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doc:howto:nx-libs-betatesting [2017/01/30 02:29]
stefanbaur Firefox is called firefox-esr in Debian
doc:howto:nx-libs-betatesting [2020/01/14 16:46] (current)
stefanbaur [Installation Instructions] Added an error-check for /etc/os-release
Line 10: Line 10:
 From time to time, Arctica will bundle up a release (see e.g. the announcement here:, but they provide nightly builds as well: From time to time, Arctica will bundle up a release (see e.g. the announcement here:, but they provide nightly builds as well:
-It is possible to "pimp" X2Go with these newer NX-Libs, though we strongly advise against doing so on a production server.+X2Go bases its NX-Libraries releases on Arctica's release versions, similar to how Debian prefers "stable and well-tested" over "bleeding edge".  
 +It is possible to "pimp" X2Go with Arctica'NX-Libs, though we strongly advise against doing so on a production server.
 Please, try this on a test server, not on your production machine, and always make a backup copy before installing/upgrading. Please, try this on a test server, not on your production machine, and always make a backup copy before installing/upgrading.
Line 19: Line 21:
 ===== Installation Instructions ===== ===== Installation Instructions =====
-This should work for Debian Jessie as well as for Ubuntu Server 16.04 - please take note of the distribution-specific differences marked within the text.+This should work for Debian (starting with Jessieas well as for Ubuntu Server (starting with 16.04 LTS).
-It has been tested with Ubuntu Server 16.04, with the "regular" (non-nightly) Arctica repository.+It has been tested with Ubuntu Server 16.04 and 18.04, as well as Debian Buster with the "regular" (non-nightly) Arctica repository.
 Everything else is still awaiting tests by volunteers like you. Everything else is still awaiting tests by volunteers like you.
 <code> <code>
-# add the X3Go repo key (Debian only) +#!/bin/bash 
-apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver E1F958385BFE2B6E # for Debian+# 
 +set -e # abort on all errors 
 +if ! [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] ; then 
 + echo 'This script must be run as root, or with sudo prefixed to its call.' 
 + exit 1 
 +if [ -f /etc/os-release ] ; then 
 + . /etc/os-release 
 + echo '/etc/os-release not found. Unable to detect distribution.' 
 + exit 1 
 +if [ 'debian' != "$ID" ] && [ "ubuntu" != "$ID" ]; then 
 + echo 'Unsupported distribution. Only Debian and Ubuntu are supported at the moment.' 
 + exit 1 
 +apt install gnupg -y 
 +if [ 'debian' = "$ID" ] ; then 
 + # add the X3Go repo key (Debian only) 
 + apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver E1F958385BFE2B6E 
 # add the X2Go repo # add the X2Go repo
-add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/ppa # for Ubuntu +if [ 'ubuntu' = "$ID" ] ; then 
-echo 'deb jessie main' >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/x2go.list # for Debian+ add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/ppa # for Ubuntu 
 +elif [ 'debian' = "$ID" ] ; then 
 + echo 'deb '$VERSION_CODENAME' main' >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/x2go.list # for Debian 
 # add the Arctica repo key # add the Arctica repo key
-wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -+wget -qO - | apt-key add -
 # add the Arctica repo # add the Arctica repo
-echo "deb xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arctica.list # for Ubuntu +echo 'deb'$ID' '$VERSION_CODENAME' main> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arctica.list
-echo "deb jessie main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arctica.list # for Debian+
 # OR try the Arctica nightly repo # OR try the Arctica nightly repo
-echo "deb xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arctica.list for Ubuntu Nightly +# echo 'deb'$ID'-nightly '$VERSION_CODENAME' main> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arctica.list
-echo "deb jessie main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arctica.list # for Debian Nightly+
 # update the package list before installing anything # update the package list before installing anything
-apt-get update+apt update
