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wiki:x2go-repository-ubuntu [2011/05/18 10:31]
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-====== X2go packages for Ubuntu GNU/Linux ====== 
-From our nightly-builds on Ubuntu Launchpad we regularly copy package to the Launchpad PPA:  **ppa:x2go/stable**. 
-Please use this PPA for installing X2go on Ubuntu platforms (amd64/i386, lucid/maverick/natty). Use the follwing commands to add the ppa:x2go/stable as a package source to your local system and perform a search for X2go-related packages: 
-$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable 
-$ aptitude update 
-$ aptitude search x2go 
-$ ... 
wiki/x2go-repository-ubuntu.1305714669.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)