====== Getting X2Go ======
X2Go consists of several software components. The minimal requirement is X2Go Server (on the terminal server) and X2Go Client / PyHoca-GUI (on the client machine).
The minimal X2Go setup installs out of the box. But note that X2Go can be highly customized by a series of X2Go add-on components.
===== The Client-Side of X2Go =====
At the time of writing there are two client applications available for X2Go: X2Go Client (the native client), and Pyhoca-GUI (a Python based system tray applet for X2Go).
==== X2Go Client ====
* Download ([[http://code.x2go.org/releases/X2GoClient_latest_mswin32-setup.exe|mswin]], [[http://code.x2go.org/releases/X2GoClient_latest_macosx_10_11.dmg|OS X 10.11 and higher DMG]] or [[http://code.x2go.org/releases/X2GoClient_latest_macosx_10_13.dmg|macOS 10.13 and higher DMG]])
* [[doc:installation:x2goclient|Install X2Go Client]]
* [[doc:usage:x2goclient|Use X2Go Client]]
==== PyHoca-GUI ====
* Download ([[http://code.x2go.org/releases/PyHoca-GUI_latest_mswin32-setup.exe|mswin]])
* [[doc:installation:pyhoca-gui|Install PyHoca-GUI]]
* [[doc:usage:pyhoca-gui|Use PyHoca-GUI]]
===== X2Go Package Repositories for GNU/Linux =====
When on GNU/Linux, you can obtain all X2Go components from one of the package archives listed below.
* Summary: [[wiki:repositories:start|Official X2Go Packages in GNU/Linux Distributions]]
* [[wiki:repositories:debian|Debian GNU/Linux]]
* [[wiki:repositories:raspbian|Raspbian GNU/Linux]]
* [[wiki:repositories:ubuntu|Ubuntu GNU/Linux]]
* [[wiki:repositories:suse|SUSE-based]]
* [[wiki:repositories:fedora|Fedora-based]]
* [[wiki:repositories:epel|RedHat-based (EPEL)]]
For those who want to help testing bleeding edge code of X2Go, please read about our [[wiki:development:nightly-builds|Nightly Builds]].
===== The Server-Side of X2Go =====
==== X2Go Server and Add-Ons ====
* [[wiki:advanced:x2goserver-in-detail|About X2Go Server]]
* [[doc:installation:x2goserver|Install X2Go Server]]
==== X2Go Session Broker ====
* [[wiki:advanced:x2gobroker:start|About X2Go Session Broker]]
* [[doc:installation:x2gobroker|Install X2Go Session Broker]]
===== X2Go Sources =====
* [[http://code.x2go.org/releases/source|Source Code Releases]]
* [[download:source-tarballs|Build X2Go components from source code]]
* [[wiki:development:git|X2Go Git documentation]]
===== X2Go Live Demos =====
* [[download:x2goplugin|X2Go Plugin Demo Site (in prep)]] FIXME
* [[download:x2golive#x2go_live_cd|X2Go Live CD (in prep)]] FIXME
* [[download:x2golive#x2go_live_images|X2Go Live Images (in prep)]] FIXME