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wiki:advanced:x2gobroker:plaintexprotocol [2013/03/26 18:29]
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-====== X2Go Session Broker Protocol: Plain Text ====== 
-//Client implementations: X2Go Client (since 3.x.y.z), Python X2Go (planned for 0.6.x.y)// 
-The X2Go project offers a [[;a=summary|public X2Go Session Broker implementation]]. However, there also exist several other implementations in large-scale production deployments. 
-In theory, you can implement your own X2Go Session Broker by meeting some basic demands. 
-This documentation explains a minimal broker implementation along the code of a Perl script. 
-In this example, the X2Go Session Broker consists of two components:  
-  - '''' (a Perl module, the broker backend) 
-  - the broker frontend (either of the below): 
-    - ''x2gobroker.cgi'' (a CGI script written in Perl -> HTTP based broker) 
-    - ''x2gobroker'' (a command line script written in Perl -> SSH based broker) 
-===== X2Go Session Broker: The Backend ==== 
-The package '''' can be considered as the broker backend. It has to implement two functions at minimal (names are arbitrary): 
-  * listProfiles 
-  * selectProfile 
-If you want to use authentication with your session broker, the broker backend also has to provide a function called 
-  * checkAccess 
-A very small and simple broker backend can look like this: 
-package x2gobroker; 
-use strict; 
-use base 'Exporter'; 
-our @EXPORT = ('checkAccess', 'listSessions', 'selectSession'); 
-#we have two sessions 
-sub selectSession 
-  my ($user, $sid)=@_; 
-  if($sid eq "123456789") 
-  { 
-      print "\n"; 
-  } 
-  if($sid eq "abcdefg") 
-  { 
-      print "\n"; 
-  } 
-#do not check authentication data, 
-#return true on any 
-#combination of username/password 
-sub checkAccess 
-        return 1; 
-#configuration for two sessions 
-sub listSessions 
-  my $user=shift; 
-  print "START_USER_SESSIONS<br> 
-name=X2Go Session<br> 
-name= Test X2Go Session 2<br> 
-==== CLient side ==== 
-X2Go client can access a broker module using one of two broker methods. 
-Via HTTP(S) or SSH. 
-HTTP(S) broker is usually CGI script, which can look like: 
-use strict; 
-use CGI; 
-use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); 
-use lib "/usr/lib/x2go"; 
-use x2gobroker; 
-my $cgi = new CGI; 
-my @formValues = $cgi->param(); 
-print $cgi->header(-type    =>'text/html', 
-                         -expires =>'+1h'), 
-      $cgi->start_html(  -title   =>'X2Go Broker', 
-                         -author  =>'', 
-                         -base    =>'true', 
-                         -meta    =>{'keywords'   =>'x2go', 
-                         'description'=>'X2Go Broker'}); 
-if (!checkAccess($cgi->param('user'), $cgi->param('password'), 
-$cgi->param('authid')) == 1) 
-  printNoAccess(); 
-  print $cgi->end_html(); 
-  exit (0); 
-print $cgi->start_form(), 
-$cgi->strong('Access granted'); 
-if ($cgi->param('task') eq 'listsessions') 
-   listSessions($cgi->param('user')); 
-if ($cgi->param('task') eq 'selectsession') 
-   selectSession($cgi->param('user'), $cgi->param('sid')); 
- $cgi->hr(), 
- $cgi->end_form(); 
- print $cgi->end_html(); 
-sub printNoAccess 
-      print $cgi->start_form(), 
-            $cgi->hr(), 
-            $cgi->strong('Access denied'), 
-            $cgi->end_form(); 
-SSH broker can be a simple Perl script, which can look like: 
-use strict; 
-use lib "/usr/lib/x2go"; 
-use x2gobroker; 
-use Getopt::Long; 
-my $user=getlogin(); 
-my $authid; 
-my $task; 
-my $sid; 
-#you don't need to check password on ssh brocker. 
-#But possible you steel want to check auth id 
-#if (!checkAccess($user, $authid) == 1) 
-#  printNoAccess(); 
-#  exit (0); 
-print "Access granted\n"; 
-GetOptions('task=s' => \$task, 
-           'sid=s' => \$sid); 
-if(! $task) 
-    die "parameter --task is required"; 
-if ($task  eq 'listsessions') 
-   listSessions($user); 
-elsif ($task eq 'selectsession') 
-   if(! $sid) 
-   { 
-       die "parameter --sid is required"; 
-   } 
-   selectSession($user, $sid); 
-   die "task \"".$task."\" not implemented on broker\n"; 
-sub printNoAccess 
-      die 'Access denied'; 
-2. How X2Go broker work 
-2.1. Authentication 
-The X2Go client can use different methods of authentication. On HTTP(S) 
-broker it could be username and password. On SSH broker a SSH key 
-authentication can also be used. With both types of broker you can 
-verify additional parameter "authid". It is a user defined string which 
-is saved in file. Path to file can be specified as X2Go Client command 
-line option "--auth-id". You can configure your broker not to check user 
-data as it shown in example above. In such case function checkAccess 
-should always return 1. In example of SSH-Broker this function is not 
-called at all. The broker just print "Access granted" to let X2Go Client 
-know, that authentication is successful. In some setups can make sense 
-to give access to broker without authentication. For example in LAN if 
-broker only serve as load balancer for X2Go Servers. 