 # update the base system to the current package versions # update the base system to the current package versions
 # Download everything first, then upgrade, then dist-upgrade # Download everything first, then upgrade, then dist-upgrade
-apt-get dist-upgrade -d -y && \ +apt dist-upgrade -d -y 
-apt-get upgrade -y && \ +apt upgrade -y 
-apt-get dist-upgrade -y+apt dist-upgrade -y
 # Install X2Go packages, a minimal MATE Desktop, and Firefox as test application # Install X2Go packages, a minimal MATE Desktop, and Firefox as test application
-apt-get install -y \+apt install -y \
     x2goserver \     x2goserver \
     x2goserver-xsession \     x2goserver-xsession \
Line 63: Line 91:
     libcanberra-pulse     libcanberra-pulse
-apt-get install -y firefox ubuntu-mate-themes # for Ubuntu +if [ 'ubuntu' = "$ID" ] ; then 
-apt-get install -y firefox-esr mate-themes # for Debian + apt install -y firefox ubuntu-mate-themes # for Ubuntu 
 +if [ 'debian' = "$ID" ] ; then 
 + apt install -y firefox-esr mate-themes # for Debian 
 # add a user # add a user
-useradd -m -s /bin/bash <username> +if ! id -u x2gotestaccount ; then 
-passwd <username> + useradd -m -s /bin/bash x2gotestaccount 
-</code>+ echo 'Please set a password for user "x2gotestaccount".' 
 + passwd x2gotestaccount 
 +echo 'Setup complete.'</code>
 On the X2GoServer, edit /etc/x2go/x2goagent.options: On the X2GoServer, edit /etc/x2go/x2goagent.options:
Line 80: Line 114:
 Next, **disable** XINERAMA in your X2GoClient's session profile(s). Next, **disable** XINERAMA in your X2GoClient's session profile(s).
-<note important>You should also add the Arctica repo on the client where you wish to use X2GoClient, and run ''apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -d -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y'' on it.+<note important>You should also add the Arctica repo on the client where you wish to use X2GoClient, and run ''apt update && apt dist-upgrade -d -y && apt upgrade -y && apt dist-upgrade -y'' on it.
 If you don't/can't do that (e.g. because you're running Windows or macOS on your client), connecting with X2GoClient should still work, though you might not experience all the benefits of the new NX-Libs. If you don't/can't do that (e.g. because you're running Windows or macOS on your client), connecting with X2GoClient should still work, though you might not experience all the benefits of the new NX-Libs.
Line 86: Line 120:
-<note important>When your first session is up and running check the following on the server:+<note important>When your first session is up and runningcheck the following on the server:
   - ''ps u -C x2goagent'' (identify the pid of your session's x2goagent)   - ''ps u -C x2goagent'' (identify the pid of your session's x2goagent)
   - ''grep -e libX11 -e libNX_X11 /proc/<pid>/maps''   - ''grep -e libX11 -e libNX_X11 /proc/<pid>/maps''
 This should only show libraries from the nx installation directory, not from the system.</note> This should only show libraries from the nx installation directory, not from the system.</note>
 ===== Reporting Bugs ===== ===== Reporting Bugs =====
 Please follow the instructions listed at [[wiki:bugs#reporting_bugs|Reporting Bugs]].  Do subscribe to the X2Go-Dev Mailing List beforehand, please (instructions on how to do that are linked within that page). Please follow the instructions listed at [[wiki:bugs#reporting_bugs|Reporting Bugs]].  Do subscribe to the X2Go-Dev Mailing List beforehand, please (instructions on how to do that are linked within that page).
Line 96: Line 131:
 Also, when reporting a bug, please indicate which repositories you were using, and the X2Go/NX/Arctica-related package versions you have installed. Also, when reporting a bug, please indicate which repositories you were using, and the X2Go/NX/Arctica-related package versions you have installed.
-===== Credits =====  
-Most of the content of the initial revision of this page stems from an E-Mail by Walid Moghrabi, with some additional remarks by Ulrich Sibiller. 
doc/howto/nx-libs-betatesting.1485743384.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/01/30 02:29 by stefanbaur