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X2Go Events of 2016

Fedora at LISA16 Expo, Boston MA 2016-12-07 & 2016-12-08

LISA stands for Large Installation System Administration. X2Go developer Mike DePaulo is also a packager and ambassador for the Fedora Linux Project, so his primary job was to man the Fedora booth and talk about Fedora. It was hard to show off X2Go to passers-by because Mike forgot the HDMI & VGA adapters for his (triple-boot) Macbook Air.

Nonetheless, he was able to show it off to a few people, including FPL (Fedora Project Lead) Matthew Miller.

Mike & Matt also agreed that Fedora's efforts to use dply to let people to try out Fedora could benefit from X2Go.

Mike DePaulo showing off X2Go to Fedora Project Lead Matthew Miller. Server: GNOME Software running under MATE. Client: GNOME on Wayland

Radio Interview (in German), Radio free FM, Ulm (2016-12-04, 13:00h - 15:00h)

Booth & Talk @ Linuxday.AT 2016, Dornbirn, Austria (2016-11-26)

Hobby & Elektronik 2016, Stuttgart, Germany (2016-11-17 to 2016-11-20)

Booth & Talk (in German) @ IT-Kongress, University of Applied Sciences, Neu-Ulm, Germany (2016-11-10)

Booth & Talk (in German) @ Linux Expo Ulm / LinuxPresentationDay 2016.2, Blautal-Center Ulm, Germany (2016-10-22)

Setting up the booth

IBM Linux on Power Anwendertag, Böblingen, Germany (2016-10-05)

20 Jahre Heise Online, Hanover, Germany (2016-08-27)

X2Go: The Gathering 2016 @ Linuxhotel, Essen, Germany (2016-08-19 - 2016-08-21)

Talk (in German) @ TUEBIX, Tübingen, Germany (2016-06-11)

See for details regarding the talk.

This year, Stefan rocked the show alone, with a surprise visit by Ulrich Sibiller after the talk. We had a room that seats 64 people, and about 2/3 - 3/4 of the seats were occupied. That's quite an improvement over last year's TUEBIX, where h1 only had one visitor to his workshop.

Booth & Talk (in German) @ Linux-Infotag Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany (2016-04-16)

The booth was staffed by Heinz-M. Graesing and Stefan Baur.

See (German) for more info on Heinz' talk.

Our booth @ LITA 2016Same booth, different angle, different camera

Heinz and Stefan discussing X2Go with visitorsHeinz giving a quick demo on his laptop to another visitor

Some more pictures of the event can be found here:

(Entire album here, JavaScript required)

The remote desktops that can be seen in some of these pictures were kindly hosted by Cirrus Computing in Canada.

Lessons learned: One table is not enough! ;-)