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wiki:advanced:authentication:passwordless-ssh [2011/01/12 15:30]
wiki:advanced:authentication:passwordless-ssh [2013/03/08 13:31]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Passwordless authentication using ssh-keys  ====== 
-===== Linux ===== 
-You'll need to generate a SSH key via the ssh-keygen command. Please choose which key you want to generate (we recommend dsa): 
-$ ssh-keygen -t rsa'' 
-$ ssh-keygen -t dsa 
-This will create following files inside your $HOME/.ssh/ directory: 
-You'll need to transfer the public part of the key to the wanted server. You can do this using the ssh-copy-id command:  
-$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@remote-system 
-$ ssh-copy-id -i /.ssh/ user@remote-system 
-After the transfer you can add the path to the private part of the key to the session preferences inside x2goclient. x2goclient should now establish the connection without asking for a password by simply clicking on the session card view.  
-===== Windows ===== 
-Start a command prompt and navigate to the x2goclient folder, in this example it is **C:\Program Files\x2goclient**. 
-First we generate a DSA key pair (use an empty password phrase if you want SSO): 
-<code dos> 
-C:\Program Files\x2goclient>ssh-keygen.exe -t dsa 
-:!: ssh-keygen.exe prints the path to the key file(s), you will need that in the next step. 
-You'll need to transfer the public key file to the wanted server. You can do this using the scp.exe command with the path that ssh-keygen.exe printed (make sure you transfer the id_dsa**.pub** file): 
-<code dos> 
-C:\Program Files\x2goclient>scp.exe /cygdrive/C/DOCUME~1/<username>/.x2go/.ssh/ username@remoteserver:.ssh/ 
-When the file has been transferred, log on to the remote server with ssh.exe: 
-<code dos> 
-C:\Program Files\x2goclient>ssh.exe username@remoteserver 
-Go to your .ssh folder, add the contents of the public key file to your authorized_keys2 file and then remove the public key file: 
-<code bash> 
-cd ~/.ssh 
-cat >> authorized_keys2 
-You can now add the path to the id_dsa file (the private part of the key) to the session preferences inside x2goclient. x2goclient should now establish the connection without asking for a password by simply clicking on the session card view.  
-You can also create a desktop shortcut which starts the session with the client window hidden; in x2goclient select Session -> "Create session icon on desktop..." -> select session from the list and click the "Create session icon on desktop..."-button. 
-:!: The path to x2goclient.exe in the shortcut may be wrong, edit the shortcut and remove "bin\" from the path and the working directory. 
wiki/advanced/authentication/passwordless-ssh.txt ยท Last modified: 2013/03/08 13:31 (external edit)