====== Events / Workshops ======
====== 2025 ======
===== Upcoming Events =====
==== Tentative ====
* 2025-[11|12]-xx to 2025-[11|12]-xx X2Go: The Spread 2025
* 2025-11-13 IT-Kongress, Neu-Ulm, Germany
* 2025-09-27 LinuxDay.AT, Dornbirn, Austria
* ToDo:
* check/reprint handouts
* needs smaller (shorter) posters than CLT - maybe ask for dimensions in advance and get a custom landscape-oriented print/plot (similar to TUEBIX 2023)? "max-width: 150cm"
* needs LTE2ETH hotspot as fallback
* tarp might be helpful for unloading/loading vehicle (rain protection)
* 2025-09-18 to 2025-09-20 KieLux, Kiel, Germany
* 2025-[06|07]-xx to 2025-[06|07]-xz X2Go: The Gathering 2025
* 2025-[05|06|07]-xx to 2025-[05|06|07]-xz Hack4Glarus 2025(.1?)
* 2025-04-26 Linux-Info-Tag 2025, Augsburg, Germany
* Website: https://www.luga.de/static/LIT-2025
* CfP
* deadline: 2025-03-01 2025-03-15 2025-03-19 2025-03-24 2025-03-28 23:59 CET
* link: https://www.luga.de/static/LIT-2025/cfp/
* CfP sent for booth & 2 talks
* ToDo:
* Needs NAT Router (Pi3+WiFi stick? Pi4/Pi5CM + WiFi stick? APU + WiFi stick?) with local browser (+ X2Go?) for B@yernWLAN coupling
* check/reprint handouts
* check posters - done (New ones from CLT2025 will do, no reprints needed)
==== 2025-07-05, TUEBIX 2025, Tübingen, Germany ====
* event website: https://www.tuebix.org
* booth confirmed - likely to be staffed by Stefan and Mihai
* talk CfP (not sent yet): https://www.tuebix.org/callforpapers/ - Deadline 2025-05-05
* ToDos:
* check tent availability not required, official indoor booth
* check "decision helper" availability (paperweights)
* request LAN cable via window/balcony -> use powerline if unavailable staff knows about our requirement; powerline/LTE could be considered as fallback
* check/reprint handouts
===== Past Events =====
==== 2025-03-22 to 2025-03-23, Chemnitzer LinuxTage, Chemnitz, Germany ====
* event website: https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2025/en
* booth confirmed, booth staff: Juri, Naira, Mihai, Stefan
* talk confirmed: 2025-03-22, 17:00 CET, room V6 - Topic as in 2024, but now based on a Raspberry Pi Compute Module and Dual-Gigabit-Ethernet Baseboard
* slides can be found [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SPXRMEI4QWaeqxPMlf3hyLuJzAFa0CiQ/view?usp=sharing|here]]
* recording can be found [[https://media.ccc.de/v/clt25-317-sicherer-fernzugriff-dank-linux-selbst-auf-ein-windows-xp|here]]
* ToDo:
* check/reprint handouts - done
* order new poster prints - done
===== Previous Years =====
[[events:2024]] [[events:2023]] [[events:2022]] [[events:2021]] [[events:2020]] [[events:2019]] [[events:2018]] [[events:2017]] [[events:2016]] [[events:2015]] [[events:2014]] [[events:2013]] [[events:2012]]