-2.2. List of predefined X2Go sessions 
-After successful authentication on broker, X2Go Client will request list 
-of predefined X2Go Sessions. This list look just the same as session 
-file of X2Go Client. The function, that send X2Go sessions to Client 
-look like: 
-sub listSessions 
-  print "START_USER_SESSIONS<br> 
-<br> <session 1>  ]<br> 
-<br> <session 2>  ]<br> 
-The options are the same as in X2Go Client configuration file. There is 
-only a difference in parameters "host" and "key". And there are two 
-parameters which are not supported in configuration file "status" and 
-The "host" parameter it is not necessary a hostname of X2Go server. The 
-actual address of a server will be provided after session selection. It 
-can make sense in a case of load balancing. The best server will be 
-chosen after selection and sent to client. 
-The "key" parameter is also ignored. Key can be provided to client after 
-selection of session too. However, you can set this parameter with some 
-value to inform the Client, that passwordless authentication should be 
-tried, for example: "key=will be provided later". 
-Parameter "usebrokerpass" say, that a user password for this session 
-should not be asked, but broker password should be used instead. It can 
-be useful if the broker and X2Go Server using same authentication server 
-and there is no need to ask the same password twice. It is not 
-recommended to use such authentication with HTTP Broker without SSL 
-Parameter "status" can be one of two values "S" or "R". It can be used 
-to say X2Go Client that an instance (or instances) of this session 
-already running or are suspended on server. X2Go Client will display the 
-status on the Session button. 
-2.3. Selecting a session 
-When predefined sessions are listed in X2Go Client, user can choose a 
-session from sessions list. The id of chosen session will be sent to 
-broker and broker send a connection data back to client. It is 
-responsibility of function "selectSession": 
-sub selectSession 
-  my ($user, $sid)=@_; 
-  if($sid eq "123456789") 
-  { 
-      print "\n"; 
-  } 
-This function send a server address and SSH port for X2Go connection. If 
-no other data are specified a new X2Go session will be created. 
-Broker can also send to Client information, that suspended session 
-should be resumed. In this case broker should also send a session data 
-to Client: 
-sub selectSession 
-  my ($user, $sid)=@_; 
-  if($sid eq "123456789") 
-  { 
-      print "SERVER:phoca:22\n"; 
-      print 
-Broker can get this data from session database or by executing 
-"x2golistsessions $user" on X2Go server. If X2Go Client running in 
-broker mode, it will not verify if there are existing sessions on X2Go 
-server. It is a responsibility of X2Go Broker. Broker should also 
-suspend session before providing session data to client if session is 
-The broker can also provide a SSH Key to client: 
-sub selectSession 
-  my ($user, $sid)=@_; 
-  if($sid eq "123456789") 
-  { 
-      print "SERVER:phoca:22\n"; 
-      print "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- 
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED 
------END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----"; 
- } 
-It can be useful in some cases. It is recommended to transfer such keys 
-only over encrypted channels. It is also recommended to transfer only 
-temporary keys, which should be removed from known_hosts after 
-authorization on X2Go server. 
-3. Configuring X2Go client for connection to broker 
-There are several command line parameters to configure X2Go Client for 
-use with broker: 
-Name of broker to display in X2Go client. This parameter is optional 
-URL of broker. Protocol is "http", "https" or "ssh". You can specify an 
-username in URL. In this case it will be pasted in authorization dialog 
-of X2Go Client. Examples of URL: 
---broker-ssh-key=<path to key> 
-Path to SSH key to use for authorization on broker. This parameter is 
-valid only for SSH broker. 
-Use default SSH key or SSH agent for authorization on broker. This 
-parameter is valid only for SSH broker. 
-Do not ask for user credentials for broker authorizations. This can be 
-useful if you using HTTP(S) broker without authentication. Username will 
-be sent to broker if it specified in broker URL. This option is valid 
-only for HTTP(S) broker. 
wiki/advanced/x2gobroker/plaintexprotocol.1364322544.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/03/26 18:29 by sunweaver