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start [2013/02/17 19:06]
start [2024/04/02 06:19] (current)
stefanbaur old revision restored (2024/01/03 12:56) - sponsorship drive is over
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-<WRAP download+====== X2Go - everywhere@home ====== 
-[[:download:start|Download X2Go Client for your platform]]+ 
 +<WRAP round important
 +===== Donations Welcome ===== 
 +X2Go is a project under the umbrella of the [[|Open Remote Computing Association - orca e.V.]] - a [[|registered association]] under [[|Germanys Civil Code]] and also registered as a charitable organization, similar to a [[|501(c)(3) organization]] in the US. 
 +As such, it is not only possible to donate money to X2Go via orca e.V., but the donations are also tax deductible for German tax subjects. 
 +If you'd like to make a donation towards X2Go in general, please use one of the two donation forms linked below: 
 +  *  [[|English-language donation form]] 
 +  *  [[|German-language donation form]] 
 +To donate towards X2Go's events (posters, handouts, travel, lodging, ...), please use one of these: 
 +  *  [[|English-language donation form]] 
 +  *  [[|German-language donation form]] 
 +To donate towards X2Go's infrastructure (hosting costs and the like), please use one of these: 
 +  *  [[|English-language donation form]] 
 +  *  [[|German-language donation form]] 
 +If you'd like to make a donation towards orca e.V. instead, please use one of the two donation forms linked below: 
 +  *  [[|English-language donation form]] 
 +  *  [[|German-language donation form]] 
 +(All donation forms kindly hosted by [[|]])
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-=====X2Go - everywhere@home ======+<WRAP round download> 
 +===== Get X2Go ===== 
 +  * [[doc:installation:start|Installing X2Go (client/server)]] 
 +  * Download X2Go Client ([[|Windows installer]] (7 and Later), [[|OS X 10.9 and higher DMG]], [[|OS X 10.11 and higher DMG]] or [[|macOS 10.13 and higher DMG]]) 
 +  * Download X2Go Client nightly builds ([[|Windows]] (untested)) ([[|OS X]] (untested, dependencies possibly older)) 
 +  * Download PyHoca-GUI ([[|Windows installer]] (XP and Later)) 
 +  * For Linux install the version that comes with your distribution or refer to our nightly builds. 
-===== ===== +<WRAP round help> 
-{{rss>}}+===== Get Support =====
-----+In need of a Remote Desktop/Remote Application solution, but not sure if X2Go suits your needs? 
 +\\ In a hurry to get things up and running? Still confused after reading our [[doc:newtox2go|quick intro to X2Go]]?  
 +\\ If you're willing to spend some money in exchange for timely support, then check out our list of companies providing [[doc:professional-support|commercial support]] for X2Go!  
 +\\ Looking for free support instead? Subscribe to the [[|the X2Go-User]] mailing list and ask our community volunteers for help!
-<columns 100% 50% ->+</WRAP>
-====== Di­sc­ov­er X2Go ­­====== +<WRAP round important> 
-  * [[doc:uses-cases|Use Cases and Functionality]] +===== Announcements ===== 
-  * [[doc:faq|Frequently Asked Questions]]+{{rss>}} 
-====== Get X2Go ======+----
-  * [[download:start|Download]] +<columns 100% 50% -> 
-  * [[doc:start|Documentation]]+ 
 +<WRAP round tip> 
 +===== Di­sc­ov­er X2Go ­­===== 
 +  * [[doc:newtox2go|New to X2Go? Start here!]] 
 +  * [[doc:success-stories:start|Success Stories]] 
 +  * [[doc:faq:start|Frequently Asked Questions]] 
 +  * [[doc:organigram|Who is who in X2Go]] 
 <newcolumn continue> <newcolumn continue>
-====== Participate ====== +<WRAP round info> 
-  * [[contact:start|Mailing Lists]] +===== X2Go Documentation ===== 
-  * [[|X2Go Bug Tracking System]]+  * [[doc:start|Documentation start page]] 
 +  * [[doc:usage:x2goclient|X2Go Client]] 
 +  * [[doc:usage:pyhoca-gui|PyHoca-GUI]] 
 +  * [[wiki:advanced:x2goserver-in-detail|X2Go Server]]
-====== Get Support ====== +</WRAP>
-  * [[contact:start|Community Support]] +
-  * [[|Phoca GmbH]] +
-  * [[external:commercial-support|Professional Support]] +
 </columns>  </columns> 
 +<WRAP round todo>
 +===== Participate =====
 +  * [[contact:start|Overview on Community Communication]]
 +  * [[news:latest-list-postings|Mailing Lists]] / [[wiki:development:join-the-team|Join the Team]]
 +  * [[wiki:bugs#reporting_bugs|How to report a bug]]
 +  * [[|X2Go Bug Tracking System general overview]]
 +  * [[doc:sponsors|Sponsors of X2Go]]
 +  * Test our [[wiki:development:nightly-builds|Nightly Builds]]
start.1361127996.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)