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start [2023/09/21 06:33]
stefanbaur H4G funding complete
start [2024/11/30 18:47] (current)
stefanbaur Updated sponsorship drives
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 As such, it is not only possible to donate money to X2Go via orca e.V., but the donations are also tax deductible for German tax subjects. As such, it is not only possible to donate money to X2Go via orca e.V., but the donations are also tax deductible for German tax subjects.
-If you'd like to make a donation towards X2Go in general, please use one of the two donation forms linked below, kindly hosted by [[|]]:+**Sponsorship drives** 
 +  * Non-recurring donations up to 100 Euro made on any Sunday during December 2024 will be matched by Betterplace with an additional 15%. This offer is only valid until a funding pool of 4 000 Euro is depleted (per Sunday). So the earlier you donate on these Sundays, the higher the chance that your donation will receive the bonus. 
 +  * Non-recurring donations up to 100 Euro made on Friday, 2024-12-06 (starting 09:00 CET and ending 23:59 CET) will be matched 100% by the Commercial and Savings Bank Ulm. This offer is only valid until a funding pool of 10 000 Euro is depleted. So the earlier you donate (past 09:00 CET) on this particular day, the higher the chance that your donation will receive the bonus. 
 +If you'd like to make a donation towards X2Go in general, please use one of the two donation forms linked below:
   *  [[|English-language donation form]]   *  [[|English-language donation form]]
   *  [[|German-language donation form]]   *  [[|German-language donation form]]
-To donate towards a specific need of X2Go, please see the links below:+To donate towards X2Go's events (posters, handouts, travel, lodging, ...), please use one of these: 
 +  *  [[|English-language donation form]] 
 +  *  [[|German-language donation form]]
-  * [[|English-language donation form for remaining travel expenses/flyer/poster printing costs @ LinuxDay.AT, Dornbirn, Austria]] (travel expenses are partially covered, accommodation costs are fully covered by the event's sponsors) +To donate towards X2Go's infrastructure (hosting costs and the like), please use one of these: 
-  * [[|German-language donation form for remaining travel expenses/flyer/poster printing costs @ LinuxDay.AT, Dornbirn, Austria]] (travel expenses are partially covered, accommodation costs are fully covered by the event' sponsors)+   [[|English-language donation form]] 
 +  *  [[|German-language donation form]]
-  * [[|English-language donation form for travel expenses/flyer/poster printing costs @ IT-Kongress, Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Germany]] 
-  * [[|German-language donation form for travel expenses/flyer/poster printing costs @ IT-Kongress, Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Germany]] 
-If you'd like to make a donation towards orca e.V. instead, please use one of the two donation forms linked below, kindly hosted by [[|]]:+If you'd like to make a donation towards orca e.V. instead, please use one of the two donation forms linked below:
   *  [[|English-language donation form]]   *  [[|English-language donation form]]
   *  [[|German-language donation form]]   *  [[|German-language donation form]]
-To donate towards a specific need of orca e.V., please see the links below: +(All donation forms kindly hosted by [[|]])
-  * [[|English-language donation form to cover tax advisor/accounting costs]] +
-  * [[|German-language donation form to cover tax advisor/accounting costs]] +
- +
-  * [[|English-language donation form for orca e.V. info flyers]] +
-  * [[|German-language donation form for orca e.V. info flyers]] +
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
start.1695278005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/21 06:33 by stefanbaur