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wiki:development:nxlib-upstream [2011/11/02 22:29]
sunweaver wiki:development:nxlibupstream renamed to wiki:development:nxlib-upstream (Namespace cleanup)
— (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Updating NX libs from NoMachine Upstream ====== 
-The package ''nxcompshad'' will be used for example... 
-===== Update "upstream" branch ===== 
-  * get ''nxcompshad.git'' from X2go Git: 
-$ git clone ssh:// 
-Cloning into nxcompshad... 
-remote: Counting objects: 235, done. 
-remote: Compressing objects: 100% (222/222), done. 
-remote: Total 235 (delta 138), reused 0 (delta 0) 
-Receiving objects: 100% (235/235), 109.78 KiB, done. 
-Resolving deltas: 100% (138/138), done. 
-  * Switch to "upstream" branch 
-nxcompshad$ git checkout upstream 
-Branch upstream set up to track remote branch upstream from origin. 
-Switched to a new branch 'upstream' 
-  * replace old source files with new version from NoMachine upstream 
-  * check changes with "git status", if needed, add new files to upstream branch of Git project 
-  * commit changes and tag new upstream version 
-git commit -a -m "Imported upstream version <upstream-version>" 
-git push origin upstream 
-git tag -s <upstream-version> -m "Upstream version <upstream-version>" 
-git push --tags 
-  * Switch back to master branch 
-nxcompshad$ git checkout master 
-Switched to branch ''master'' 
-===== Update ''master'' branch (x2goagent as example) ===== 
-==== Create "diff" file for old version ==== 
-  * unpack old upstream source (nx-X11, nxagent, nxauth) 
-  * get current GIT version 
-$ git clone ssh:// 
-  * backup/remove ".git" directory from x2goagent to make clean diff 
-mv .git ../.git_backup 
-  * create "diff" file 
-diff -rupN nx-X11/ x2goagent/ > x2goagent.patch 
-after that you can remove both nx-x11 and x2goagent directories 
-==== Patch new upstream version ==== 
-  * unpack new upstream version of nx-X11, nxagent and nxauth 
-  * patch new upstream version with xgoagent.patch 
-$ cd nx-X11 
-$ patch -p1 < ../x2goagent.patch 
-  * rename nx-X11 to x2goagent 
-  * move .git_backup to x2goagent 
-$ mv .git_backup x2goagent/.git 
-==== Push to GIT  ==== 
-  * Release old version with dch -r 
-  * Tag old version 
-$ git tag -s 3.5.0-1 -m "Upstream version 3.5.0-1" 
-$ git push 
-$ git push --tags 
-  * change debian/changelog with dch -i: 
-x2goagent ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low                                                                                                           
-  [ Oleksandr Shneyder]                                                                                                                                       
-  * New upstream version ( - nx-X11-3.5.0-2 nxagent-3.5.0-5 nxauth-3.5.0-1                                                                           
- -- Oleksandr Shneyder <>  Tue, 04 Oct 2011 08:11:22 +0200 
-  * check changes with "git diff" 
-  * check for files to add/remove with git status 
-  * commit changes with debcommit -a 
-  * push to git with "git push" 
wiki/development/nxlib-upstream.1320272971.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)