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wiki:advanced:branding-theming [2024/01/26 19:38]
stefanbaur [Example Screenshots/Files] added default background/branding for easier comparison
wiki:advanced:branding-theming [2024/01/26 19:48] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== X2GoClient Branding/Theming ====== ====== X2GoClient Branding/Theming ======
-X2GoClient can be branded/themed to match your Corporate Design/Corporate Identity. It is both possible to replace the entire background image of the X2GoClient login page, as well as to replace the icon in the lower left (however, the one in the lower right will always remain).+X2GoClient can be branded/themed to match your Corporate Design/Corporate Identity. It is both possible to replace the branding icon in the lower left (however, the one in the lower right will always remain), as well as to replace the entire background image of the X2GoClient login page. 
 +{{:wiki:advanced:x2goclientdefaultbranding.png?400|Before ...}} {{:wiki:advanced:x2goclientbranding.png?400| ... and after.}}
 ===== X2GoClient Command Line Parameters ===== ===== X2GoClient Command Line Parameters =====
wiki/advanced/branding-theming.1706297899.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/01/26 19:38 by stefanbaur