 Here is a little howto that explains how to add extra log output to X2go server scripts: Here is a little howto that explains how to add extra log output to X2go server scripts:
-==== Logging in X2Go Perl Scripts ====+==== Logging in X2Go Server'Perl Scripts ====
-Whereever you want to write a line to syslog from an X2Go Perl script, place this command:+Whereever you want to write a line to syslog from an X2Go Server'Perl script, place this command:
 <code> <code>
Line 71: Line 86:
-==== Logging in X2go Shell/Bash Scripts ====+==== Logging in X2Go Server'Shell/Bash Scripts ====
 Whereever you want to write a line to syslog from an X2Go Shell/Bash script, place this command: Whereever you want to write a line to syslog from an X2Go Shell/Bash script, place this command:
Line 80: Line 95:
 +==== Logging in X2Go Session Broker's Python Module ====
 +Whereever you want to write a line to ''/var/log/x2gobroker/broker.log'' from one of the python-x2gobroker module files, place this command:
 +# at the top of the module file:
 +from x2gobroker.loggers import logger_broker
 +# [...] then further below, wherever needed:
 +logger_broker.debug('<your message>')
 +==== Debugging x2goclient on Windows ====
 +This is a bit tricky. You need to run the debug version of x2goclient in a cmd window. The debug version is part of the xgoclient installation package for Windows and is called ''x2goclient.debug.exe''. If it is not available on you machine re-run the installer.
 +Run ''<path_to_your_installation>\x2goclient --debug --libssh-debug --libssh-packetlog 2>logfile.txt'' (+ further options you might require) and run your session as usual. The session log file ''logfile.txt'' will be created in the current directory and can be opened e.g. with notepad.
 +Run ''x2goclient --help'' for available options.
 +<note important>important The options are always prefixed by two ''-'', your browser might display them as one!</note>
wiki/development/debugging.1362762368.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/03/08 17:06 by sunweaver